
Wednesday 2 September 2020

Wednesday this and that . . .

One thing I love about living in a house instead of a flat is my herb garden situated just outside my kitchen door.  It comes in very handy for me during the summer months.   Fresh herbs are so expensive and I love being able to just pop out the door when I need one.   I have also found when buying fresh herbs, they often didn't last long enough for me to use them up.  don't have that problem when I grow my own.  I simply cut as much as I need at any given time.  
This year was not a good year for my herbs, or at least for my basil and parsley.  The slugs were particularly bad and ate up all of my basil, including all of those lovely cuttings I propogated so lovingly on my windowsil. C'est la vie has to be your attitude in a country which is so wet. 

I know I could have put out slug pellets, but the birds eat slugs and I didn't want to poison them. I tried everything, broken egg shells, etc. Nothing really seemed to work. They have even eaten the mint.

On the plus side they left my chives and my thyme alone as well as the bay. My rosemary just disappeared!  Completely. 
Now is the time to start drying and preserving whatever you can when it comes to herbs.   There are a few different ways to dry your herbs.  I like to tie them into little bundles and then hang them upside down . . .  strung up on little lines throughout the house.  Of course you could dry them in a slow oven or the dehydrator, but I love the beautiful smell which wafts through the house when the little bundles are drying in the air. 

Our spare bedroom has a virtual curtain of bay leaves hanging upside down from the curtain rod in front of the window. I will have enough bay leaves for ten years I think. Mom always kept bay leaves in her cupboards, etc. to keep away pests.   


Bay always makes me think of the ancient Greeks and the Olympiad . . . the victor's brows bound with laurel wreaths, an ancient symbol of immortality.  It was the author Edna St. Vincent Millay who plucked two laurel leaves from the graves of Shelley and Keats, keeping them always pressed in a book . . . 
"For the sake of some things
That be now no more
I will strew rushes
On my chamber floor,
I will plant bergamot
At my kitchen Door."
~Edna St Vincent Millay   

Poets love herbs, and not surprisingly so . . . how can one not love herbs with such lyrical names as bergamot, rosemary, rue . . . savory, thyme.   They strike down deep to the soul . . . they suggest far off and shadowy places from the beginning of time.

Old sunny gardens where ladies in sprigged muslin mingle over cups of tea.   Copper kettles steaming over great fires.   The young laughter of Kit Marlowe . . . the bright dark gaze of Shakespeare . . .

Have you ever noticed the garden notes that Shakespeare sprinkled richly throughout his plays . . . with phrases such as this . . .

"I knew a wench married in the afternoon as she went to the garden for parsley to stuff a rabbit."
~The Taming of the Shrew, ActIV, Scene IV

Tis love, gardening and cooking all in one beautiful sentence . . . the older I get the more I begin to appreciate Shakespeare.

Red sky at morning, Sailors take warning?

The days are getting noticeably shorter now.  I am getting to appreciate a sunrise every morning. It seems to be happening all of a sudden.  Wasn't it only a few days ago that we were going to bed and waking up in bright sunlight?   The year she is a-waning . . . 

I get these foodie e-mails in my e-mail every day.  One of them today had the title. "Five Salad Recipes that Don't Suck."  When has salad every sucked?  Okay, admittedly there are some people (and eating establishments for that matter) that do absolutely deplorable salads.  But as a rule, I think all salads are beautiful creatures for the most part. I adore salad in just about every way, shape or form.  Which reminds me, I planted lettuce this summer also, but none of it came up or if it did, it was eaten right away.  Perhaps the slugs adore salads in any way, shape or form also.  

Asking that you keep my sister and her family in your prayers as they said goodbye to yet another family member this week.  My sister's son in law was found dead about a week or so ago now, they were able to revive him after 45 minutes, but sadly the damage was too extensive. Very young, only 28. An undiagonosed heart condition.  He leaves behind my niece, their 1 year old daughter and of course his parents. He was their only child. It is so heart breaking all round. I don't know how much more heartache one family can take.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today. 

