
Tuesday 10 November 2020

Sometimes . . .

 I am sitting here at 3:27 in the morning, having woken up at 2:00 am.  This is called jet lag.  I wake up at all odd times and have problems getting back to sleep.  Today has been particularly difficult. I did something I should never have done. I found myself awake in bed and  I decided to scroll through my e-mails. I came upon a comment which someone left on here during the night.  It was particularly vile and accusatory. I know that if you are going to blog you need to expect that not everyone will be kind, and I get that.  But sometimes people can be very cruel . . .  very willing, and . . .  perhaps even eager . . .  to kick someone while they are down. 

When someone commits a crime, be it against adults or children, or whoever, there are many, many victims.  My husband committed a despicable crime.  A crime that I was completely in the dark about.  I knew nothing about who he was or what he did, not now, and not in the past. I knew nothing of the crimes he committed before I met him. I knew nothing about the crimes and despicable acts he committed while I was married to him.  I knew only who he presented to me, who he told me he was, and what he chose to tell me about his life.  

I trusted him as someone is supposed to trust someone they marry and are married to.

In May of 2000, I met whom I thought was a lovely man on a church website. We chatted for several months before we decided meet each other in person. In September of that year, I came over here to the UK to meet this man I had been talking to.  What I met was a very charming man, and what appeared to be a very kind man.  A man who was well respected by his chuch community and friends. A man who appeared to love the Lord as much as I loved the Lord. A man, I came to think of as someone I could indeed share my life with.   

I knew his real name was Sidney, but he had a very plausible reason for that, and a story behind his use of the name Todd. I, myself, grew up being called Alice, but now use the name Marie. As Marie is my first name, its just easier for me to use it rather than keep explaining all the time why I am called Alice.  People get given nicknames. Its a very common thing, so when someone tells me Sidney is their real name, but they have used the nickname Todd since their army days, who am I to call them a liar? 

If I was guilty of anything it was of being incredibly naive and trusting.  

People who can do the things my husband did are incredibly charming people.  They are not odd.  They appear completely normal.  They appear very kind and appealing to those that they meet and invite into their inner circle. This is how they get away with the things that they do.  

Serial killers don't walk around with a stamp on their forehead saying "serial killer," rapists don't have tattoos saying "rapist," and pedophiles do not have a sign around their necks saying "pedophile."  That's why and how they get away with the things that they do.  Innocent people get hurt all the time because of the ability these people have to hide just who and what they are.  They have spent years perfecting the stories and the lies and kind,innocent, and trusting people are all too often, always their victims. 

Does my heart agonise about the people my husband has hurt through the years??? 

Absolutely. I have cried many, many tears over them. My heart has shattered into a million pieces over the lives that will never be the same because of his actions. I will never know just how many people he has hurt through the years or the extent of the crimes he has committed. There are probably dozens, and I cannot undo that.  I cannot change that, but trust me if I could, I would wave a magic wand over them and heal all of the hurts. There are no magic wands.  There is no magic heal. 

Victims come in many shapes and forms.

If you (this unamed person who chose to leave a vile comment and judgement on here about me and my integrity as a person) think I have no concern for my husband's victims, then you don't know me.  If you think that I show no concern and feel none of their hurt or pain, then you don't know me. Of course I do. I have felt incredible shame over his actions.  I carry the shame of that in my heart, knowing that he shows no remorse over what he has done, not to them, not to me, not to anyone. 

As unbelievable as it may seem, I (as his wife) have never been told exactly what he did. Nobody has filled me in with the details of anything. That has been left to my imaginations and from whatever I could glean online from recent newspaper articles. In fact, to this date, I have not officially even been told that he received a Prison sentence. To find that out I had to search and search. Nobody, and especially not him, has told me a damn thing. He simply left our home one day, and never came back.

I dared to marry a man and believe what he told me about who he was. Just like anyone who falls in love with someone and marries them. If I am guilty of anything, it is of being too trusting and too believing. I, too, am a victim of this despicable person.  I have had to walk away from everything because of his actions. Being honest, and trusting and naive has cost me dearly, and on many levels.( I am not talking about physical belongings here. Those can always be replaced.)

I can never undo what he did. I can never heal their hurts. I can never change what happened. That doesn't mean that I am unfeeling, or uncaring . . .

You have accused me of being a narcissist and "playing" the Victim. You don't know me. You don't know my heart. You don't know my sorrows. You don't know my pain. Thank you very much for victimising me again. I really needed that. 

Yes, my husband was a convicted Pedophile when I married him, but I truly had no knowledge of that.  Yes, I lived with him for twenty years, totally oblivious of who he really was and the things that he did. Yes, he did it again during the time we were married and yes, I had no knowledge whatsoever of that either.  Yes, I am stupid and blind and too trusting, and maybe a bazillion of other things.

But I am also a human being.  And I am imperfect.


