
Wednesday 28 October 2020

Wednesday Thoughts . . .

If there is a silver lining to the recent time change at all it is this.  Waking up an hour earlier in the morning means that I have an extra hour each morning to think, to pray, to plan, to listen to something uplifting and enlightening. The last few mornings I have just been listening to conference talks in bed, revisiting some of my favourites from this last conference and catching up with a few that I hadn't listened to yet. So not a waste of time, it helps to set me up for the day.

There is nothing like having to go through everything you own and ponder on the value of taking it forward with you.  If you are suddenly given the option of condensing everything you own into a few boxes worthy of  carrying forward with you, you quickly learn to be a lot more discerning about what you choose to take up space in your life. This is not entirely a bad thing. 

These last few weeks I have spent plenty of time thinking about and assessing the last twenty years of my life. It has been filled with many blessings. I have been happy for the most part and I can't let my current situation take away from that joy which I have felt, even if much of it was based on a foundation of lies. I have learned many things, experienced many things, seen many places that I never would have otherwise. I have also accomplished a great deal that I might not have done so otherwise.

I can remember back in the 1980's telling my now ex sister-in-law that I was going to write a book one day and her poo-pooing me.  Well here I am in 2020 having written not one but two and with a third waiting in the wings, although I am not entirely sure I want to move forward with that now.  It matters not, the fact is I have written them and I have been published and that is a real achievement. One which many people never achieve. I don't think I would ever have had the confidence to do it if I hadn't taken the route I did in my life.

I was just a small town girl from nowhere really, a woman who had always been a stay at home mom, and yet I found  myself living in a beautiful cottage, on the corner of a Manor Estate in the garden of England, working and cooking for American millionaires. Me, who had only ever cooked for family and friends, and never professionally. When I look at that, it was a major achievement, and something to feel proud about.  This was all my doing,  based on my talents and hard work. Nobody can take that away from me. 

I cooked for royalty! And they enjoyed what I had prepared.  That young 9 year old girl clipping recipes out of her mother's magazines would never have imagined it to ever be possible.  

That young girl who painstakingly wrote out plays for her friends to act out in the garage for the children in the neighborhood to watch, has written books.  Books that people have wanted to buy.  

I have art and creations of mine sitting in spaces all around the world. My stupid little drawings and thoughts  and dolls and creations have brought joy to many, and in turn brought joy to me. 

Who knows if I would have had the confidence to show the world these things, let alone mail them off to people if I had not gained the confidence in myself that I gained in having worked at the manor.  I was always such a shy person and had so little faith in myself and my abilities. 
My years as a member of the church and in this environment where I was able to grow and to flourish have done wonders for me in that area.  I can feel good about those things. 

A living statue next to the golden ball in Strasbourg, Austria.
This one played beautiful music.

I've been to Germany three times, Austria, Belgium, France on numerous occasions, Scotland, Wales and all over England.  I've seen the birthplace of Mozart and the Spanish Pyrenees. I  have prayed in the Grotto of Massabielle at Lourdes and walked/climbed the stations of the cross on the hillside next to the Sanctuaires Notre-Dame de Lourdes. I was able to get my father a special rosary from this holy place and holy water for my Aunt Thelma.  

I have gone on beautiful hikes through the stunning countryside in the South of France and wandered the cobbled streets of medieval towns.  I've walked the hillsides that Beatrix Potter walked and enjoyed the great beauty of the countryside frequented and written about by many of the great poets, Keats, Wordsworth, Byron, Tennyson, etc.  I have sat in the school desk of William Wordsworth, spent time in the cottage home of he and his sister, and their childhood home.  I have seen firsthand where Jane Austin wrote and penned many of her missives. I have walked the streets that Charles  Dickens walked.

I have visited the childhood home of Anne Boleyn many times, and the homes of Winston Churchill and Rudyard Kipling. I have explored the Tower of London and walked the mall to Buckingham Palace.  Seen the changing of the Guard and all of the palaces, Buckingham, Kensington, Windsor, Hampton Court. I have shopped in Harrads, and Harvey Nichols and the great Borough Market.  

Jean Christophe Novelli and myself

I have been on television and rubbed elbows with many great British Chefs.  I have won a National Industry Award and attended a banquet and awards ceremony at the infamous Savoy Hotel. I've explored the British Museum and the Victoria & Albert Museums.

I have travelled the lands of Outlander and stood in the midst of ancient stone circles, touching the stones.  I have danced in the Cavern where the Beatles got their beginnings and touched the walls covered with millions of signatures of Beatles pilgrims. 

I have made wonderful and life lasting friendships with people whom I love dearly. 

And I share none of this to brag because I am not that person, but only to acknowledge many of the blessings that I have been afforded by having lived here. 

There will be so many things that I will miss.   The lush green countryside, the beautiful hillsides dotted with sheep and hedgerows, stone walls, blooming heather, salt of the earth humble people who have only ever been kind to me. No mosquitoes, very little snow, and yes the rain.  This is where I learned that people don't actually melt in the rain.

