
Monday 19 October 2020

Small and Wonderful Things . . .



"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard   

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.  

I have no comprehension of why things happen the way they do, but very early on in March, I had posted this testimony on our Ward page on FB.  For some reason it popped up yesterday. Just when I needed to remind myself. I thought I would put it here because I never want to lose it and who knows, someday one of my children might read it and think that their mom was actually an okay kind of a gal.

As I look out my dining room window this morning, not much in my little world appears to have changed. There is a breeze blowing and the sun is shining and the birds are flitting back and forth from the hedge to the feeders. It is quite chilly this morning but very bright. The truth is everything has changed, in a way nobody could have predicted even as little as two months ago. Everything is strangely quiet, except for the birds. No jet streams mar the blue of the sky above me. There is no sound of traffic on the motorway humming in the back ground . . . and for the past week, I have seen relatively few people moving about. Most are all taking our Government's warnings to stay home very seriously, which is as we should do, and I am grateful for that. It is a time in history when I should feel very afraid, and I'm not going to lie, I do have those moments, but they are greatly overshadowed by other moments as I endeavor even more to put my trust in the Lord.
Because of the Gospel, I have a peace in my heart, the peace which truly passeth understanding. This time of struggles we are all going through, this is our opportunity to become acquainted with God in a most private and intimate manner. I know that He is real and I know that He knows me, knows my heart, knows my fears and my struggles, and He is right there with me in them. He loves me. I can trust in my Saviour because I know that He has felt everything that I am feeling and more. He has been down to the deepest depths of despair and risen above it all. And He will shoulder this burden with me if I will share it with Him.
There is so much that I do not know. I do not know the details of how the beautiful world we live in was created. I do not understand the intricacies of the Atonement, or how the Savior’s sacrifice can cleanse all repentant people, or how the Savior could suffer “the pain of all men.” I don't know why my beliefs sometimes come into conflict with science or what the world believes, and I often don't understand the “mysteries … of heaven.” I don't know why life often appears unfair, and why some prosper and others don't. Why some suffer and others don't . . . why bad things often happen to good people.

And while I don’t know everything, I know what is important. I know the plain and simple Gospel truths that are there for all of us to embrace freely. I know that our Savior did suffer the pain of all men and that all who come to Him in faith and repentance can be cleansed and born anew. And I know that I can use my faith in an inexplicable way to bridge the gap between darkness and light, enabling me to move on, partaking of the promises and blessings of the Gospel.

Because of my faith I can work through the struggles and difficulties in life with peace and assurance. Because of my faith I have the power to turn questions and even doubts into assurances and understanding. Because of my faith I can approach the unknown, unseen, and unexplained with unquestioning assurance. And because of my faith, even in the seemingly worst of times, I have the power to recognize with peace and gratitude that in reality it can be the best of times. Faith truly has the ability to turn our prisons into Temples if we allow it to. 
There are no co-incidences. All my life God has reminded me off and on that He is there through things just like this.  Feathers when I need to see them, heart shaped notes that say I love you, and things like this that randomly show up just when I need them to. God is good. 


My Anthony sent me this photo of his Maple Tree yesterday. He sent it to me one  morning last week as well as he was on his way to work. Its a beautiful colour, especially against the backdrop of that beautifully blue sky. I have always  missed the brilliant autumn colours of Nova Scotia. (Of all Eastern Canada) 

Yesterday my friend Warren on FB posted this photograph of the Valley where I will be moving to. Warren was my homeroom teacher in Grade 7.  Who would have known back in 1967 that in 2020 he would be sharing photos like this with me on something called facebook!  Isn't life amazing? 

He posted this one too. I can almost smell that crisp autumn air.  I never actually had Warren as a teacher for any of my classes. Just a home room teacher.  Oddly enough there is somewhat of a family connection. My mother's Aunt Addie was married to a Connell. Sadly, Addie died giving birth as a young woman, leaving behind quite a few children. Ralph remarried and Warren is related to the Connells through that connection.  
Sons who send me random photographs of their cooking.  This was Doug's chili that he made yesterday.  We got to facetime for a bit also.  My sons are good cooks and they love to cook. So do Eileen, Amanda and Bruce.


And Anthony sent me a photo of his Turkey Soup.  Not just any turkey soup.  Turkey Pot Pie Soup. It looks amazing.  And it inspired me to want to try something out on my food blog.  Watch that space!  We spoke for a bit yesterday also. 

I love that some of my chicks are gathering around me and loving me. I speak to Eileen every day.  She will be most disappointed if I don't isolate at the motel at the end of her road. Most disappointed. I will have to make sure that I can if possible. She wants to cook for me.  I told her that I am sure my sister would pick up food if she cooked it and bring it to me wherever I end up, but I think she wants to watch me eat it through the window. 

Even though I asked that nobody come to the house because Todd is isolating prior to his op on Friday next, and because of whats going on Billy ended up here yesterday shouting the odds at me, telling me I was making the biggest mistake of my life and that I was going to regret it.  And if you know Billy, you know when he is upset or excited about things he shouts. Its because he is developmentally disabled.  And Todd let him.  Without any word of defence for me.  It only served to prove that this is the right decision for me. This man has never truly had my back. Never. It was almost as if he was enjoying it. Nevermind. I know who I am and I know who he is and God also knows who we both are. 

On the plus side, although it was somewhat disturbing for me and upsetting, it was nice to know that in his however ill mannered way, Billy was telling me that he loved me and that he was going to miss me. He told me I had better write him and call him. I actually never knew he thought that well of me. I did manage to get him calmed down and reassured him that if there was any other way I would have taken it. This was the only choice. I wrote down his address and gave him two boxes of pop tarts and he went on his way, happy as a clam that I wasn't going to disappear from his life forever.   