  1. Dear, dear Marie...I so hope you saw my email too!! You are indeed a victim...someone he also used for his own uses. And you certainly get no criticism from those of us who have gone through similar things (or for my daughter ongoing with the help of the courts). Please block that ignorant person. And don't take a bit of those bad words to heart!! You are an awesome person...keep on keeping on!!
    HUGS and love, Elizabeth xoxo

  2. You are a beautiful soul and human being.You don't carry any fault on your shoulders.Try not to look back (I know how difficult must be).Rely on the love of your dearest,they are your companions now and may God always be on your side!

  3. Dear Marie...Crying along with you! how sad and sorry I am that someone chose to leave you such uncaring comments, and at such a time. Sadly, there are people who seem to love to hurt people with words, and especially when they're already down. I know it's hard, but that person does not know you...they are not your friend, if they were they would not have said such hurtful things. How shocked and grieved I am to learn of Todd's truth, his past. To learn such truths are hard to heal. I can't help but think of the day, years ago, when we all met and how lovely that day was--what a gift! But a part of me feels sad now, as we were one of many fooled too, I guess. Know that true friends are behind you as you enter this time of healing! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  4. Marie, I cannot imagine what you are going through. Please remember that you are not responsible for what someone else did. He did those vile things, not you. It is hard when you trust someone and they betray that trust in such a way. Just keep looking up and focusing forward. There will always be stupid people who don't understand. That is their problem, not yours. Much love - Raquel XO

  5. I cannot believe someone is hurting you while you are down.Hard to imagine while up..but down is so disgraceful.
    You have so much on your mind..on your plate.You need compassion
    Take care don’t even pay attention.It is bullying in a different fashion.Shame on them.

  6. Marie what has happened to you has happened to other people too. Your not the only woman who woke up one day to discover she'd
    Married a monster.
    Psychopaths, narcissist's are very charming.
    We see them every day in the course of our lives. They are able to conceal their true selves from their families very well. Here in the US not to long ago, we had a charming family man named Dennis Rader.
    Rader was a deacon in his church, a boy scout leader. He was employed by a company that installed security systems in people's homes.
    He was respected and beloved by his family and community.
    One sunny day,his wife awoke to discover he'd been arrested for torturing,raping and murdering a lot of innocent people. Including little children. He murdered his neighbor. He was known as the BTK killer.
    His family was in shock,the people in his church,the company he worked for were all in shock. Many people said his wife had to know.
    They wanted a scape goat. They did not blame his church,the security company he was employed by or the boy scouts.
    No,they blamed his wife.
    You are paying dearly for your husband's crimes.
    You've lost your marriage,home, belongings
    and your way of life. He even took your dog from you.
    But God has given you a new life.
    Your home with your loved ones. He will take care of you. He will heal your broken heart.
    I can't imagine what it would feel like to find out the person you love and trust was an evil monster.
    Don't read those comments any more.
    Just delete them. The internet makes it easy to be vicious and hide your identity.
    You have lots of people who care about you.
    Don't you let anyone else victimize you.
    You didn't do anything wrong.
    Now, take a warm bath,have a cup of tea
    And get some rest.
    I'm praying for you.

  7. Dear Marie my heart is breaking for you none of this is your fault you are a great person I pray that you find your happiness with your family God bless you Marie sending you hugs

  8. I am so sorry for thoughtless comments. I am so thankful you made safely out of the situation, if not a lottle worse for wear. I was a victim of sexual abuse by a member of my church when I was very young, and some of the incidents happened right in our house full of people. My family hadn't a clue, so I easily can see how this can and does happen. My mom always said when she found out that she was just too trusting and naive. But what is life without trust? These things happen, and it's terrible and shatters lives, but the one to blame is the perpetrator, not the people left in his path of destruction.

    Continuing to pray for you and rejoice that you are 'home'.

  9. Good advice from everyone, Marie. You are to be admired. You took your courage firmly in both hands and said, enough is enough! And you came home. Home to Canada, home to Nova Scotis, home to your children and grandchildren, your dad, your sister and brother. Here you will heal, here you will find love and acceptance, here you will not be blamed for things you did not do. Now, go take that hot bath. Love and hugs, Elaine

  10. Dear Marie, you are such a strong and good woman. Hold tight to Jesus Christ, as I know you are and will continue to do. He knows your heart and story and loves and understands. Take the time to mourn, to grieve and finally to heal. Prayers coming to you from Utah.

  11. Take care,Marie - just delete those kind of ignorant comments. Rest,get acclimated in your lovely Nova Scotia with your family.

  12. Feel so sad you have to endure speculation and cruelty on top of everything else xx

  13. So sorry someone had the nerve to leave you cruel comments after all you've had to go through. Yes, delete them and forget about them. Your true friends will be sticking with you and you have many. Forget the past and move on to the new life ahead of you. You are not responsible for anything he did.

  14. Joining the choir of love and support here for you again today Marie. While we cannot prevent the slings and arrows of hateful words and actions designed to inflict hurt and harm upon us, we can limit or negate the damage of their intent by not giving them free rent in our minds and our thoughts. You are loved <3

  15. Joining the choir of love and support here for you again today Marie. While we cannot prevent the slings and arrows of hateful words and actions designed to inflict hurt and harm upon us, we can limit or negate the damage of their intent by not giving them free rent in our minds and our thoughts. You are surrounded with love <3

  16. The person who left that comment has never been truly deceived by someone they love. Otherwise, they would be a bit more understanding. I know pedophilia is a strong trigger for some, but blame the criminal. I am so sorry you are having to endure this. But keep in mind, a comment or two in emails or on blogs is not near as bad as being harassed or abused in person. Had you stayed in the UK, you could very well be facing that now. I'm sure that doesn't help much, but I always look for the silver linings. Concentrate now on the positive comments, and the support of your family who are now so close to you. They will be your strength and love during this difficult time.

