
Saturday 3 October 2020

Random blessings that are not so random at all . . .

Thank you all so much for your comments and your prayers. They are very much appreciated. I will still be here from time to time, but my posts may be somewhat sporadic as I go through the changes and upheaval I am needing to go through at the moment.  In time, when I can, I will share.

There is purpose in our journey. 
No matter how difficult the path might be, 
we are always in the hands of our Father and our Saviour. 
We are known and watched over every step of the journey.
 ~Kate Lee 

I am very much looking forward to General Conference later today and hearing what my church leaders have to say to us.  I've been pondering some questions in my mind all week and am hopeful that I will get some answers.  As you know I always love our church General Conferences.  I have always found them to be so spiritually uplifting. They always give me hope. Hope is something which is very much needed in the world today. 
Some nice things that happened this week. (Aside from all of your love, prayers and support that is.) 

My friend Tina dropped by and brought me some lovely sunshiny flowers and a card. It was so good to see her.  She has been my rock over these past months. A true friend when I have needed a friend most.  In all the time I have been here in the UK I have not really had a good friend that I could share with, talk to, etc.  Then 9 years ago Tina moved here from Australia.  We slowly got to know each other and have become firm, fast friends. She is the sweetest, kindest person I know.  She loves everyone, no matter what. There is no harsh judgement from her for anyone. Only compassion and caring. Even for those who probably don't deserve it. She is truly a great example of the Saviour's love. She has been an example of God's great love for me. There are no accidents.  
Earlier this year I bought my sister a bracelet from Willow Road. This would have been around the time that her son passed away and the anniversary of our mother's passing.  It is silver and marcasite (sp).  It spells out the word courage in morse code. When we were children my father was a budding ham radio operator.  We used to fall asleep at night to the sound of morse code as he was messaging his friends, etc.  I thought the bracelet would give her courage or at the very least show her how very much I cared for her. Early in the summer, I was prompted to get one for myself.  I don't know why.  It arrived this week, just when I am needing courage the most.  No accidents. 
On one of the worst days of my life and just when I was at my emotional lowest. I looked and there beneath my chair was a tiny white feather.  In the last 19 months since Mom's passing I have periodically found tiny white feathers here and there, just when I needed to see them.  I know I have a special angel in the eternities watching over me, praying for me, loving me, supporting me. Some might call this a co-incidence. I call it a God-incidence.  Always, right when I am most in need of my mother this sign comes to me. I love you mom. Thank you.   

This does not happen frequently or randomly.  Only always when I am in most need of love and assurance.  I like to think its mom. In any case, thinking that it is comforts me greatly.

I am ready.  To listen.  To observe. To receive answers. To be uplifted.  

I know this to be true.  I have experienced it.  His tender mercies are real. 

Apple Cider Donut Whoopie Pies, that I had to bake not once but twice, due to a mishap with my camera. Incredibly delicious.

Have a great day.  Please know that you are appreciated.  Please know  . . . 

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And I do too.


  1. Enjoy General Conference, Marie. May you find courage and peace from it. Your mom is definitly watching over you. I'm so glad Tina is your friend. Lovely donuts. Take gentle care. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thank you so much Elaine! Love and hugs. Xoxo

  2. Thankful for your Blessings. Prayers continue for you. We serve a mighty God.

  3. So glad you have such a good friend, they make such a difference in our lives. I don't think there are any coiscidences. Things happen for a reason and am glad you feel your mom close.

  4. We really do need women friends, but in my life, most often they were not near enough to be seen often!! But I am grateful for the long distance ones anyway!! Blessings on you Marie...hang in there...whatever you are going through. You are still a child of GOD and HE cares, whether any other human does or not!! much hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thank you very much Elizabeth. It means a lot. My faith in and belief in God's love for me is helping me a lot. xoxo

  5. I’m a new follower and I send you blessings and peace.
    Your blog means more than you know to many that you don’t know.
    Virus free hugs to you and yours. V.

    1. Thank you so very much V. It is always so nice to make a new friend. Your support is much appreciated. xoxo

  6. Oh my dear friend, continued prayers for you and yours. I do know that God loves you and you will have the spirit with you to comfort and bless your life.
    I love that you have signs from heaven that your Mother is near. I'm sure she is.
    General conference was so wonderful and I actually shed a lot of tears and felt the spirit. I know that we have a lovely heavenly Father and Savior that will help us through whatever we are called to go through. You can do this; whatever it is; I am sure of that. You are a faithful daughter of God and I know you are loved by many.
    I love that you have Tina to share all with. Having a good friend is such a blessing. I love the beautiful flowers.
    I do love the bracelet you got your sister and yourself. I know it will help as a reminder always of courage.
    May you know that I care and am sending loving thoughts, prayers and hugs your way!

    1. Thank you so very much LeAnn! Your prayers are very much appreciated. Love and hugs and blessings to you and Roger. xoxo


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