
Wednesday 21 October 2020

The Strength of a woman . . .


First of all this  morning I wanted to thank you all for the prayers you are carrying me in. I can feel them surrrounding me and I know that I have people on the other side of the veil attending to me as well. I can feel my mother very close and she is helping to give me the strength to just keep putting one foot in front of the other. 

I come from a line of very strong women. 

 I started off trying to tell you about some of the very strong women in my family tree this morning, but an hour later I had only talked about two and had only just gotten started, so I have put that aside for another time. 

My family tree is filled with strong and capable women.  One of the strongest has to have been my mother, and this I can tell you from first hand because I knew her all of my life. 

There are actually 
three strong women in this photo. 
My mom, myself and my sister whom 
my mother was expecting at the time.

My mother did not come from a wealthy family.  They were largely uneducated people. My grandmother was brought up on a farm and never got more than a grade school education. My grandfather left home at the age of 12 and managed on his wits the remainder of his life. He worked whenever and wherever he could get work. My mom determined at a young age that she would work hard, get an education and then do what she could to help her family.  She did just that.  

She was the only one of her immediate family to graduate from high school and go on to further education.  She was the Class Valedictorian of her graduating class, and went on to graduate top of her class as Mac Business College, afterwhich she took a job working as a secretary for the President of the Agricultural College in Truro, Nova Scotia. 

For the remainder of their lives she would send home money to her parents to help them. 

She married my father and was taken on another adventure. He was in the airforce.  She flew over to Germany on her own with me on Christmas Eve in 1955, arriving with only what she could carry, which included me. They had lost her luggage.  In a foreign country where she could not speak the language, with a very young baby, and no clothing etc. This was very daunting to her I am sure. But she go through it, as she did all of the changes and upheavals in her life.  

A double cancer survivor, having beaten both breast and lung cancers, and both cancer battles on her own as a single woman, having had my father leave her when she was 53. His leaving her was another great challenge she had to face. 

My mother loved my father with everything she had. I know he loved her probably more than he could love anyone, but he was just not the kind of man who should ever have been married. Her loyalty to him never wavered throughout her life, and they remained good friends right up to her passing. He still calls the house to hear her voice on the answering machine. She was always more than kind to him, and she taught us children that even though they were divorced it was okay for us to love both of our parents equally and without judgement. 

Always fiercely independant, she faced the final years of her life with courage and with strength. As she slowly lost her independance due to vascular dementia she maintained her sense of humour and was couragous even as she fought the last battle of having her leg amputated. She faced all of the challenges in her life with courage and determination. I have always been and am so very proud of her. 

My sister and I,
Gimli, Manitoba
circa 1961

It would be remiss of me not to mention the other strong woman in my life. My dear sister Cindy. She has always been a wonderful example of strength to me, and I love her deary, although I am not sure she knows that. I won't say too much about her as I don't want to embarass her or expose her too much, but she has been through more than almost any person I know and she keeps on ticking ahead like the EverReady Bunny. She and my mother are so very much alike.

These past two years have been especially challenging for her, and continue to be.  She has been my best friend all of her life.  She is there for me always.  When my last marriage broke up and nobody in my family would speak to me, she never wavered in her support for me. She has been a rock in my life in many, manys ways for always. We do not see eye to eye on all things, but it doesn't matter, because we see eye to eye on the things that matter most. We love and support each other completely and without judgement. 

I can't believe that yet again she is having to be there for me as another of my marriages breaks down, giving me a place to rest my head until I can get myself sorted and begin again. I hopethat she knows how very grateful I am for that, and for everything she has always done for me throughout the years. I hope so much that once I return to Canada I can be there for her in every way for whatever challenges she may face for the remainder of my life. 

When we were girls we used to say that we would always be together like the Baldwin sisters from the Waltons. I think we thought we would end up together in an old house on our own.  Life has gotten in the way here and there, but now, we are going to end up together . . . if not in the same house entirely . . . as together as two sisters who love each other deeply can ever be.  I hope that I can be as much of a strength to her as she has been for me through the years. I hope that we have many, many years left together to enjoy the beautiful gift our parents gave us when they made us sisters. 

