
Friday 30 October 2020

My Friday Finds . . .




 A few of the things  I find each week that pique my interest, bring me joy, inspire me to learn, create, do, become, inspire memories . . . maybe they will do the same for you!   


A DIY face wash. I couldn't find the direct source of this, but it looks quite promising. Mind you, I wash with just Dove soap and water.  That's me in a nutshell. Keep it simple.

Yes!  This works. 

Pretty Little Sheep on Etsy. Hark the Herald Angel Knitting Pattern. Love this. 

This just made me think of my sister and I. We always said we wanted to be old ladies together. 
Emma Connelly on Ravelry.  A rectangular granny square.  I know a conundrum. A Rectangle cannot be a square. 
Crochet Object. Strips and Colours Blanket. 

Love this  . . . 

Eats Amazing. Tin Can Mini Christmas Cakes. Cute. 
Made me smile  . . . 

Not sure of the source, but these are cute. 
Inspiration Only.  Granny Square Needlebook.  Love this. 
Kootutmurat.  Paper Star Curtains. Love these. 
Lia Griffith. Seriously cute! 
Abby Glassenberg. Pickle Ornament. 


Catherine Bonnet from Love Knitting.  Love this. Not free but not expensive, downloadable pdf. I don't really like wearing hats, but this I could handle.   


Ravelry.  Advent Garland by Frankie Brown.    


Kimberly Chapman. Knitted Christmas Lights.  Cute and what a great scrap buster!   


Santa Egg Cup Cosy.  Ravelry, free pattern by Amanda Berry.  You could also do this in a variety of bright colours so you could use them all winter long.  

Simple Garter Stitch Slippers, by  Hanna Levaniemie on Ravelry.  
And those are my finds for this week.  This will be my very last Friday Finds Post coming to you here from the UK. Yes, my ticket is booked.  I am flying out of here next Friday.  My accomodation is booked in Nova Scotia for two weeks quarantine. My sister is sorting out transport from the airport I think.  Now all I have to do is sort out the dog and my belongings. I am flying on faith here.  But then again, faith if everything. Without it we don't really have a lot!  I am a bit worried about the dog.  It is going to cost me more to bring her over than me. I may have to make a choice over bringing here or bringing my stuff. No choice, really. I choose her every time.

My accomodation is a one bedroom motel suite in a motel at the end of Eileen's street with wifi and the capacity to at least cook my own meals. I can wave to Eileen through the window each day. I will have my laptop and my iPad.  It will be a somewhat boring two weeks, but at least I will be on Canadian soil and that much closer to being with my family. Family for Christmas. You can't beat that.

A thought to carry with you ... 

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Worry is a conversation you
have with yourself about things you can't change.
Prayer is a conversation you have 
with God, about things He can change.•。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today, Mary Berry's Lemon Drizzle Cake. You don't get much better than this. You really don't.

I hope that you have a wonderful Friday.  Its raining and windy here.  Blah. Its not nice weather at all.

Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 




  1. Such exciting news, Marie. Godspeed! Have faith that Mitzie will join you soon. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. I hope and pray so as well Elaine! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. Such exciting news, glad that at least this much is figured out. Surely GOD will help with the rest of the details, such as your doggie!! (I suppose she might be in quarantine with you anyway, right?)
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. No, Sadly, she won't be able to fly over or quarantine with me Elizabeth. She has to wait until three weeks after her rabies shot, which she hasn't had yet. Someone was supposed to make sure she got that yesterday when she had her booster and did not. (Insert annoyed face here.) God is IN the details and just waiting to surprise us with them. Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. Hi, Marie! WOW... you've got plans set! I'm glad you were able to get a ticket sorted, and that you will be home soon. I can imagine your family are VERY glad you'll be there soon. Bringing a pet from overseas is quite a task, and it does cost, sadly. Hope all will go OK for you having Mitzie to go along with you, and that she'll be all right on the journey. I know how hard it is, having to pack up your life, your things. But things are things... concentrate on your heart and caring for that first. Things can be replaced. So very sad you've been having to make all these hard choices, and walk through a valley... With home on the other end to welcome you, hopefully some good healing can really begin then. Wishing all the best as you make ready to travel... ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

    1. Thanks Tracy! I am sure there will be much healing on the flip side. Love and hugs. xoxo

  4. Safe travels Marie welcome back to Canada your island neighbor wishing you all the best God bless you

    1. Thanks very much Shirley. I expect I will be coming to the Island at some point! xoxo

  5. Oh yippeeayeohkayeh!Great news indeed..and so close to Eileen those first 2 weeks!That is greta news.

    1. Fingers cross all goes as planned Monique! xoxo

  6. Safe journey Marie, I'll be with you in spirit and thought all the way.

  7. I am so happy for you Marie that things are falling in place. In PRAYERS it will all work out. Hang In there. Hugs

  8. Safe and best wishes for the coming week and your travel. You are very loved and cared for!

  9. Will be praying that you and the dog have a good trip and make it safely home. It will be hard being in quarantine when all you'll want to do is see your family, but it won't be that long. Glad you got your plans made !

    1. I think after all I've been through and the travel, quarantine will be the easiest bit! Thanks Pam! xoxo

  10. So happy to hear this news, prayers that all will fall into place!
    Doing a happy dance! V

  11. Safe journey,Marie and prayers that Mitzi will be able to join you before too long. How good to be with your family soon.

  12. Great news. 2 weeks will fly by. Give you time to get over jet lag. The good news is Canadian homes (motels, hotels etc) are always super warm so you’ll be cosy. We’ve already had snow in parts of B.C. and it’s only October.

    1. There's been snow all over Canada I believe Angharad. I am looking forward to central heating! xoxo

  13. Marie,ask your sister to get you a post office box!
    I would love to send some money to help get your puppy
    to Canada. Also, it would give us all a way to send a card or note as well.

    1. My sister has a post office box I will share with for a time until I am able to get my own place Savannah! Would love to hear from you. xoxo

  14. Morning Calm...Yes, so very empowering. We're not always able to affect events that happen to us and around us, but we do have the ability to manage the affect they have upon us.

    How wonderful you were able to arrange accommodation at the end of your Eileen's street, just like she wanted! She'll be so proud and pleased to bring you those promised meals everyday and enjoy watching you eat them, lol. She's a treasure Marie.

    A week ahead of many wistful lasts, no doubt : (

    1. Morning calm is the best way to set one up for the day Jen. Love and hugs. xoxo


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