  17. Oh Marie-- as if you haven't endured enough. There are no words. People can be insensitive and cruel.Glad you listened to Tony and left when you did. It seems that was the perfect timing. And now you are safely in Canada with your family, and I know the Lord will not leave you comfortless. Prayers for a very blessed new chapter in your life--beyond anything you could imagine. The Lord loves you and has great plans for you. (((Hugs))) <3>

  18. Marie, God has got your back, he is carrying you through this. There is no stronger an Allie than him. You have nothing to feel guilty for, you have done no wrong. Ignore the nasty comment, she knows not you and is probably just out to hurt someone with words and this time she chose you. The ones that count are family and you are only a short time away from being hugged and protected by them. As others have said, take a soak in the bath, release all those negative thoughts and sleep tight. You are a brave lady. Much love xxxx

  19. Your true friends love and support you. You are his greatest victim, totally blameless. Guilty only of being a loving and trusting wife. Don’t open anonymous e-mails and unfriend those who leave critical remarks. You are just at the very start of your new life. It WILL get better. Keeping you in our prayers. Angharad

  20. Marie - Let the positive comments be your strength. I admire what you have been able to do and accomplish. The mistakes others have made are not yours. Rebuild your life surrounded by your family and their love. I look forward to reading about your new life in Canada. I will keep you I’m my prayers. Keep writing to help strengthen your mind and your soul. Your good life is your revenge for someone hurting you. Finish your quarantine and take on life in Nova Scotia!

  21. Well sweet friend, I could tell that whatever happened was a very serious offence and I can't even for a minute believe that someone would put blame on you. That person is sick too.
    You are a beautiful woman with a strong testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You know that the Savior will walk through you as you heal from this dreadful experience. I can't imagine the pain on this one. I know that you will make it through it and be even stronger than before. You must never place blame on yourself and think you could have known in someway. There are those that lie and deceive and actually believe their own lies. I have a family member that can do this one perfectly. I fear for the end result here.
    I look forward as you re-build your life and have joyous moments with you family. I'm excited for you. Soon this will be easier and will get better as you let the Atonement of Jesus Christ work through you. You are going to be a powerful influence on many from going through this terrible experience.
    I have loved learning about all your friends, who tenderly helped you get prepared to leave. I am grateful for your kind Bishop too. I know you will nurture many new friendships as you adjust to your new life.
    Sending prayers, love and hugs your way!

  22. Dear Marie, hold your head high and know you are loved and valued by so many. Please. The person that made that ugly comment is small, inconsequential, hard hearted and sad. Please enjoy all the lovely comments and take them to heart and move on. Looking forward to your delightful words and photos. xo,V

  23. Marie, you don't know me from Adam. I used to read your blog regularly when I worked, but then I retired almost three years ago and I stopped reading my blogroll regularly. I was updating the blogroll this morning and dropped in for the first time in what seems like forever.

    I am floored at what has happened to you and am sitting here crying. I'm so sorry. I am glad you still have supportive family and friends, but this is so cruel to have happened to you. And even to have lost sweet Mitzie.

    God bless you in this new turn of your life.

  24. My dear Marie of course you are a víctim too.
    What hard and painful is all this Marie.
    Of course is difficult and he hurt you oh dear I dont understand why some people are like this.
    Honestly Im naive Luke you many times shocked me know how were some persons. And yes we never are ready.
    Really hard. But nobody have to disturb you with more pain that you have.
    You lost a lot so if someone disturb you block him or her.
    You still have to care of you because you are a víctim too.

  25. My dear Marie of course you are a víctim too.
    What hard and painful is all this Marie.
    Of course is difficult and he hurt you oh dear I dont understand why some people are like this.
    Honestly Im naive Luke you many times shocked me know how were some persons. And yes we never are ready.
    Really hard. But nobody have to disturb you with more pain that you have.
    You lost a lot so if someone disturb you block him or her.
    You still have to care of you because you are a víctim too.

  26. Marie, I sincerely hope you know it wasn’t me and that I am so so sorry that someone has made disgusting remarks. The only thing you deserve is to move on and find happiness again. If you ever wanted the details I would be happy to fill you in, but I truly believe You’re better off not knowing but I understand that living in a sort of limbo is enough to drive anyone’s mind wild. I love you. K x

  27. Marie, I sincerely hope you know it wasn’t me and that I am so so sorry that someone has made disgusting remarks. The only thing you deserve is to move on and find happiness again. If you ever wanted the details I would be happy to fill you in, but I truly believe You’re better off not knowing but I understand that living in a sort of limbo is enough to drive anyone’s mind wild. I love you. K x


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!