
Wednesday 16 September 2020

All things Septemberish . . .


September was the seventh month of the Roman Calendar, but is the ninth accoding to our reckoning. The Anglo-saxons called it "Gerst-Monath," or the "Barley Month."  

 September’s name comes from the Latin word septem, meaning “seven.”

Yes, this post is all things September-ish . . . 

Feast Days 

September 21st - St Matthew

Matthew is recognized as a saint in the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran and Anglican churches(see St. Matthew's Church). His feast day is celebrated on 21 September in the West and 16 November in the East. He is known as the Patron Saint of Finance.

September 29th - St Michael or Michalemas Day 

Michaelmas (/ˈmɪkəlməs/ MIK-əl-məs; also known as the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, the Feast of the Archangels, or the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels) is a Christian festival observed in some Western liturgical calendars on 29 September.

This is also a time when the weather is known to change. In Italy, they say "For St. Michael, heat goes into the heavens." In Ireland, people expect a marked decrease in sickness or disease. 

The Irish also consider this a lucky day for fishing: Plenty comes to the boat on Micheael's Day

Barolini records a nursery rhyme about hours of sleep: Nature requires five, Custom gives seven, Laziness takes nine And Michaelmas eleven.  


Fair on September first, fair for the month. 

Plant trees at Michalmas and command them to grow. Set them at Candlemas and entreat them to grow.

September blows soft - Til the fruits' in the loft.

St Matthew brings cold dew.

September dries up wells, or breaks down bridges. 


The splendour falls on castle walls
And snoy summits old in story,
The long light shakes across the lakes,
And the wild cateract leaps in glory.
Blow, bugle, blow, set the wild echoes flying.
Blow, bugle, answer, echoes, dying, dying, dying.

Oh hark, Oh hear! How thin and clear,
And thinner,, clearer, farher going!
O sweet and far from cliff and scar
The horns of Elfland faintly blowing!
Blow, let us hear the purple glens replying
Blow, bugle; answer, echoes, dying, dying, dying.

September 17th
Rowed to the top of Loch Vennachar and pic-niced on the shore. The Brake Fern on the hills is beginning to turn bronze and yellow. Great quantities of it have been cut and left to dry on the hillside, making great patches of red and brown. None of the trees are turning colour as yet. On the way home we witnessed a wonderful sunset across the water.  The reflected light on the Eastern hilltops was gorgeous, all shades of gold and red and brown, deepening into purple and grey shadows at the base of the mountains. There was a curious, gold-brown dust lying all over the surface of the lock, which we thought must be Heather pollen, blown across from the hills. 
~Edith Holden, The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady


While ripening corn grew thick and deep,
And here and there men stood to reap,
One morn, I put my heart to sleep
And to the meadows took my way,
The goldfinch on a thistle-head
stood scattering seedlets as she fed.
The wrens their pretty gossip spread,
or joined a random roundelay. 
~Jean Ingelow  

September, in Old England, was called Haervest-monath (Harvest Month). This is the time to gather up the rest of the harvest and prepare for the winter months. 

There are flowers enough in the summertime,
More flowers than I can remember,
But none with the purple, gold and red
That dye the flowers of September!
~Mary Howitt (1799-1888) 

September Birth Flowers

September’s birth flowers are the aster and the morning glory. The aster signifies powerful love, and the China aster expresses variety or afterthought in the language of flowers. The morning glory symbolizes affection. It can also mean coquetry, affectation, or bonds in the language of flowers. 

September Birthstone

The September birthstone is the sapphire, which was once thought to guard against evil and poisoning.

  • Sapphire is a form of corundum that is typically blue, a color caused by tiny bits of iron and titanium; the vivid, medium blues are more valuable than lighter or darker forms. Due to various trace elements, sapphires also appear in other colors. Those with red colors are called rubies.
  • Sapphires were thought to encourage divine wisdom and protection. They symbolized purity, truth, trust, and loyalty. Some believed that if they were placed in a jar with a snake, the snake would die.
  • The sapphire, along with the related ruby, are the second-hardest natural gemstones, with only the diamond being harder.  


 September Fun Days

 There are lots of days dedicated to fun activities in September. Look out for these days. 

