
Wednesday 9 September 2020

Wednesday This and That . . .

This time of year can be a busy time in many homes. It is the time of year we rush about to put away the bulk of the produce from our fruitful (hopefully) gardens. The last of those fruits and vegetables we have laboured over all summer are now coming into the fulfillment of their purpose.  We need to be dealing with them before it's too late. Apples and pears need to be picked along with the last of the summer's berries.

There is the last of the corn to deal with , tomatoes, beetroot, turnips, carrots, beans . . .  and let's nor forget the always prolific zucchini.  Pumpkins and other types of Winter squash and gourds lay ripening in the fields as we hope for at least one more week of sunshine before we have to gather them in as well.

This was a busy time of year for me when I was young and had a growing family.  I always filled my larder with jars of pickles and jams.  It was a real labour of love for me. There was something quite satisfying when it was all done and I could look upon rows of glistening jars of jams, pickles and jellies.

Its just not practical any more. But I do make a small batch of something every now and then and really enjoy doing it. This year I made a small batch of  Green Tomato Chow and its really being enjoyed. I also made some blackberry liqueur, which was rather odd because I don't drink alcohol, but it was something I wanted to try.  And I do have friends that do drink and it will make great Christmas gifts for giving later on this year. 

One year I did make apple butter.  Apple butter is so lovely spread over a pork roast prior to baking and is also fabulous spread between the layers of a spice cake.

Sadly most of it went to waste as it just never got eaten.  We only ever very rarely have a pork roast these days and a spice cake might be a once a year kind of a thing. 

My late Aunt Freda loved to do up preserves also and was doing them right on up until the year prior to her passing.  She used to give most of it to her grown family who more than appreciated it.  She liked to try something new each year as well.  I remember her making Carrot Cake Jam one year and gifting me with a bottle. It was really very good. Everyone loved getting a jar of something from Aunt Freda. 

She was the kindest, most generous soul, and to everyone. No matter what. Whenever I was home visiting my mom, Aunt Freda and I used to talk on the telephone at least once every day. She was like an older sister to me.  I really miss her.   

Like mom she had a penchant for ginger cats. She was also  our family historian.  She loved geneology more than anyone I knew and was always digging up whatever she could find out and sharing it. She had quite a few old photos etc. as well.  Sadly when she passed it all went missing. 

I know that  some of it had been given to one of my cousins to type out at one time before Aunt Freda passed, but she lost it somehow. It was never seen again.  

A few years back we were challenged at church to find a family member's name to take to the Temple. I felt it to be a daunting task. I remember sitting there thinking it wasn't going to happen.  Later that same day, at home, I was prompted to check out my e-mails in an old e-mail account I had not looked at in a very long time.  I had a saved folder and when I went into that one to see what was in it, there were all of these e-mails from my Aunt Freda filled to overflowing with family history and names, etc. Talk about the spirit of Elijah!

It was as if she had personally reached out from beyond to me and given me a poke. I was able to add quite a few family members to my geneology/family tree that day.  

I like to think of the three girls being together now. My mom and her two sisters. They were very close to each other in life, and are now together in the great beyond.  I just know they are going to be three of the first persons to greet me when I pass over. Not in a hurry to get there, but it is nice to think that there will be friendly faces to meet and welcome me when I do arrive. 

I got notification yesterday that Mediavine has now accepted my food blog to be added to their accepted blogs and I signed my contract.  From what I understand it could take a few weeks before everything is up and running, but I am quite pleased about it, and see it as a positive step forward towards my becoming independant and able to earn a living for myself. 

I need to apply for my Canadian Old Age Security.  I had been going to do it earlier this year, but Covid meant that I couldn't get my necessary documents verified and legally authenticated, or safely get them posted. There is always a level of fear that goes with sending important things across the pond. I am aways worried that they will be lost.  My son Doug has never gotten his Birthday card from last year. And that was send in October of 2019. 

Having said that, it once took a Birthday Card 3 weeks to get to our friend Peter Lee who only lives on the other side of Blacon.  😏 Go figure. You just never know.  

