
Sunday 25 October 2020

Sometimes . . .

Yesterday I had a day where I felt if anyone even touched me I would split in two and all of my grief and anger would pour out of me just like blood. I felt incredibly emotional and it was very hard keeping it all in check.  I suspect it will only get harder as this week progresses. I need to keep myself very busy and focused, or I am going to completely fall apart. I can totally empathsize with my mother who said, after my father had left her, it would have been better if he had just died. Death would have been much easier to deal with emotionally, which says a lot. 

It would have been about the mid-eighties, perhaps 1984, my father and my mother split up. This was a really difficult time for our whole family. My father, although I love him to pieces, is the kind of man who never should have gotten married. And he would be the first one to tell you that. He loves being "in love."  My father had always been my mother's whole world. When he left, her whole world fell apart. 

I remember getting a telephone call one morning from my Uncle Harold (who has always been my favourite Uncle).  My mother had tried to kill herself. I can still remember the devastation of that phone call, the way my heart sank, the hurt, the fear.  I was living in London, Ontario at the time and mom was in Nova Scotia. We piled all four kids into the car and started driving East. 

They would only release my mother from the hospital if someone could be there, and there was no question in my mind about my being there. I had to be there for the person who had always been there for me.

A journey which should have taken two days with proper breaks, took less than 12 hours. We drove straight through and took the ferry across rather than drive all the way around.  It was an exhausting and very emotional trip. But it was the right thing to do.  I was so very grateful to be able to do it. 

Mom had always been there for me, and I very much needed to be there for her, and so I was.  My ex-husband was able to arrange a compassionate posting (he was in the airforce) back to Nova Scotia and within a few months we were living there. I think our presence was very good for her healing, for helping to get her back to where she needed to be, mentally and emotionally.  It was a really difficult time for all of us, and especially for my mother.  It is not an easy thing to get through, the implosion of the centre of your world, but somehow we got through it and came out the other side stronger in many ways. 

It pains me deeply that I was always there for my mother through the years . . .  and then in her last years of life, just when she needed me most . . .  I was not.  And it pains me even more to know that I could have been, should have been, would have been . . .  were it not for the manipulations and lies of another. And that makes me feel angry and bereft and incredibly sad. 

I am grieving, and at the same time I am having to hold it all together enough so that I can do the things I need to do. And I feel very much like I am doing it all alone and it is completely overwhelming me. And all I really want to do is to be able to crawl into my mother's lap and have her make it all go away. I am having an emotional wobble. 

Yesterday my friend Tina messaged me that she felt impressed to tell me that I needed to buy my ticket now, get all my things packed up, both the things I need to take with me on the plane and the things I want to have with me afterwards and then to just go.  Let them all worry about clearing the house and getting rid if that is what needs to happen. Let them worry about getting/sending whatever I want to keep over to me in Canada if it is possible.
We won't know until the 3rd of November if Todd will be staying here or not. If he is, then simple. I can just take what I need and skeddadle, leaving it all up to him. If he is not, then so much more needs to be done, and it is quite simply overwhelming me.

I need to make a list. I need to buy a ticket.  I need to get travel health insurance. I need to just go. To leave. I think this week will be very much focused towards that end and making it happen and all while my heart is breaking into a bazillion pieces. 

I am sure there are people out there who have been where I am. 

Daniel Gerhartz, Hind's Feet

Elder Jeffrey R Holland has counseled us to "Ask for Angels to help you."  For  the past twenty years, I have kept my covenants, and been faithful and true. I have done whatever I am asked to do and beyond.  I am asking now for angels to help me, and I am believing that they will.  From this side of the veil and from the other. I am not going to let pride stand in my way. 

President Joseph F. Smith declared: “When messengers are sent to minister to the inhabitants of this earth, they are not strangers, but from the ranks of our kindred and friends . . . . In like manner, our fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters, and friends who have passed away from this earth, having been faithful, and worthy to enjoy these rights and privileges, may have a mission given them to visit their relatives and friends upon the earth again, bringing from the divine Presence messages of love, of warning, of reproof and instruction to those whom they had learned to love in the flesh.” 

Mama, I need your help. Please help me to do the things I need to do.  Help me to have the strength I need to have in order to move forward. Please help me to wipe away my tears of grief and frustration and anger and to pull up my shorts and just do what I need to do. 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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Sometimes the best people 
have the worst experiences
because they are the 
most ready to learn.
~Elder Neal A Maxwell ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Mary Berry's Cheese Scones.  Incredibly delicious. 