But I have a new adventure awaiting me and I am eager to embrace it, even if it comes at great cost.  All things in life that are worth having come with a cost.  I am happy to say that most of the time I am quite happy to pay it. I am looking very much forward to being near my family again, seeing my father, spending time with my loved ones and seeing/experiencing the next adventure this life has to offer me.  I just have to get through the hard stuff first. 

My but it didn't half rain cats and dogs yesterday when Tina and I went to the hospital to have my blood tests. I don't think I have ever experienced rain like that. I sat in the car for a few minutes waiting for it to pass, but had to finally bite the bullet and just run (and by that I mean fast walk) for it! Thankfully we were able to park quite close to the clinic due to Tina's blue badge. Job done and now all I have to do is to wait for the results, which I hope are favourable! 

I have been trying to cancel my America's Test Kitchen membership this morning and there does not seem to be an easy way to do so. I don't want them taking payment for it in November so it is really important that I cancel it now.  I wish sites like this didn't make things so difficult for you. Its quite annoying.  I have sent them an e-mail, which hopefully someone will read! 

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day.  Miztie appears to be unwell this morning. She hasn't eaten a thing and was gagging earlier. I hope I am not in for another session of diarrea etc. with her. 😟 I hate her being unwell. I worry so much about her. She is due for her booster tomorrow as well.  

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"You can't go back 
and change the beginning,
but you can start where you are
and change the ending.
~C. S. Lewis  •。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today, Spiced Crispy Roasted Potatoes.  Quick, easy and most delicious! 

Have a beautiful day and don't forget!  

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And I do too!  





  1. A well lived life! many accomplishments..and so much to look forward to!

  2. Beautifully written, Marie. You're definitely a writer. Don't let what happened take away from the joy of what was. You have new dreams now. You go girl! Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine! I just need to hang in there! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. You have so much to be thankful for and you are right in that nothing worth having ever comes easy\ Counting our blessings is the best way I know of to chase the blues away!

    1. You are very right about that Pam. You are the most positive person I know! xoxo

  4. So many wonderful memories! Keep those close and keep on keepin’ on! V

  5. You have the gift of words Marie and your journey has been an extraordinary one. Your daily posts have always been like reading a fresh new page of a favourite book everyday. It's been said before and I'll echo it again... what you have achieved in the last 20 years starting over, creating, supporting and sustaining a stable, secure, loving wonderful home and life for yourself and another person from virtually nothing - in a foreign-to-you land to boot - is a truly remarkable feat!! I think you are brilliant and wish you nothing but happiness, peace and success.

    Extra prayers for Mitzie <3

    1. Beautifully expressed Jen. 20wonderful years Marie, all of your own making. You can do it again, you are stronger than you think.

    2. Thank you so much Jen and Angharad! You are really making me feel good about myself! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can do this! xoxo

  6. School desk of William Wordsworth, swooning here......I pray that you will keep writing, during and after the start of your new adventure and move. Your posts make me smile and brighten my day and your recipes please my tummy.

    1. I will definitely always write, so long as I am capable of doing so. I think it probably brings me more joy than it does to anyone else! Thank YOU so much! There is so much history over here and I have been blessed to have seen a lot of it. For a writer/artist/cook its been pretty wonderful! xoxo

  7. You have indeed been many places and done many things that many of us have never done!! I am glad you can remember those good times!! I hope the future will be full of family times and good memories to make with your grandchildren even...tis about time for that too!!
    HUGS, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks so much Elizabeth. I Hope they are prepared for all the huggles I want to give them. Oh, I do hope that I can with this virus and all. Maybe I will have to buy myself one of those hand things on a stick that lets you squeeze things. I could use that! Love and hugs, xoxo

  8. Wow, I really enjoyed reading this one. You have had some unique blessings that many never get to have. I loved the travel and all the places and people you have seen. You know how talented, I know you are, and I really have loved your recipes, your writings on your blogs and especially your artwork, which I loved the cards you sent me. You are gifted. You should be very proud of being a book writer and published; that is a huge accomplishment. I believe you have a kind and loving heart and have experienced many sit backs and I admire your feisty personality and the fact you are moving forward. I would say you are enduring well. I am really excited about your being able to move closer to your family; what a blessing you will be to them.
    Oh, the fun stories you will tell those sweet grandchildren of yours.
    May your blood work come back good. Hoping that you can leave soon. I can't imagine how hard it would be to make decisions on what you will take. I'm trying to go through my stuff right now and I'm not making a lot of progress on throwing things out. If I was moving, I would be more likely to judge better what to keep and what to not.
    Sending lots of prayers and hugs your way!

    1. Oh, I had almost forgotten you had some of my cards LeAnn. That seems so long ago! Thanks so much for all of your lovely words and prayers! Love and hugs, xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!