Three jewels in my crown ready to go back to school yesterday.  Two more go back on Friday and I don't know about the other two.   I hope they all have healthy and happy years.  Not sure if the cat is all that impressed however.  haha 

I hear its snowing in Colorado. We had a small earthquake here yesterday.  As of Monday they are banning gatherings of more than six in England. (Why wait until Monday????) And in the meantime the local SPAR (like a 7/11) is full of people not masking and no social distancing, mostly kids from what I understand on our community facebook page. Its so disrespectful to our health care system and those who are trying their best to do what is right.  I don't want to be here anymore.  Take me back to the land of reason in Nova Scotia. And with that I best get on my bike.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

☾ ° ° * 。 
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Laughter is timeless,
Imagination has no age,
And dreams are forever

★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today, Herbed Pork Chops with Garlic Butter.  Deliciously simple.

Have a great day. Stay safe and stay happy. Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. Isn't fall just the best time with all the jewel-toned bounty at the farmer's markets? We plan to go tomorriw for peaches, corn, yellow beans, golden beets and whatever else might catch our fancy. Congratulations on your contract with Mediavine. That certainly is a feather in your cap. Good luck getting your OAS benfit sorted. My friends and I call it our breathing money. As long as we keep breathing, we'll keep getting it. The further easing of Covid restrictions have been put on hold for a month due to a steady climb in cases here in Ontario. It does not bode well for the kiddies going trick or treating this year, God bless all the students, big and little, their teachers and support staff as they start another year back to school like no other. Loved hearing about your Aunt Freda. She must have been a real family treasure. She would have been so proud of you and all that you have accomplisjhed. My sciatica is very painful tonight and I am having trouble sleeping. I have a telephone consultation with my doctor tomorrow afternoon so we shall see what she has to say. Well, best try to get some sleep. Take gentle care, Marie, you and Todd and Mitzie. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Oh how I miss Canadian Farm Markets Elaine! They are so much fun, especially in the Autumn when they are filled with all sorts of goodies! I feel bad for the children this year. At a time when they should be out enjoying being with their friends and just being kids, they have all these restrictions put on them. I know it is for their own safety. I hope this does not last forever. I am so sorry you are in such pain. I really hope that you feel better soon. Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way. Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. The ONLY way USUALLY I can get even a card sent to my kin on the East Coast here in USA...clear from me on the West Coast is to pay over $7 for a special envelope from the Post Office. And even paying $20 the other day, the small pkg I sent to my granddaughter in NC was RETURNED TO ME!!!!!!! To say I was MOST unhappy is an understatement. I had me quite a go around at the PO. But finally got a great clerk, and how he did it, I do not know, but it was resent and got there in 48 hours. I suspect some of the same stupidity must be happening between your country and ours too. We are not asking for MORE than we pay for...but we do have a right to expect what we pay them to do!! Lots of very lazy public employees in this land. Shame on them!! For some of us, we do not have a lot of ways to communicate with our loved ones. For something legal however, I would try to send it with a return receipt with a signed signature. Sometimes the govt offices here will claim something never arrived. Signatures help keep people more honest!! I think those of you who have sisters are so blessed indeed...never having anything but a pack of brothers I would not know. The last 2 brothers decided to chuck me off their list after the inheritance was done and I was not in charge of any of it. Go figure. Your aunt Freda sounds so lovely. I have one aunt left that I keep up with via phone and the occasional letter. Sending you hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. How very disappointing the Post Office is Elizabeth. I think it is the same everywhere. It sure is not like it was when I was a child. You could rely on it then, but then again you could rely and depend on most things. Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. My mon used to always make apple butter in the fall and after she passed , my oldest son took up the task. Now his children are continuing the tradition and I usually get a gift jar of it for Christmas. Although he had her recipe, he took several years to get it just right. We love it on hot toast and biscuits.

    1. Oh how very wonderful Pam. I think children are the greatest. I loved it when my kids were small but I love it now when they are also my friends. Love and hugs, xoxo


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