
Monday 7 December 2020

Small and Wonderful Things . . .



"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.   


The First Presidency Christmas Devotional. I always look forward to watching this every year. For me it helps to start off my Christmas season. I really enjoy it. I have not watched it yet, but probably will a some point today or tonight.  Jeffrey R Holland is giving a talk in it, as well as our beloved President Russell M Nelson.  I always love Elder Holland's talks and I love President Nelson's talks as well. He is amazing for his age.  One of the great priviledges when on our Mission was being able to meet him in person, shake his hand and be taught by him, not once but twice. I am looking forward to watching this program.

Dan's holiday enthusiasm.  He really brings it to the table. There is no bah humbug here.  Last night we watched A Christmas Story.  I love that movie! 

I have always loved "A Christmas Story." For me it is a must every year. It really isn't Christmas unless I have gotten to watch it at least once.  Although it takes place much earlier in time than my own childhood, there are many things in it which remind me  of my childhood. Its just a lovely, feel good, festive film. A Christmas Classic. 
Still waiting on that white Christmas.  Will I get it?  Who knows!  One can but hope. Hope springs eternal. 
The cats.  This is Pumpkin and Gary.  They are sitting on the Microwave table in the kitchen. Waiting for treats. They always get them. I could watch these two sitting here for hours. They are so funny. 
Then of course there is Jazzy.  She is the most unusual looking kitten and a bundle of energy. Her head is black, black and her four paws. The rest of her is an unusual colour and indescribable because there is a little bit of everything. I think she is going to be a fluffy cat and those tufts of hair behind her ears are adorable. She's adorable.  A wee bundle of energy. She helps to keep the older cats on their toes. 
This photo of Mitzie came up in my FB feed yesterday as a memory.  Her curls. I am so grateful that I had this little force of nature in my life for as long as I did.  What a great blessing she was to me. Trusting she is well and happy. 

This photograph also came up. She loved my crochet blankets. I have started another one here, but the yarn is not quite as soft as the yarn I got for my other blankets and I am not entirely happy with the colours I was able to find. 
My friend Shirley's nativity scene. I love it. I had several nativity scenes that I had collected through the years.  I get to start collecting them again.  I believe all of the characters in this one are Willow Tree. I can't remember if I was able to get my willow tree angels into my nine boxes or not.  I love their simplicity. 
Focusing on the reason for the season. This brings great comfort to me.  I am ever grateful for that. 
Having family back in my life. For so long I had none. I never dreamed at the start of this year that I would be seeing my father every day and be with my sister, etc. This is the silver lining in a very dark cloud. My father comes every day for supper.  He doesn't stay long. He arrives about half an hour prior to supper and then leaves right after so that he can get home for the news, but it is an extra special blessing to me that I have this opportunity to see him again and spend time with him before it's too late.  He is coming today. I am going to make a salmon pie for supper. He loves salmon pie.  Dan won't be home until this evening as he is working out of town  He is not fond of fish, so this is a great opportunity for us to make something for dad that he really enjoys. 
My sister just opened the front curtain and look at what I just about missed!  Snow!  It won't last, but it is a beautiful little taster of what is to come! 

Now that is what I call the icing on the cake.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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If you feel like you're losing everything
remember trees lose their leaves every year
and still they stand tall and wait for
better days to come  . . . •。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Smoked Cabbage and Sausage.  Deliciously simple.

I hope that you have a beautiful week filled with lots of things that you love and a multitude of blessings.  Don't forget!

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And I do too!  



  1. So good to see so many things you are enjoying. We had cabbage and sausage just the other night for supper. I enjoyed it thoroughly, Keith ate it. LOL Must say I'm a bit jealous of your snow, we haven't had any and aren't likely to get any soon. Much love to your and yours - Raquel XO

    1. It won't last Raquel, the snow. The ground really isn't frozen yet. But it was very nice to see it! Love to you and yours also! xoxo

  2. Love the cats! How nice to be so comfortable there with your family and having meals together. Much better than being all by yourself in the world for sure ! We've had a lot of snow but now it's melting. Not so pretty any more.

    1. It does make a nice change. I am so grateful not to be truly alone Pam. oxox

  3. I wish I had your enthusiasm for snow. I know it will snow here eventually (west coast Canada) but I hope it stays away for as long as possible. We live on a ridge and so we will be snowed in for several days (the longest was two weeks one year) until the snow clears on the road and I get the nerve to drive down the steep hill. I guess when it does happen it will be just another layer of isolation that we are all experiencing right now.

    1. Yes, I have not experienced being snowed in for a very long time now. I can imagine that it would not be very nice to experience in the light of all we are going through at the moment. Especially if you are alone. xoxo

  4. The little things are so important to treasure.

  5. Hi Marie~

    I can see, and almost hear it in your writing, that you are settling in. I can only imagine how hard it has been, even though you are home, loved, and welcome, it is still an adjustment. What a treat to see your father every day! And to be able to make supper for him...oh how would love to see my father again, you are so very lucky! We haven't had snow for almost a month. In fact my lawn is starting to turn green, we really need it to snow! Bob doesn't love the snow but I do, as long as I don't have to drive in it. Those cats and little black kitten are so beautiful! I love cats! My daughter has two cats that live in her garage. They venture out when she is out, but they don't like the cold. I love going over and cuddling with them. The Christmas tree is beautiful, I love a tree with colored lights. I was not home for the devotional, but plan on watching it's always a perfect start to the Christmas season. I love the photos of Mitzie, she is a beauty! The other day, I was making dinner and I felt something fall on my hand. It was a black hair from Cole! I don't know where it came from, as I was just in the kitchen and it has been cleaned MANY times since his passing. I guess it was just a little reminder that they are always with us.

    Have a wonderful week, Marie XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Thanks Barb! How wonderful that you had that little remembrance of Cole. Always just when we need them. The tender mercies of the Lord. Love and hugs. Xoxo

  6. Lovely how everyday happenings can bring such comfort to us from the kitties to a salmon pie supper with your dad. Hope you get your white Chrustmas. Love and hugs, Elaine

  7. It is so good to visit and see/hear of your happy days and times there with your family now--JOY! How sweet are those kitties!! LOVE that Willow Tree Nativity!! I love the Willow Tree angels, we have a few collected. We love A Christmas Story! Have seen that film every Christmas since childhood--gotta have it! And so pretty the snow--and in the glow of the fairy lights! :) ((LOVE & HUGS))

    1. Thanks Tracy! I hope you and TJ are both well and happy! Love and hugs! Xoxo

  8. I do hope you were able to watch the Christmas Devotional. It was so wonderful and uplifted my heart. President Nelson is remarkable and I love that he is leaving blessings upon us.
    The tree looks lovely and I love that you are with your sister and Dan. I especially love that you can be with your Father. Enjoy all the moment with him. I would love the recipe for Salmon Pie. It sounds delicious.
    The Christmas Story is a good one that I haven't seen for a while.
    Those cats are adorable. We used to have cats and I always loved having them around. Love the photo of your precious Mitzie.
    I have always wanted to do a collection of Nativities. We do have three different ones and I love them.
    No snow here yet, and I have a feeling we may not get any.
    Right now in Utah, we are in drought conditions.
    Have a great week dear friend.
    Blessings and hugs!

    1. It was just wonderful LeAnn! I really enjoyed it! I wish everyone would watch it! What a beaut way to feel the Christmas spirit! Love and hugs. Xoxo


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