
Wednesday 30 September 2020

Just one minute . . .

I was out walking one day and I happened to run into a friend that I had not seen in quite a while. The day was somewhat gloomy, and clouds in the sky threatened to drop a downpour on us at any moment. 

 Immediately as I saw her, a smile broke out onto her face and she greeted me with these cheery words, “Hello, I was thinking about you this morning!” Suddenly it didn’t seem to matter that rain was threatening and the day didn’t seem quite as gloomy anymore.   

I felt all warm and rosy inside. Someone had been thinking about me. As usual, things like this get me to pondering. There’s no such thing as co-incidence you know . . . Only God-incidence. Everything happens for a reason and a purpose. 

This thought came to my mind . . . “Wouldn’t it be nice if we all could stop for a minute once a day, and think about someone else, instead of focusing on our own small world and mundane selves?”  

 It only takes a minute . . . Not long . . . Sixty seconds . . . But if we all did this, there’s no telling what we might be able to achieve. We’ve all got twenty four hours in a day, that’s 1440 minutes. Surely we can, each one of us, spare just one of those minutes to be quiet and think peaceful, loving thoughts of others.  

At the moment is is not possible for most of us to go and visit each other, but we can pick up a phone or write a note, or an e-mail. We all need each other now more than ever methinks.


Its very cool and overcast out there this morning and has been spitting of rain. Its quite windy also with a wind coming from the North.  I just may have to turn the heat on. 

I was really surprised yesterday when my mail arrived. 


In the post here was a little package and note from my friend Linda in New Brunswick, containing an envelope of Summer Savory from my home of Nova Scotia.  The Summer Savory I have is 8 years old, so this could not have come at a better time.  And just before Thanksgiving as well so I can add its special touch to my stuffing this year!  It was so kind of her to think of me.  Thank you so much Linda!

There was also this cute Halloween Card from my friend Val in Colorado. Val's son did his  mission here in the England Manchester Mission and he served here in Chester for a time. He was in our home many, many times.  Then Val and Steve (her husband) came to visit us a few years ago as well. It was so good to finally meet in person.  This card is so sweet. Its a pop up card.  Thank you so much Val!  I dare say it will be the only Halloween we get here in Chester this year! 

All around us areas are going into lockdown.  Flintshire which is the county right at the age of us. Wrexham which is a city next to us. We are now in the depths of our second wave and they say there may even be a third wave. Scary times to say the least. 

I am so very grateful for the upcoming General Conference this weekend and to hear what our church leaders have to share with us. It will be a different one like the one in April, but I am sure it will be very inspiring and uplifting. I am really looking forward to it. 

A gentle reminder to myself this morning of who I can put my trust and faith in. The warmth and glow of the candles is very comforting also, as is the smell. Pumpkin Spice.

I did not sleep very well last night, so I am going to leave you now with a thought for today  . . . 

A photo one for today. 

I hope that it made you smile as much as it did me. I know the first official day of fall was last week, but I am a girl who loves October and since tomorrow is the first day of October, I thought this was sort of fitting. 
In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Spaghetti Pizza for Two.  A delicious smaller sized casserole for the smaller sized family. It lacks none of the flavour of the full size I can assure you.  It is quick, easy and delicious!  
I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday filled with some of the things you love.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!!   


  1. Thoughtfulness is always appreciated:)
    I find with snail mail though..I am arrives fast enough for me.

    1. I know what you mean Monique! We are truly an instant society! xoxo

  2. The best place to be is in someone's thoughts. I love getting surprises in the mail. I'm off to buy some pumpkins to pretty up our porch for fall. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Oh, I bet it will look lovely! As pretty as a picture! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. Thanks my dear friend for this lovely post. I too do not believe in coincidences. We have those little tender mercies happen often and especially if we are looking for them.
    I agree that we should be thinking and praying for one another. I try hard to text friends and try to connect with those I know can't get out very much and make calls. I have a goal each week of making a few calls. However, I don't understand that people don't answer their phones. However, most will call back.
    I loved all the sweet things you have received from friends. I hope that someday we might even meet in person.
    Friends are the best and my blogging friends like you always bring me joy.
    Our Covid numbers remain higher. I afraid it was caused by our wonderful BYU students who decided to party without masks and social distancing. I think they really got told off by the President. I don't get why there are any arguments at all on wearing masks among members of the church. I think of it as loving our neighbors. Hear in America, it's crazy.
    I too can hardly wait for conference. I think we are ready for direction, hope and comfort.
    I did love the poem; it was a good one. I do love Autumn time!
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!

    1. Yes the young people here in the UK are the problem also. They lack the maturity and the compassion for others to do the right thing. IE. They are very selfish. They think its okay, just a bad cold for them. They do not stop to think about how many others they might infect, etc. Is selfishness really. Love and hugs and hopes that your numbers in the US improve soon! xoxo

  4. The best place to be is in someone's thoughts. I love getting snail mail. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. You are very right Elaine! It is the best place to be. I love snail mail also. xoxo


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