  • September 5th: National Cheese Pizza Day
  • September 9th: National Teddy Bear Day
  • September 16th: National Play-Doh Day
  • September 19th: International "Talk Like A Pirate Day" 

We may have missed most of them, but Happy National Play-Doh Day and here's to the up and coming Talk like a Pirate Day!  

So what are some of the things that mark September as being special to you?  I feel that the air is full of change. You have some really lovely warm days, but then you also have the cooler nights and some pretty miserable days weatherwise as well. 

Something fun to do 

Look up American Bandstand on YouTube. Yesterday I watched an episode from November 11 1967. You can catch that here. Boy it sure too me back. In 1967 I was 12 years old. It was really fun to hear the music, see the old adverts, the hairstyles, the clothes, the dances.

We used to tune into American Bandstand  every Saturday afternoon, along with Canadian Bandstand, which came from Kitchener/Waterloo.

It was a different world. I was looking at the show yesterday and I was thinking to myself, most of those kids are really old now, or even no longer with us. This was during the Viet Nam War, and I found myself wondering how many of the youngsters on the show dancing ended up in Viet Nam and never came back.   

And I found myself wondering what hot Doctor Pepper tastes like!  #1 song of the day was Aretha Franklin, Natural Woman.

And with that I better leave you with a thought for the day . . .  

☾ ° ° * 。  
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*To regret the experience is 
to regret the lesson because 
the lesson is inextricably 
contained in the experience. 
 ~Chad Hymas •。★★ 。* 。 
In The English Kitchen today. Maritime Biscuits.  A taste of nostalgia and a darned delicious biscuit! They are like a combination of a biscuit and a dinner roll!

Have a wonderful day.  Don't forget along the way  . . . 

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And I do too!! 


  1. Haha...we saw that the other day on Youtube too...that crazy ad for HOT dr. pepper...does NOT sound appealing to me!! It was not a perfect time either, those days...but somehow I feel today is harder!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. It sounded disgusting yes Elizabeth! I wonder if it would taste like cough medicine! Xoxo

  2. Funny, over the weekend I watched that on YouTube also! I was 11 when that aired. I really dislike Dr. Pepper it tastes like the medicine my mom gave me when I was a kid and hot Dr. Pepper sounds disgusting to me :) My soda of choice is Cherry Coke. Autumn is my favorite season. I am so happy it is here, though the dreaded winter is next. Sigh!

    1. You and I are very similar in age Mary! I am a Diet Coke person myself! Xoxo

  3. Mulled hot Dr. Pepper is actually tasty. Of course, I am a Dr. Pepper person.

    1. I have alway thought it tasted a bit cough mediciny, but I don't like cherry coke or any other coke flavour either, just regular Diet Coke! oxox

  4. Los of interesting facts..We had Like Young too..did you see that?
    My brothers wore Perry Como sweaters lol.

    1. No I never saw Like Young. Was it a dance show? Perry Como sweaters. Those were the days! xoxo

  5. I love reading all about the September folklore and such and also the memory of Band Stand. We watched it every afternoon after school. Good memories.

    1. I had crushes on some of the boys, or at least I thought they were cute, lol Good times! xoxo

  6. September 12 - we celebrated 50 years married.
    September 22 - my 72nd birthday. Wanted to be married before I turned 22!

    We have had to cancel two Florida vacations, as well as a cabin retreat that our daughter got for us to celebrate our anniversary. Have one coming up in November, but really uncertain about traveling even then.

    Getting remnants of Hurricane Sally this week/weekend with lots of rain and flooding, but hoping it's not that bad.

    Have a great rest of this week - love to Todd, Mitzie and You.

    Mary in GA

    1. Happy Anniversary and a very Happy Birthday in just a few days! I think lots of us have had plans cancelled this year and next year isn't looking any better! Stay safe in the storm! Love and hugs, xoxo

  7. Loved hearing all about September. I imagine hot Dr. Pepper tastes a bit like Glogg. Why I think that, I don't know. Will definitely be making your Maritime Biscuits. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. It doesn't sound very appealing to me Elaine, but I never liked Doctor Pepper anyways! I hope you and Larry enjoy the biscuits! Love and hugs, xoxo


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