
Thursday 19 November 2020

My Favourite Things . . . 

These are a few of my favourite things. Maybe some of them are your favourites too. It is a good to take your mind off things that are bringing you down and to dwell on the good more often than not. You can admire without wanting. What can I say, I like to look at pretty things! 
What's not to love about this blouse.  Flower sprigged, bow, collar, light as air  . . . pink . . .  

3/4 sleeves . . .  they hide a multitude of sins  . . . 

Embroidered socks.  They look cosy and warm  . . . 

Visible mending as opposed to invisible mending  . . .  
The white stuff  . . . 

Oh my goodness  . . . 

A room with a view  . . . 

Hidden spaces  . . . 

Morning light  . . .  and wood floors  . . . 


Frosted window panes  . . . 

Kitty love  . . . 

Dominoes  . . . 

Delicate  . . . .

Oh my  . . . 


Having a choice  . . .  

Jane Austin  . . . 

Red hair  . . . 

These colours  . . .

A top knot  . . . 

This  . . .  just be happy  . . . 

And those are my favourite things for this week!  I hope some of them were yours too! 

Doug quickly facetimed me last night to tell me that he and Jon are going to try to pop over from the Island this weekend before things lock down again.  Just for a day.  Leaving early Saturday morning and then returning on Sunday.  He really wants to see me, and I really want to see him.  They will stay in a motel on Saturday night if they can do it. If he can, then that's great, but if he can't, well I know it will happen sometime. Better they/we be safe than we all be sorry. 

So one more sleep and I will be outta here.  I will pack up my suitcases today, ready to go.  They are heavy. I hope we can manage them alright. Maybe if one pulls and one pushes.  My sister's hubby will be working. 

Once again, I want to say thank you so very much to all of you for your prayers and your support. You have helped to get me through probably one of the most difficult periods of my life thus far.  And I know its not over yet, but the worst of it probably is. (I hope I am not tempting fate here.) You have been the Saviour's hands in my life. I want you to know that you have delivered many tender mercies to me, without even knowing it.  

When a person is going through something really hard, knowing that people are here for you, supporting you in whatever way that they can, that  . . . means everything.  I am so very grateful to each and every one of you.  I truly am.

I know I still have hard stuff to do.  Plenty of hard stuff.  But you and your prayers, and words of encouragement have helped me to believe in myself and my ability to do the hard things. I thank you sincerely for your faith and support in me. I hope to never let you down. 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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Manage with 
bread and butter until
God sends the honey . . .
~Moroccan Proverb•。★★ 。* 

In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Crispy Smashed New Potatoes.  A fingerfood sensation.  For a Quarantine finger food platter.  

I hope you have a wonderful Thursday filled with some of your favourite things, but most important of all, some of your favourite people in one way or another!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!   


  1. Oh how excited you must be! So, so happy for you. We had a bit of a surprise, we're having company this weekend. Keith's daughter and the grandsons are coming over. We'll have pizza Friday night and then I'll fix a Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday. This is the last weekend before hunting season. Much love - Raquel

    1. SOunds like a party Raquel! I can't wait to have some of my cousins pizza. He owns the pizza place in town! I hope you have a lovely time together! xoxo

  2. To be among a lot of kin who obviously love you, Marie...what a gift...even with hard things ahead, no doubt their support will help get you through, as well as GOD of course!! Love all the pretties here...I am like you, I can admire lots of things with no desire to have them myself!! Wishing you all the best,
    HUGS, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thank you so much Elizabeth! I have enjoyed so much all of the prayers and readings you have sent to me. I copied some of them into my journal. You have been and are a great friend. Love you. xoxo

  3. There's a spring in your step I have not see in months actually..weirdly..I felt something was amiss before you shared.
    When my Littles were little and excited about an upcoming something theye would say..In how many more dodos(cute childish slang for sleeps)?
    One more DODO!

    1. Thanks Monique, I was feeling out of sorts about things for a while. You are very perceptive. Oh, I love that, DODOS! One more DODO! Yes! xoxo

  4. So pleased that you're almost ready to join your family! All the photos are sweet - love that little hidden away bed!
    And your smashed potatoes make me hungry! I will try them. I wanted to comment on The English Kitchen, but for whatever reason, couldn't today.
    Have a great day!

    1. Who knows Mary! The mysteries of the internet! Thank you! I love pretty things. xoxo

  5. I love to be a little mouse in the corner when you are reunited in person with your family. The excitement is contagious. I'm so happy you've made it through the quaretne and can now hold each other in person!

  6. Wonderful ‘favorite things’!! So happy for you today, God bless you and yours. V

    1. Thanks so much V, God is indeed very good! xoxo

  7. So many lovely favourites today Marie, just imagine the buildings that house those magnificent windows. Sheep that look like something out of Harry Potter, and Kittens! <3

    Fingers crossed you will be able to see your Doug this weekend xx

    1. I am really hoping I will see Doug Jen! Those buildings with the windows and the sheep, etc. Very Harry Potteresque for sure! xoxo

  8. Love the favorite things! I am so excited for you to be able to move on with your new life tomorrow. Stay safe and keep on writing.

  9. Such a happy day for you tomorrow. Hugs with everyone. You have been fantastic during thus tine, the wobbles made you stronger. The light has been on at the end if the tunnel fir you during all this and you are about to leave the tunnel ❤️

    1. This is indeed the light at the end of the tunnel Linda! Oh, I know there will be a few more wobbles, that's life. In the meantime I am so grateful to be where I am and with what I have accomplished thus far! xoxo

  10. You will probably be too excited to sleep tonight, Marie. Lovely that you might see Doug and Jon, too., as well as your dad, Cindy, Dan, Eileen and Tim. Family! Can't wait to hear all about it tomorrow. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. It is indeed going to be a very happy day/weekeend Elaine! You were right. Very little sleep! But the excitement was well worth it! Love and hugs, xoxo

  11. I loved the blouses and for me, I must have 3/4 sleeves at least. It does cover my arm problems. The socks are adorable. I do love white dishes and the china cupboard too. I love, love the bathtub. We had an old fashioned tub years ago. I loved it.
    I kitty photo is the best. It's been years since we have had kittens, but do love to watch them play .Those sheep are adorable.
    Jane Austin books are the best. I do love the red hair. I have a granddaughter with long red hair.
    The yarn colors are a favorite.
    I do hope your sweet family gets to come for a moment.
    Thanks for sharing all of this; even though some of it has been very hard. You do inspire and strength me with how brave you have been.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!


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