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Never forget how far you've come.
Everything you have gotten through.
All the times you have pushed on
even when you felt you couldn't.
Al the mornings you got out of bed
no matter how hard it was.
All the times you wanted to give up
but you got through another day.
Never forget how much strength
you have learned and developed.
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Cheddar, Bacon & Chive Biscuits.  Deliciously scrumptious. Another small batch recipe. 

I hope you have a beautiful day. I really do.  Don't forget along the length of it  . . . 

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And I do too!  



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much. They are very much appreciated. xoxo

  2. That poor family Marie..


    I made little bunches as you know.. will tie big bundles:)

    1. I know, my heart breaks. Its all very sad. I am going to have bay leaves for the next ten years! xoxo

  3. I do love fresh herbs especially parsley. I didn't get any planted this year and really miss them. I've even got some at the grocery store,but they are not the same. Will pray for your sister and family on the death of their loved one. So tragic for them. One of my SIL's cousins lost his dad yesterday from a sudden heart attack so I've more to pray for too.. It's never easy to loose those we love. So will pray for comfort and strength for all.

    1. You are right Pam, it is nicer to have your own to use as and when you need them! Oddly enough my mom never had fresh herbs to use and she never missed them, but then again she did not use a lot of hebs. I will pray for your SIL's cousin. Comfort and strength for all. xoxo

  4. Your sister's tragedy is heartbreaking. I'm thinking of that little one year old who has to grow up without her Daddy. So very sad. I pray that Cindy and her family will find hope and peace. We have a herb garden too. I make what I call summer spaghetti. Pasta topped with some of every herb from the garden, chopped, plus cherry tomatoes, sauteed garlic and olive oil and perhaps a squeeze of lemon if I have one 🍋. It's very light and tasty. It's a grey rainy day here but still humid. I wanted to go to the farmer's market for corn so we shall see. Take gentle care. Love and hugs, Elaine.

    1. You have a beautiful garden Elaine. From the photos I have seen it is obviously someone's labour of love! Your pasta dish sounds fabulous! I hope and pray that little Ivy will come to know her father from the memories that others keep alive for her. Your love, hugs and prayers are so appreciated! Ohh, Ontario corn. Some of the best I have ever eate, bought off a farm truck just outside of our home in Georgetown. Soooo delicious! xoxo

  5. So sorry for your sister's family!! Sometimes the tragedies all very close together!! Been there!! I am glad that there is a little one to comfort the parents of this man. At least that!! Will ask GOD to be with them all...seems harder in this time in the world too.
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. It has been an incredibly rough ride for us all over these past two years Elizabeth. Your prayers are very much appreciated! xoxo

  6. I am so sad to hear about the passing of your Sister's son in law; that is tragic. Being an only son makes it even sadder. These things are so hard. I am grateful for the plan of salvation but I know those that know not, don't have that extra comfort. I will pray for them and you all. I know how close you are to your sister.
    I'm sad that the slugs got to your herbs. I haven't tried growing any but I should. We lose apples each year due to worms and birds. It frustrates me a lot. We do get some but not like we could have.
    Our little garden is doing well. Of course, Zucchini is in abundance right now, people try to give it away. I think I will make some bread with it tomorrow. We had some beets tonight from the garden and they yummy. Our tomatoes, carrots and onions are ready. We are hoping our corn will be good. This is the first garden we have had in a long time. Roger had time this year to spend in the yard; which is nice. He is back working at the temple with a small team of men. I'm not working there yet and I feel sad. I look forward to it opening up more.
    Have a great Friday sweet friend!

    1. I've always enjoyed having fresh herbs in the summer month, but it can be so disappointing when they disappear overnight! It is the same with vegetables and I think they probably get more of our berries than we do! I look forward to the Temple opening more also LeAnn. I had everything done for my mother except her endowment when this pandemic started. I fret about it never getting done. xoxo


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