And I expect there will be many more moments like that. I expect that many are judging me at the moment and finding fault with me and with my decision. They don't know the whole story and never will. Anyone who truly does know me, knows this was and is not an easy decision for me. I am a person who is loyal right to my core. When I call you my friend, you will always be my friend, no matter what.  I loved my husband deeply.  I would never have married him otherwise.  I have always been a loyal and faithful wife to him.  I have gone over and beyond for him and to make a beautiful life for him. I never really knew him. Never. And some may find that hard to believe, but its true. You can live with someone for a very long time not knowing who and what they are. People are very good at hiding things, at manipulating the truth, and at showing you who they think you want to see. The end.

For all of the upheaval and upset I am going through at the moment, my Heavenly Father has seen fit to also surround me with good people. Supportive people.  The people He knows need to be here for me now.  YOU are some of those people.  You may not know it but you are helping to carry me and I am most grateful for that.  I truly am. I can feel your love and support and it is very much appreciated. I thank you for all of it.  From the bottom of my heart.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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God has always used
ordinary people to
accompish extraordinary things.
~John C Pingree•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Crispy Buffalo Baked Potatoes.  An incredibly moreish side dish to be proud of.

Have a fabulous day, I hope your week is filled with lots of small and wonderful things.  Don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. I do know Billy lol..he would say that.
    You are 100% right in saying you can live with someone and not know them..How many movies have we seen? They are based on something..Get out of Dodge as soon as you can.
    You deserve a new life.

    1. Thanks Monique! I am doing my best to do that! Baby steps, but all leading forward. xoxo

  2. Hi Marie, Fellow Canadian friend here. I've been too shy to post before but have been with you for well over a decade, both here and at Oak Cottage. I could never be able to put in words how very special you are and how very much you are loved. Your daily musings never fail to resonate and inspire.

    My heart is heavy for the sadness and tumult you are going through, but time and again life often shows us with retrospect, things generally happen as they should. Your regular readers know how deeply you love and miss your family. A Mother is all you ever wanted to be.. and now you are coming home. The light fringing the edge of this current darkness will be you finally at home again to be the mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, friend and neighbour you were always meant to be. Love and warmest wishes to you. Jen

    1. Thank you so very much Jen. Your words have given hope to my heavy heart. I thank you so much for those. I am humbled. xoxo

  3. "My grandmother once gave me a tip:
    In difficult times, you move forward in small steps.
    Do what you have to do, but little by little.
    Don't think about the future, or what may happen tomorrow.
    Wash the dishes.
    Remove the dust.
    Write a letter.
    Make a soup.
    You see?
    You are advancing step by step.
    Take a step and stop.
    Rest a little.
    Praise yourself.
    Take another step.
    Then another.
    You won't notice, but your steps will grow more and more.
    And the time will come when you can think about the future without crying." ~ Elena Mikhalkova

    I Saw this on Facebook today and thought of you. I see Todd is still in the house, I hope you are safe in your home, is there somewhere to go if you are not?
    Thinking of you and will be adding to your Paypal tomorrow when I get paid :)

    1. Thank you so much for that. It made me smile and yes gave me great hope as well. Thank you for sharing. Yes, he is still here. He is having an operation on his hernia on Friday and Covid is making things more complicated than they should be. I have a place to run to if I feel unsafe. Tina has told me just leave and call and she can be here in 20 minutes any hour of the day. I thank you so very much for your generosity. It means the world to me. xoxo

  4. Keep the faith and things will turn out for the best. You are so going to love going home.

    1. I will indeed be very happy to be home with my family. I just have to get through the hard stuff first. Thank you Pam. xoxo

  5. Dear Marie~

    I love your testimony, simply beautiful and so true! The pictures from your family are heartwarming and just made me smile from ear to ear. You are going to love being home, even if you have to quarantine, at least you will be home. I just love that Eileen just wants to watch you eat something she has cooked...I can tell she misses you so much. What a beautiful valley, Marie! I'm so glad you are looking to the future, just keep putting one foot in front of the other dear friend!

    Keeping you in my prayers. Much love to you XOXOX


    1. Thank you Barb. Your prayers are appreciated so very much as are all the prayers which are being offered up on my behalf at the moment. I can feel the love and support. I need it so much. Although I am devastated by what has happened, I have so very much to look forward to. Love and hugs, xoxo

  6. You are in a very difficult position. I didn’t realize Todd was still in the house. I always thought you were a good certainly gave him a good life. Wonderful food ,a comfy home and a faith partner. What more could anyone ask. I hope it all ends soon.

    1. Thanks Angharad. That is the plan. Only two more weeks and I can make my firm plans. xoxo

  7. I so appreciate your writings as so many others do. Please know that you are in your readers hearts and prayers and thoughts. If I could, I would give you a hug right now because you are awesome. Remember, baby steps and that you are strong, V.

    1. Thank you so very much V. Baby steps. so long as they are going forward, that is the best option! xoxo

  8. My heart continues to ache for you and prayers continue on. I know you will get through this and will be so blessed to see those children and grandchildren of yours and be able to physically be there with them. This will bring untold happiness and blessings to you.
    I loved your testimony; it is strong and true. Just hang on and the Lord will get you through this for sure. I am very grateful you have good and loving friends. I know that you have had a huge influence in my life.
    Sending you lots of prayers, love and hugs!


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!