
Saturday 10 October 2020

Never ever . . .


I never ever thought that this was a post I would have to write, but here I am.  These past couple of years have been a real struggle for me in a great many ways.  First losing my mother and not being able to be there with my family to say a proper farewell. The loss of my much beloved nephew and nephew in law.  The Covid virus, etc.  On top of that there has been some deeply personal things which I have had to come to terms with regarding my relationship with my husband. 

Nobody ever gets married with the idea in mind that it isn't going to last forever. Over these last twenty years I have loved my husband and our life together with every fibre of my being.  He has been the centre of my world and we have had many, many happy times.  It hasn't been totally perfect, but what relationship is. I always felt like it was perfect for me. 

Over the past couple of years however certain things have happened that I have not and am not really able to talk about and discuss.  Over these last two months, especially, it has become very clear to me that we have reached the end of our road together.  This has been a very painful and heartbreaking time for each of us, and it has been a very difficult and heart-breaking decision to come to.

To that end I am making arrangements to move back to Canada to be with my family as soon as it is safe for me to do so, hopefully more sooner than later. Of course everything is somewhat complicated due to the virus, financially, etc. but it is best for the both of us that it is done as quickly as possible.

I love my husband very much and I will always mourn for what we had and what could have been. I am sure he feels the same.  I don't know what else to say, except to ask if you would keep each of us in your prayers and wishes for a brighter, safer, happier tomorrow. 

I will keep you posted as I make this very difficult journey. Please know that I know that our Heavenly Father loves each of us, no matter what.  He wants the best for each of us. There is nothing, no pain, nor sorrow . . .  nothing that He does not feel along with us. He is there to help us every step of the way as we traverse this difficult journey we take here in this lifetime. I have a great confidence in that, and I know that He has good things in store for each of us. 

I would like to close with a quote from Jeffrey R Holland's talk in this last General Conference. "Waiting on the Lord." I highly recommend it.

"Faith means trusting God in good times and bad, even if that includes some suffering until we see His arm revealed in our behalf."

Love always,


PS - I have not announced this on facebook and will not until closer to the time I am ready to leave.


  1. Dear Marie, I am so very sorry for you. I will continue to pray for you as I always have. You are a wonderful person who deserves happiness.xoxo,Dale

  2. I am so sorry Marie. God willing you find peace and happiness in your new life. You are very brave to take this step and I wish you good luck.

    1. Thank you Margaret. We just do what we have to do. God does the rest. xoxo

  3. I'm praying that God will surround you with his love and give you peace as you journey home. Love and hugs, Elaine

  4. So very sorry, may the future bring you much happiness.

  5. Oh, my friend... I am so heartily sad and sorry that this has come to be. Thinking of you and Todd both so much, and sending many prayers your way. Having been down a similar road, I very much understand the place you are in right now. Always here for you if you want to talk. Hope all,goes well with your plans going forward, and for the future ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

    1. Thank you so much Tracy. I know you have done this yourself albeit under different conditions. Love and hugs. xoxo

  6. So very sorry Marie will keep you in my thoughts and prayers God blessing

  7. What a brave courageous girl you are.
    And you know you are.
    No small feat making this decision.
    You will be welcomed with open arms.
    Brave girl..cannot stop saying that.
    I am sorry for this loss of yours ..but am confident you will make things work.Very confident.♥

    1. Thanks very much Monique. I have my big girl panties on now and will get through this. I CAN do hard things. xoxo

  8. Dear Marie, I am so very sorry!! Will be praying all goes well for your move. I am sure this is not what you wanted to happen either!! Nothing about this world is perfect, that is for sure!! Take care of yourself, dear friend!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  9. So sorry to hear this, IA never imagined you two would part, yet I know you'd love to go home to be with your family. They will support and love you. With the good Lord's help I know things will work out for the best. Keep the faith as you go through this difficult time.

    1. Thank you so much Pam. I am very much relying on the strength of the Lord and my faith at the moment. I am so grateful for that. xoxo

  10. Marie, this is heartbreaking news in one respect but there is a glimmer of light at the end of it for you knowing you will be moving back to your homeland of Canada. I hope the process goes quickly and smoothly for you. Family will embrace and surround you with love. Take care.

    1. Thank you very much Linda. That is the silver lining. xoxo

  11. It saddens me to read this post and to know that you are going through a very difficult time. I am so very sorry for the loss of your loved ones and I know that this alone is hard. May God wrap you in a blanket of warmth. I pray that HE will bring you much needed rest as well as peace. Keeping you in my prayers..

  12. Marie, I have been mostly quietly following you for many years. I think probably from around 2008. It is a very difficult situation when a marriage comes to an end. You are in my thoughts and I wish you the best.

    1. Thank you so much Idoya. I appreciate the love and prayers. xoxo

  13. I am so sorry to read this. I have followed your journey since "A year from Oak cottage" and look forward to your morning posts.
    Please know there are lots of people holding you up in prayer and wishing both you and Todd peace in your decision.
    May you have a safe return to Canada and may you eventually find comfort in knowing that you have made a good decision for yourself xx hugs

    1. Thank you so much. I am confident I am doing the right thing. Your prayes and happy thoughts are very much appreciated. xoxo

  14. I’m sorry to hear this, and wish for you an easy transition back to Canada. I look forward to hearing about it. Best wishes!

