
Wednesday 19 August 2020

Wednesday thoughts . . .

Now we are into the latter part of August I am beginning to see big changes happening in the garden and indeed, in the countryside.  There is a wild park across the roadway from us and the birds get strangely silent this time of year. Beneath the trees, dark and silent . . .  the air rings with silence when only what seems like a few days ago, they were a cacaphony of sound and chatter. It is as if they are storing up their energies for the colder months we know are not all that far ahead of us now . . . 

I have noted that things in the garden are now taking on that tired, almost fading and bedraggled look. The white hydrangea at the front of our house are speckled with pinkish spots and the pink is now fading into a dull purplish hue  . . .  

The leaves on our blueberry plants are turning to russets and reds and seed pods are beginning to  dance amongst the last of our wildflowers.  Our pansies are still fighting fit however and not quite ready to give up the ghost just yet. 

The honeysuckle that borders our back gate has lost its blooms as well.  What was once sweet and red has become small green berries.  Bees no longer hum as they dance amongst the leaves. Just a few weeks ago I was holding my breath each time I walked through the gate onto our grassed lawn . . .  the honeysuckle was just a buzzing . . .  not now  . . .  the honeysuckle, too, has gone mysteriously silent. 

Most days the air is heavy and hot and smells faintly of muck where the farms which surround our housing estate have been muck spreading, preparing their fields for winter crops.  At first it appears quite pungent, but you get used to it after a time and it fades.

It seems suddenly I am not waking up or going to bed in bright sunlight any more, instead  I wake up with the dawn just beginning to break and, its already becoming quite dark when we crawl into bed at the end of the day.  The days are becoming noticeably shorter now. 

Change is in the air . . .  


Corn stands in the field . . . cut and stacked, ready for the threshers . . . stubble awaiting plough . . .  and on the hillsides there comes a pink and purple and mauve flush as the heather begins to bloom.

This is the hour of maturity . . .  the season of fruiting and fulfilment . . .  of gathering and garnering . . . indeed  . . . the crowning of the year is now upon us.

A box arrived all the way from Toronto, Canada yesterday. Todd said, "What did you order now?"  I was quite happy to tell him nothing. This was a gift from my dear friend, Elaine, filled to overflowing with treasures. Every time Elaine sends me a package it is a delight from the outset.  I hate to open them because they are so beautifully wrapped. Inside was an Aladdin's cave of delights. Thank you so much Elaine!!  I can't wait until we are able to go back to church and I can wear that lovely brooch.  I do so love sparkly things and the pillow slips are going in the guest bedroom where they won't be ruined . . .  so beautiful. Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

And my oldest son, who so believes in and has faith in me, sent me a tripod set for my camera.  I need to figure out how to use it.   It even has a bluetooth remote shutter.

And we have had confirmation from Amazon that they are looking into the content theft. They are indeed the ones who are hosting that thieving site. So I am hoping that it will soon be taken down!! That won't stop anyone from doing it again, but . . . at least this one will be down for now. 

The internet is filled with horrible people at times. I went to visit my late friend Angie's blog once and it was filled with horrible links that people had left peppered in the comments section.  I am leaving my blog to my son so that he can keep it clean, or shut it down, depending on what his wishes are.  He is already a co-author on it with me, as well as on my facebook page. 

I also got the most beautifully worded card from my sister.  It made me cry. 

When I lived in Alberta, we used to be able to get these poppyseed rolls.  They were filled with a sweet poppyseed custard and glazed with a sweet icing. I was so excited when I saw this poppyseed bred on the Ocado page, which is where I get my grocery orders from.  This is what the description said: 

One of the most popular flavours in Russia and Easter Europe - a brioche loaf with rich sweet poppy filling. We love it on its own or toasted with some butter. Delicious!  

I have to say in reality it was not quite what I was expecting.  It was a bit dry. Nice, but not like the rolls in my memory. I will have to keep searching!  It would probably be nice, toasted,  with butter, but alas I am watching my cholesterol. 

Many parents are now facing sending their children back to school after having had them home for an extended period of time. Some parents are looking forward to having their kids back at school, but I am sure many others are facing it with quite a bit of trepidation and anxiety. Not everyone is capable or organised enough to be able to cope with home-schooling their children.  Some parents having to/need to work, so there is no choice for them. I would not want to have to be making that choice myself.  My oldest son and his wife made the choice to keep their two boys home very early on in this virus, several weeks before the schools themselves closed, so their two boys have missed a lot. They are sending them back, but with mixed feelings.  I have seen the protocols which have been put in place where they live, which sound okay on paper, and which hopefully will do the job at keeping the boys safe. 

This is such a scary time for everyone. Lets be honest, nobody knows anything for sure, one way or the other.  We are all flying in the dark. 

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

It is impossible to stand upright
when one plants his roots in  
the shifting sands of popular 
opinion and approval.
~Thomas S Monson•。★★ 。* 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Yogurt Biscuits with Honey & Cardamom Butter.  The biscuits rise so high and are light and flaky.  Only three ingredients.  SR flour, yogurt and some salt.  The butter is the perfect accompaniment!  

Have a great Wednesday.  Whatever you get up  to don't forget! 

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And I do too!  


  1. Your treasure box is so sweet.So thoughtful.
    And the tripod:)

    Your son is your co-author? I love that Marie..yes all is changing outside..

    hope my tomatoes get a chance to ripen.
    What an ugly covid.
    Kids all going back here also..

    Teacher daughter teaching..
    What a life..

    For all with these concerns.

    1. Yes, he helps me with things from time to time. I keep telling him he needs to cook something with the boys and post it. The youngest one likes to bake with him! I hope your tomatoes ripen also! But at least they are a fruit that continues to ripen after being picked! I think so much more needs to be done to make people feel safe because this virus is not going away anytime soon. But people like you and like me, we are afraid and quite reasonably so! More care needs to be taken! xoxo

  2. Hi Marie, it was lovely to see how you showcased your birthday gift. I'm still amazed how quickly you received it and so happy you liked it. It was a beautiful day here, much less humid, so we enjoyed getting out to do a few errands. So much controversary on kids going back to school. I'm glad I don't have to make that decision. I think it's so nice you and Anthony are working together on your blogs. Take gentle care. Enjoy these last few weeks of summer. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine! It was such a treat for me. Its sunny this morning but very cool. Brr . . . autumn is in the air for sure! But then, it is my favourite season because you get nice sunny days and cooler nights. Great for sleeping and the colours are fabulous! Love and hugs, xoxo


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