
Wednesday 23 September 2020

Wednesday ponderings . . .


“I have spent my days stringing and unstringing 
my instrument, while the song I came to sing 
remains unsung to this day.” 
~Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)

I found this quote this morning and I thought to myself, “Wow”. It sounds very similar to a quote from the late President Kimbell. "Let us get our instruments tightly strung and our melodies sweetly sung. Let us not die with our music still in us."

It’s all about living life to it’s fullest and taking risks and becoming everything we were sent here to become. There’s no point in having a guitar if you never learn to play it and what’s the point in having a life that’s only ever half lived? 

Is there some skill that you have always wanted to develop, but up until now have been putting off? Have you always wanted to take singing lessons, or to learn how to play the piano, wanted to do Judo, learn to swim, take flying lessons, bake a cake . . . 

Maybe it's something simple such as learning to sew or embroider. Most local colleges and schools offer courses and night classes in all kinds of things. Often they are not that expensive, and if you are a senior citizen I believe that, over here in England at least, they are free. 


A wise man once said you have nothing to fear but fear itself, so why not take the plunge and do some of those things you have been putting off? Why wait for a rainy day? Why not sing the song you have been placed here on earth to sing? 

My brother took up flying gliders at the age of 58. It wasn't something he had ever thought about, but his youngest daughter was doing it in cadets. He became interested and before you could say Jack Rabbit, he was taking lessons.  

Now, several years later, he owns his own glider in a share partnership with someone else and he glides  in the warmer months in his free time as and when he can. He loves it and it makes us all so happy to see him doing something he enjoys so much. You are never too old to expand your horizons and learn something new.


I am trying to think of something new I would like to learn how to do. Perhaps something I have always wanted to do that is within the realm of possibility.  I have always wanted to learn how to play the piano. We have no room for one, nor do we have the money to buy one. (They are quite expensive.) I will have to ponder this for a little bit longer me thinks. 

Right now I am having enough problems just coming to terms with this new blogger. There are some things I like about it, but a lot of things I don't like about it. I expect over time I will get used to it and then they will go and change it around again! 

Its raining out there this morning.  We can't complain as we have had a week of sunshine and lovely warm temperatures.  I cannot believe it is fall already. It is my favourite season of the year and it has snuck up on me this year.  You would think with all of the drama of this year nothing would be able to sneak up on me, but hey ho!  It did! Time marches on and waits for no man, or so the saying goes! 

I best leave you with a thought for the day . . . 

☾ ° ° * 。  
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*Those who leave 
everything in God's hands,
will eventually see
God's hands in everything. 
° ° * 。   • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° ° *  

 In the English Kitchen today there is another recipe for a roast chicken. This time it is Roast Chicken with a Lemon and Herb Stuffing.  It comes with roast potatoes and a delicious gravy!  I do so love roast chicken and there is no such thing as too many ways of doing it.  I love trying something different. 
Have a great Wednesday!  Stay safe and don't forget! 

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And I do too!!  


  1. See what I mean about blogger? I can't get my post to publish all in the same size of font this morning, and it won't let me switch from html to regular editing. I do not understand html at all. I am afraid I will have to leave it as it is for today as I am getting too frustrated trying to fix it. Have a great day! xoxo

  2. For some reason I've always wanted to learn how to weave baskets. It just appeals to me. Loved your roast chicken menu. It makes the house smell delicious. Enjoy those leftovers. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. You need to try to weave a proper basket Elaine! I am sure there are videos to follow on YouTube! You can probably buy what you need online. Give it a go! Roast chicken smells amazing I agree. I don't know why we cannot buy air fresheners that smell like Chicken dinners or proper BBQ. You can get pumpkin spice and apple, cherry etc. Why not something savoury? Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. I tried to delete a pic and everything went wonky..learning curve for sure.
    So I want to be a doctor.A caring doctor.That cures everything as she is curious and stops at nothing to help:)

    1. You are not kidding about it being a steep learning curve! I am learning every day! I think you would make a wonderfully caring Doctor! Xoxo

  4. PS I have seen pianos free on Varage sale..and how about a piano keyboard?:)

    1. Maybe in the new year. I am sure I could find a keyboard and perhaps some online tutorials. xoxo

  5. Yes time marches on and waits for no one. I'm sad to see summer disappearing before my eyes. We are the opposite of you and have sunshine and warmer weather. We just need to make the most of what we have.

    1. Yes we do need to make the most of what we are given Pam!! I am so grateful for busy days. I hardly stop from when I get up until when I go to bed! xoxo

  6. Wow...that is so awesome looking, the chicken!! I love chicken...hard to ruin a dish made with it!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I admit it was quite delicious! I love chicken also! xoxo

  7. I loved your last quote; it's a good one. It's a good one.
    I do feel like we should all be learning something new. I'm just working on playing my piano more and sharping that skill. I do love to play but find I don't make enough time. I would also love to learn a language. Of course, I would like to get back to crocheting too. Gosh, where does my time go?
    I'm struggling a bit with the blogger too. I wish they wouldn't change things.
    Our weather is changing too. I guess I will have to get my winter clothes out soon. Hopefully, they fit. We call it Covid 10 over here. it the gaining of 10 pounds during this time and I am close to that one.
    Have a great week ahead. Sending hugs your way!

    1. I just think if something works well, why mess with it! Anyways, I suppose I will get used to'it eventually. I need to lose weight as well! It’s so hard! Xoxo


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