
Saturday 19 September 2020

All Things Nice . . .

Today I am flooding my page with all things that are nice, because in the light of what we have been going through in the year 2020 to date, we could all use a little bit of nice.     


I've slowly been building my number of food photo props. These are my latest purchases.  I love the little heart shaped jug and the sugar bowl with its spoon is cute too.  I love that they are cute without compromising the food I am trying to showcase.  Nobody but me is allowed to touch them.  That way if anything breaks I have only me to blame. 

I love the music I am listening to this morning. Jim Croche.  I had all of his albums when I was younger.  He was a great talent that died far too young.  Sometimes when I listen to old music I feel really sad.  Does that happen to you? It makes me feel good and sad at the same time. I wonder why? 
I've always felt really connected to nature. Nature speaks to my heart in a way nothing else does.  I used to take myself off into the woods when I was a child and I have always loved looking at wild flowers, walking in shaded glens, etc. I love watching birds and feeding them.  The only thing I don't like about nature is the often violent nature of it. I don't like to watch animals killing each other, etc. even though I know that it is just the way things are and a matter of survival.   I guess I just like the pleasant and nice side of nature.   It won't be long now before we hear the sound of wild geese flying over head as they make their journey south. The mornings and evening are becoming quite cool. 

The least of us, the humblest,
is in partnership with the Almighty in achieving
the purpose of the eternal plan of salvation. That places us
in a very responsible attitude toward the human race.
~John A Widtsoe 

We all have a responsability . . .  a responsability to make a difference, to be an influence, to lift someone. We are all in this together, striving to reach our fullest potential and to be our brother's keepers. We need to help each other.  It is in the helping and the striving that we become better people. 
I am only one, but I am one
I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
What I can do, I should do and,
with the help of God, I will do.
~Everett Hale  

You can offer your ideas to others as bullets or seeds. You can shoot them or sow them; hit people in the head with them, or plant them in their hearts.

Ideas used as bullets will kill inspiration and neutralize motivation. Used as seeds, they take root, grow, and become reality in the life in which they are planted.

The only risk in the seed approach: Once it grows it becomes part of those in whom it's planted, you probably will get no credit for originating the idea. But if you're willing to do without the credit, you will reap a rich harvest.

~Dr Richard C Halverson 



Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing,
but to turn it into glory.
~William Barclay 


One night I dreamed a dream. As I was walking along the beach with my Lord. Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life. For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, One belonging to me and one to my Lord. 
After the last scene of my life flashed before me, I looked back at the footprints in the sand. I noticed that at many times along the path of my life, especially at the very lowest and saddest times, there was only one set of footprints. 
This really troubled me, so I asked the Lord about it. "Lord, you said once I decided to follow you, You'd walk with me all the way. But I noticed that during the saddest and most troublesome times of my life, there was only one set of footprints. I don't understand why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me." 
 He whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you Never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints, It was then that I carried you." 
( source)  

The last time I was home to Canada was 7 1/2 years ago when my mother was having her lung operation. Most of the time I was there, I was alone in my mother's house with just her cat Pumpkn for company. It didn't matter what I was doing Pumpkin wanted to be involved. I expect she was missing mom, or maybe she was just curious.  Cats are very independant creatures, but they are also incredibly curious.  If you are doing something they are bound to be found right in the thick of it. I had brought my paints home with me. If I was at the table painting, Pumpkin was right there laying on the table next to my water pot. If I was reading the newspaper she was laying on it, usually where I wanted to read. I did not mind. I expect she was missing mum, same as we are now. 
When I was at school I did not have an appreciation for Shakespeare and his prose.  Reading it was torturous for me.  I just did not get anything out of it. Then I saw the film Romeo and Juliet in 1968 by Franco Zefferelli, with Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting.  The play came to life for me and I began to appreciate Shakespeare in a way I had not appreciated him before. 