Actually I think that as women, we all have a certain strength that men don't have. Perhaps it is built right into our DNA. 

I better end here and I am sorry if I ended up way off topic, and this morning's post is a bit of a mish mash. I guess my brain is all over the place at the moment. 
I will leave you with a thought for the day and thank you once more for your prayers and support. 
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What is the greatest lesson 
a woman can ever learn??
That since day one, she's already
had everything she needs within herself.
Its the world that convinced her she did not.   
~ Rupi Kaur•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Beef Pot Pie Soup.  As inspired by an idea from my son.  Delicious!
I hope that you have a wonderful day! Don't forget! 

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And I do too!  



  1. Wherever would we be without our moms and fortunate for you, you have a great sister too!! I am glad your sister will help you as you settle in for whatever the rest of your life will be too!! Bless her!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. She has had an unimaginably bad few years Elizabeth. I am really hoping that I will be able to bring some joy back into her life. Perhaps we can help each other! xoxo

  2. What a beautiful tribute to your mom and sister. You're the same, Marie, a very strong woman. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I think it is in our DNA Elaine. Mind you I have never met any real women living real lives that are not strong at one time or another! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. Lovely words..You are so fortunate to have had your mom so long and a sister!I have felt like an orphan all my adult life.Your marriage didn't break apart on any fault of yours..I hope people realize these are extraordinary circumstances.
    And Cindy is an angel !

    1. I am so sorry that has been your experience in life Monique. Thank goodness you have those two lovely girls of yours. I can imagine you are really missing them and the boys with all of this covid crap. Love and hugs. xoxo PS - Cindy IS an angel for sure!

  4. I often think we are strongest when we are on our knees praying. Our strength comes from the Lord. Keeping you in my prayers as always .

    1. Thank you so much Pam. I agree with you wholeheartedly! xoxo

  5. Hi Marie~

    You truly had and angel mother, and you are still lucky enough to have an angel sister! What a wonderful legacy of strong woman,and you are one of them! Today is the 2nd year anniversary of my mother's passing, so I have been thinking of my mom all day as well. You are strong a capable, Marie...take a day at a time, things will work out... XOXOXO

    Hugs and love,

    1. Thank you so much Barb. It will soon be our two year anniversary too. Sending you extra love and hugs. xoxo

  6. Another delightful post. How lovely you’ve had such wonderful women in your life, Tina and your sister, they think you’re pretty great also. Thanks for sharing your memories with us. V

  7. I am a woman...I don't necessarily think about women being stronger than men, our fellow species. I am 76 yrs. old now....when I was 21 I married my high school sweetheart and we were blessed with our daughter in 1967...sadly in 1971, my sweetheart died, after a long fight, of reticullum sell sarcoma...our daughter was 4 yrs, old then....I worked daily as a RN...I remarried a wonderful man, a high school teacher, in 1972...our life was wonderful and 1982, he became very ill and died of inflammatory pancreatitis. My daughter was 15 yr. old then and sadly her High School math teacher had been her own father.......she had a very very hard time after that. So now I'm a retired nurse, age 76...I live daughter, thankfully, is happily made her own family, I have a fantastic grandson in college in Colorado....Yes.........Life happens...I think I am a strong "person"....I know many men who are also very strong and have come through tragedies in their lives....I wish you well, Marie...I do pray a lot because I believe He hears me...I pray for you and whatever you might make of your future days ahead. God bless!

    1. Oh yes, there are absolutely men who are strong and suffer as well Lynney. For sure. Love and hugs and thanks so much for your prayers. xoxo

  8. With those two stories of your mother and sister, you can do this and you will get through it and come out stronger than ever. I loved reading all of this. They and you are women of strength and faith.
    I love my pioneer heritage for this very reason, I love their stories and they give me strength to get through my own struggles and there have been many.
    I once read a book on Mary Fielding Smith and I used it as a mantra. I would say if Mary Fielding Smith can do this, I can.
    Thanks for sharing these wonderful examples.
    Sending lot of prayer love and hugs! You can do hard things my dear friend.


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