
Sunday 13 December 2020

If we knew . . .


  If we knew . . . just how much time was left for us . . . how many years or months . . . or weeks . . . we'd cease to fret and fuss about the unimportant things that fill our lives today, making every hour we spend precious before they slipped away forever.

If we knew . . . exactly what the span would be . . . how much more would we value our time and how much more would we live each minute gratefully . . . wasting none of it's treasure and sifting the false from the truth . . . making up for all the time we squandered. 

 Truth is, we all know our time here in this plane of existance is numbered . . .
and that the end will come for some of us sooner than later . . . but somehow I feel that whenever it comes, it will be too soon . . . unless I make each day count that much more.

Remind me how brief my time on earth will be.
Remind me that my days are numbered . . .
how fleeting my life is.
You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand.
My entire lifetime is just a moment to you;
at best, each of us is but a breath."
~Psalm 39:4 

Knowing exactly when our end will be shouldn't make each day more precious. We should learn to value and appreciate each day for what it is anyways . . . a gift from above . . . learn to savour each and every moment, living each day as if it were our last. Finding joy in every moment of the now and not worrying about a past which has already gone and cannot be changed . . . or a future which may never be.

Savour the now . . . to draw ever closer to the Saviour. Live for each moment, and make every day count as if it were my last, get healthier. Heal. Set up a home of my own. Find peace and happiness. Repair broken relationships. Those are my goals for 2021. What are some of yours?  

We had a pretty busy day yesterday. We were out and about by 9 am.  First to the Superstore. We picked up a nice ham for New Years (spiral ham!) I can't wait!  We also got a bargain on a whole Beef Tenderloin, which we will cut up for steaks, etc.  Then we went to WalMart and I picked up some money cards, etc. to send to my older grands, and a Christmas present for my youngest grandson. Then we went to Sobey's and we picked up a turkey for Christmas dinner.  My sister usually gets one from work, but you can never rely on that 100% so we got one just to be sure we had one.  I used to literally have nightmares when my family was younger about things like forgetting to do the Christmas shopping, or buying a turkey, even buying Halloween Candy. Not sure what that says about me.

I made us Turkey burgers for supper. I thought they were really good, but that's me. I think I am the only one in the house who really likes turkey, lol   

Then last evening Cindy, Dan and I played Yatzee. I really enjoyed the game. Its nice to be with people who aren't content to just sit in front of the television all night. I think living with an old person was making me older before my time. So grateful for this sister and BIL for putting some life back into my life and for just loving me.  

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Remembering this  . . . She loved that snowman on the tree skirt.
It fascinated her, like a play toy she couldn't get loose.

A thought to carry with you . . .

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The journey between what you once were 
and who you are now becoming 
is where the dance of life really takes place. 
~ Barbara DeAngelis•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Peach Crumble. Simply delicious.

Have a wonderful and blessed Sunday. Whatever you get up to don't forget! 

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And I do too!  


  1. Look at you and all you do now!!Amazing lol.. I can assure you though even many young people just watch tv at night:)But FUN..I love girls do too..Jacques hates them lol

    1. Games can help to pass the time and are a lot of fun! Xoxo

  2. So glad you are enjoying being with the people you live with now. You do sound happy! What a blessing it is to be around those we love. I often wish I didn't live alone, but that's the way it is and probably for the best. I've become very set in my ways.

    1. I am lucky not to be on my own for sure Pam! I count that as a blessing! Xoxo

  3. A busy day for you, and a fun evening too. We love games, haven’t played yatze for awhile. I also love jigsaw puzzles. Enjoy the day.

  4. Spiral ham, beef tenderloin, turkey! You shall not go hungry. It must be lovely for you to be able to shop in "Canadian" stores once again. We have to make each moment joyful. Sweet picture of Mitzie. Yatzee is such fun. Haven't played for years. Hope your Sunday has been great. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. They were all on offer, but yes we will be well fed over the holidays! Just have to do some baking now! I think the beef tenderloin will be cut into steaks and frozen for use over time! Love and hugs! Xoxo

  5. It is so true that we should live each moment in joy and not be concerned with the past. I need to at times live more in the present. I do look forward to the future and think about the things I would like to accomplish.
    I know once this pandemic is over, I will have great joy in being with my family again. We are setting up a Zoom call for Christmas Eve. We have always had a Family Christmas Party with a Nativity program. I'm sad that can't happen. However, we will add some of that to our Zoom call.
    I think it is awesome that you got your shopping done. I still have a bit to do. We aren't doing as much this year; more gift cards than anything.
    Have a sweet week dear friend, sending hugs!


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