
Saturday 26 December 2020

The Day that was . . .

We had a really nice day yesterday. It was sunny and bright and I think it got up to about 16 plus degrees. Not at all what you would expect for Christmas Day, but hey!  Has this year been anything at all expected for the norm? I think not!  This has been the most unusual year all round for everyone!

I thought this was a lovely photograph that I took of our resident Elf Dan.  He really put the "C" in Christmas for us this year. His enthusiasm for everything "holiday" knows no bounds. He did the tree, wrapped gifts, and generally brought a wonderfully festive spirit into our day.  Cindy and I can be a couple of "Sad Sacs" at times with what we've been through over these past months. Dan helps to keep us "up!"  That's a good thing.

Love this photo of him and Dan, even though dad is looking away.  Dad is a bit like a child. he pulls faces when you go to take his photo.  Its hard to get him smiling and looking at the camera. But I did try.

And sometimes I even succeeded! I like this photo of him with my sister. Cindy has the warmest smile. It goes from her eyes right down to her socks.  I have always loved her smile. It has never changed.  It is just a tiny glimpse of that HUGE warm heart of hers. She has to be one of the most compassionate people on the face of the earth. It has always been so.

I like this photo of the three of them also. No photos of me.  I have never liked having my photo taken, Not ever, not a all. I am the most un-photogenic person on the planet. That has not gotten any better with age. If anything I am more un-photogenic now than I have ever been. I was never ever pretty. My sister inherited my mom's beauty. I've just always looked like my dad, which if you are a man is okay, but as a woman, not so okay!

You've undoubtedly heard of Jack-in-the Box's. This is our Pumpkin-in-the-Box. Pumpkin loves the boxes. If there is a box around, she is in it. This was her favourite yesterday and she spent a good part of the day getting in and out of it.  Gary sleeps a lot now so he really wasn't much in evidence. Jazzy spent a great deal of time dive-bombing Pumpkin-in-the-Box. She is a bit intimidated at times by Pumpkin. ("I" am intimidated by Pumpkin, she bites!) Her fear didn't stop Jazzy from taking every opportunity to run at her in the box and give her a tentative tap, always retreating in great haste afterwards! It was so fun to watch!

Facetimes were had with both Doug and his family and Anthony and his family. I enjoyed both of those very much.  Eileen messaged me. She was at her in-laws and is coming over here today. So that will be nice.  

On the blessing front I got a thankyou e-mail from my other DIL including a photo of the baby dressed in Santa Hat surrounded by fairy lights.  I don't want to rock the boat, so will not share, except to say I was ever so pleased. One of the best gifts ever.  

My next best gift was this. 

And I really hope they don't mind me sharing this one photo. There were several but I have tried to pick the most un-obtrusive one. Mitzie has settled well into the new home and is very happy.  That makes me happy.  I think losing her was the saddest part of my whole year.  I suppose that says a lot right there. But I am very happy that she is happy and settled and loved and cared for and she surely is.  She even got a stocking this year.  I am sure she was over the moon with that. She loves her treats, and I am so very grateful to them for loving her in the way that they do.

Amanda put a photo of these two munchkins up. Maryn and Cam. They are getting so big. I am loving the matching pajamas.

Boundless enthusiasm from Doug's house. That is a very rare peek of Josh in the middle. He is very camera shy.  Must be like his grandma. 

Ariana and Grace.  Ari looking stunning as always. This has been a difficult year for her, with being a nurse, etc.  She has had to work extremely hard under very often difficult situations and circumstances. I am sure, very sad also. 

I am so very grateful for our nurses and doctors, caregivers, etc. I wish they got paid as well as football players. They surely deserve it. They are the real heroes.

We cooked our turkey in my mother's old wearever-roaster.  I was so interested to look at the instructions for use booklet that was still intact and kept in the roaster.

Including the original receipt!  Only mom would still have the receipt for something after 66 years. This cookware set was one of her treasures.

If you look closely you can see how much she and my father paid for it. $298.25.  That was quite a lot of money in 1954!  It has paid for itself many times over and, although most of the saucepans are bowed on the bottom now, its still going strong for the most part!

I love the photographs and instructions in the book. Very thorough. 

And this was Christmas Dinner.  Roast Turkey, squash, sweet potato, white potato, potato dressing, a  mix of carrot/parsnip/turnip and peas.  Oh with gravy of course! So delicious.  The best part of the dinner was being surrounded by love and with family.  

Being home for Christmas.  Best gift of all. 

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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Believe there is a great power
silently working all things for good.
Behave yourself and never mind the rest.
~Beatrix Potter•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。 

There is nothing really new in the kitchen today. I've done a coalition of leftover recipes, which can help you to make some delicious options from what is in the refrigerator left from yesterday! Holiday Leftovers

Eileen and Tim are coming for lunch today. I am doing a chacuterie board of cold meats and cheeses, etc.  crackers, fruit, nuts, rolls, potato chips, raw veggies and dips, and sweets from Christmas.  Should be fun!

Have a wonderful Boxing Day or day after Christmas depending on where you are. Be safe and be blessed!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Lovely Marie!! So glad your day was lightened by so many loving kin!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thank you so very much Elizabeth! Happy holidays to you! Lets hope 2021 is a much better year for us all! xoxo

  2. Enjoy the visit with your daughter. You do have a wonderful family and i'm glad you have been able to be reconnected with them all. Family is always best !

  3. Loved seeing your Christmas pictures. Sounds like you had a really nice day yesterday. Encouraging you recived a picture of your newest grandson. It's a tentative start. Hope today was as nice. I'm off to have a hot bath. My neck is very sore today. Must have slept on it wrong. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. It is a very positive move Elaine! Eileen just loved her gift from you! That was so kind of you. I have had a sore neck for a few days also. I, too, think I slept on mine wrong. Love and hugs. xoxo

  4. I loved all your photos today. I missed not seeing a photo of you. The few you have shared have been lovely and I think you are wrong about you in this area. You are a lovely woman.
    I did love the photos of your Dad, Dan and your sweet sister; sweet. Then there are the ones of your grandchildren; awesome. I liked the one of your sweet Mitzie.
    This was a lovely post and I enjoyed it, alot.
    Blessings and hugs!


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