Thank you for letting me vent. Whatever you get up to on this day, don't forget! 

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and I do too!    


  1. Venting is good. Your mother was very brave and with your help she survived the breakdown of her marriage. You will, too. Love, hugs and prayers across the pond, Elaine

    1. I know we all think our mom's were the best Elaine. I loved my mother dearly. I get a lot of my strength of character and otherwise from her. We all do. Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. Because of the current events ongoing in this world right now, I think Tina gave you excellent advice...just worry about those things you want to keep and do whatever needed, get packed up and even before Nov, get moving!! I know in this country we are expecting things probably to totally unravel for awhile due to the extreme time we are in. We hope to stay home even more than we have...till things settle down. Hard as it is...let Todd deal with the mess he has created. In a way, we rob others when we try to do too much for them, as they need the experience of dealing with the results of their sins too. Frankly. This is your time now to take care of yourself. And since whatever is there, that you cannot take with you, probably is a total loss anyway...let even the owners take it and sell it or whatever, if that is what it comes down to!! Take care of yourself, Marie!! I had an aunt who almost died of blood clots in her legs after her husband left her. She always said the same thing your mom did. Death is sometimes easier. You are going through one of the worst events!!
    Praying for you and all your needs!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thank you so much Elizabeth. Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. I agree you have to share your feelings(says me who has a lock and key ;) )
    How many times in thehe past 47 yrs I would have loved to have my mother by my side and have sent up prayers to her.So I hear you on that.I wish someone was there to help you.
    Get totally focused..the first step in a journey makes it seem so long and then we're there..It sounds trite but it's true.BUY the ticket.:):)

    1. Thanks Monique. On my check list for this week. xoxo

  4. I agree that you'll feel better when you get that ticket and know exactly when you are leaving. Get your things in order and leave without looking back.

    1. Thanks very much Pam. Not looking back is the key. xoxo

  5. Just sending you LOTS of BIG LOVE and BIG HUGS, my friend... These days are hard, and there may be more, but there will be more of better days down the line--hold on to that! :) OXOXOX

    1. Well said, my sentiments exactly. Prayers coming.
      Pull up those shorts, your mother is with you, along with many many others. V

    2. Thanks very much V and Tracy! Love and hugs to you both, xoxo

  6. Sweet Marie~

    I can see that your heart is breaking in two...

    I agree with Tina. Be ready to leave ASAP. Have that ticket in your hand, your bags and other things packed and ready to go. I think Tina was inspired to tell you those things.

    Part of moving forward is grieving, getting really angry, feeling extreme loss and pleading with God. Let it motivate you. Remember that with each passing day, you are that much closer to home.

    Praying for you...XOXOXO

    Love you tons,

    1. Thanks so much Barb. They are very much appreciated. xoxo

  7. Take all the good advice given today. Tomorrow,pack your case.Buy one if you don’t own one . Check out the cost of a second check in piece of luggage. Buy your ticket tomorrow if you can find the funds. Walk out the door at the earliest possible date. Let Todd deal with the fallout. You’ve more than done your bit to make the last 20 years a happy and pleasant life for him, I think the message on here today is leave and don’t look back!. I’m sorry we’re all so far away. God bless Tina.

  8. Look into air transat. They are offering free travel insurance today

  9. Holding you in my prayers Marie. Continued Blessings to your guardian angels, your guiding messengers, trusted family, friends and all those who love you and care about you.

  10. Holding you in my prayers Marie. Continued Blessings to your guardian angels, your guiding messengers, trusted family, friends and all those who love, support and care about you.

    1. Thank you very much Jen. Love and hugs, xoxo

  11. Oh my dear friend, As I read through this, my heart aches for you. I am glad that you are writing it all out; that is an excellent thing to do when grieving. You will go through the stages of grief and each one will help you learn many things. Don't hold it all in because that isn't good on your health.
    I agree you should just pack up and go as soon as possible. Let Todd deal with his own stuff. I pray that you can manage to do that soon.
    You are loved by many and I know that you have angels close to you. Your mother for sure is near. Her story was heart breaking but she did make it through it all and I know she grew stronger from her own experience. I think her own experience is helping you right now. She is the perfect one to help you make it through this one.
    Sending prayers, love and lots of hugs your way!


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!