I remember also at that time I had a huge crush on this boy in my homeroom at school. His name was Dougie MacDonald. He was also in band and we often walked home from band practice together.  That night he brought this other girl with him to the movie. I thought I would die from a broken heart. 
Funny how we have these childhood crushes and when they don't work out the way we wish that the would, we feel like we can't go on. Oh to have such silly problems now. 

Apparently Great Britain is experiencing it's Second Wave of the virus now, according to our Prime Minister.  My next door neighbour has had to be tested.  Hopefully it is just a cold and a cough.  

It does get me down a bit. I am only human. I fear that this will be the rest of my life, and that I will never see my family again. I worry about the mail or groceries coming into my house. I worry that I shouldn't have gone out with Tina for lunch the other day, etc. 

And then I remember that there is nothing that I have ever worried about in my life that was ever changed by my worrying about it.  And I make myself stop.

If  I do the things I am asked to do and the worst happens, then it was simply meant to be.  I need to just enjoy what I have now and hope for a better future. 
I am running out of time this morning.  When I got up at 5, my computer was doing updates and then the updates failed and I had to wait for it to undo what it had done and put everything back the way it was. I am afraid I don't like the new blogger either.  I am sure there are things that are better about it,  and I will eventually get used to it, but in the meantime I am struggling with it! Bear with me!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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*What we choose to do here
will determine the kind of life
we have throughout all of eternity.
We are never living just for today.
~President Russell M Nelson• ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • •。 


In The English Kitchen today.  Quarter Cup Cookies.   A small batch recipe which gives you an even Baker's Dozen of the most delicious cookies.  Sized down from the original recipe which made seven dozen cookied and was called One Cup Cookies. Delicious at any rate!

Have a great Saturday.  Don't forget along the length of your day . . . 

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And I do too!! 


  1. Your little♥ collection is so you and I hear you re just you touching them:)Nancy gve me her canister set from the South of France and they sit on the windowsill..when I see he has opened the window and and moved them..I always say..don't put them back ..I cringe..he has always been shall we say less than delicate;)

    A spike here too..and this morning I though..why am I eating yogurt and seeds etc..I may as well have apple all we need are locusts.That's my feeling.
    It will pass..Cats have a great life.
    Bon weekend..your cookies look grand.:)

    1. LIke J, Todd is not the gentlest touch! I would rather he not break anything. If I do, then I can deal with myself, lol. I hope it all passes and more sooner than later but I think I am going to be disappointed! xoxo

  2. I love your all things nice pages and leve he footsteps story too. It never fails but touch my herar. Hope you have a wonderful Saturday and a great weekend!

    1. I hope you are having a great weekend also Pam! xoxo

  3. I do understand how it feels to be so far from loved ones. I do not know if we will ever see the most of our offspring again either...7 of them we have not seen in nearly 3 years now. Glad we have the next life to look forward to. I try not to think much most days of this issue.
    I do have good news!! The Elephant upstairs moved out yesterday!! It is such a big relief!! I think we were both surprised at how much!!
    Then it has rained enough that the smoke is nearly gone!! Even saw some sky for the first time in days, since the smoke came. I understand due to the fact some of the fires cannot be fought due to terrain, it will be with us off and on all winter...but we can hope not!! If it rains or snows enough, maybe not.
    I hope your neighbor is not too sick. Make them some tasty healthy chicken soup with lots of garlic and chopped broccoli in it...those 2 ingredients are great medicine!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Great news about the elephant Elizabeth! and about my neighbour. Negative test! Whew! xoxo

  4. You must miss your children something fierce, Marie. Don't lose hope of seeing them, though. God will work his magic and somehow, sometime this old world of ours will be healed. Love your 💙 Cream and sugar. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine! I hope and pray also that this world can be healed. Love, hugs and blessings to you always, xoxo

  5. I love your blog. Words, photos, quotes, honesty. I look forward to reading every day. Thank you.

  6. I’m a new reader here and I love your blog.
    Your words, photos, recipes, quotes, honestly.
    Please know they are appreciated and meaningful.
    Thank you. V

    1. Thank you so much V. Its always nice to make a new friend! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!