  15. Oh Marie, how very sad for both of you. I think this is a remarkably brave decision to make at this point in your life and after so many years together but, clearly, not a decision taken lightly. I, too, rarely comment although I have been following you for over ten years. Just wanted to send a virtual hug and healing wishes to you both. It will be nice to read about your adventures as you build a new life back home in Canada. 🇨🇦

    1. Thank you so very much Jane. It will be a new adventure for sure! xoxo

  16. My thoughts and love go with you wherever you are in the world. I too have followed you since ‘A year from oak cottage’ and I know this will have been a very difficult decision for you to make. Having lost my mother last year too, you realise close family is more important than ever and the calling for home is so strong. You and Todd have made memories that will stay with you a life time, but for now God has another calling for you. Take care, stay strong and most of all stay safe. Much love xxxx

  17. Sweet Marie~

    My heart breaks for you, as I know this must have been a most, most difficult decision. I pray that you will make it to Canada quickly, I know you will be happy to be with your family and children. Life doesn't always work out the way we wanted or expected, but I also know that you are a truly courageous woman, and will stand tall through this turbulent time in your life. I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your nephews, what a sad time for you and your family. I thought of you today, as I was thinking about my own mother, and how much I miss her. I know how hard it was for you to go through her passing without being there. It will be wonderful to be with your sweet sister, I know she needs you as well. I am here if you ever need someone to talk to, to cry to or just to vent. You will be in my most sincere prayers and thoughts, dear friend.

    Love you tons,

    1. Thank you so much Barb. It means the world. xoxo

  18. My dear friend, I have been following your blog for a long time and have grown to love you much! I read your today's post and got a glimpse of what is happening with you. But, as I am reading this one, I can see there is alot too your decision. I'm glad you have friends and you talked with the Bishop. I am so sad about it all. I can't even imagine how hard this decision is for you to make. You are one of the strongest most loving, trusting of women that I have met through blogging. You thoughts have often time uplifted my soul and helped me over a rough spot.
    I now see that you are really struggling with all of this. I read all the posts before this one and what some of the others commented on. You are greatly loved by many. I know you will feel the Lord near and angels from the spirit world to help you as you take these brave steps. I'm sad about Todd and Mitzie but know you wouldn't take this step if it wasn't the best one. I am happy you have good friends to help you through some of this and I am really glad you are sharing so we can all offer our prayers for you.
    I will be praying mightily for you and putting your name on the prayer roll. Please know that you are loved and in time you will feel the healing balm of the Savior flow over you.
    Thanks for having a powerful impact on my life and I hope you never stop blogging.
    Sending lot of pray, love and hugs and I will contribute too.

    1. I will never stop blogging LeAnn. It has been such a support to me through the years. Thank you so much for your love, prayers, understanding and hugs, xoxo

  19. Marie, I last looked at your page a few weeks ago, so I was unaware that anything so difficult was going on in your life. I've followed you for years. It seems we show our public face online, and keep those awful private moments stifled.

    Like you, I'm at a crossroads in my life. 2020 has not been my favorite year, but it probably hasn't been my worst. In March, after dealing with a sinus infection for several weeks, I contracted SARS-CoV-2. I had a few Doxy visits with the PA from my internist's office, but he kept telling me I had a sinus infection. How wrong he was. The next couple of weeks were tough, but I made it through the coughing and all the other symptoms of COVID-19 while managing to not be hospitalized.

    Before I became sick, I thought my husband was going to die. He had been hospitalized in ICU in February, but made it home after 8 days. I was busy planning a legal separation, and getting other legal paperwork ready to file in our county courthouse, then everything shut down. Suddenly, I was too sick to care much. My husband has about a year, at most, to live, and I have several important decisions to make. Our marriage has been over for eighteen years, yet I was determined to not go through another divorce. He is an abusive bully, and has begun making harmful financial decisions that would affect me, should he die before I can get the legal separation. I tell you this because I want you to know you are not alone, and that your story helps people like me know that we are not alone, either.

    I started another blog in April, as I had closed an earlier one several years back. I had lingering COVID-19 symptoms, which kept me sick on and off until about six weeks ago. I'm now back to long walks and running, and starting to write more. I'm also working on a memoir and write for another blog, so I stay busy.

    You are a talented woman, and will come back from this setback (I know that's too mild a term) once you are settled into your new life. Oh, it's hard, as I keep telling myself the same things! Know that you are loved and appreciated. I am incredibly sorry that all this is coming about, but one thing I know: God will make a way when there seems to be no way. He always has, and He will continue to do so. I think I've been let down more in the past year, than ever in my life. I've been let down by people and things I counted on, and if I chose, could write a book about it all. I am working on a memoir, but it isn't a tell-all. My blog is in its earliest stages, and is mostly essays, but people like you are an inspiration, and give me (and others) many writing prompts, encouragement, and impetus. I'm not trying to blow my own horn, but to let you know that it is possible to find comfort, distraction, and release in the midst of these personal storms.

    I do believe that there are no coincidences, and that I was meant to check in on your blog today. As far as C-19, I contracted it before we had mask mandates here in Colorado. Wearing a mask is the only precaution I didn't take, so I encourage you to wear that mask. I'm proof that should you be infected, you can make it through the illness, and that you can fully recover.

    You are in my continued prayers. Donna Lee

    1. I am so sorry you are gong through this Donna. Please stay safe. I am trying to be as safe as I can and I thank you for your prayers. xoxo


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