
Wednesday 5 August 2020

To smell a book . . .


Reading gives us someplace to go
when we have to stay where we are.
~Mason Cooley

Have you ever truly buried your nose in a book? Sat there and inhaled its fragrance. The actual smell will depend on the book, where you are, where the book came from, the age of the book, etc. Some will smell musty (not my favourite), but mostly they smell like paper and leather and, to me at least, like promise. You know a great adventure awaits you and you are about to travel someplace you've never been before  . . . I love it! 

I have enjoyed a lifelong love affair with books. It started with my father reading to me when I was very young. I remember two stories in particular that he read to me. Heidi and another one about Tom and Jerry. My father would put on character voices and to this day has the Tom and Jerry book memorized, as do I.

"Jerry mouse stepped out of his mousehole one day. "My, he called over to his friend Tom as he looked across at the big people's kitchen, "What a beautiful day! Let's go for a walk, let's go for a sail, lets go for a PICNIC!" 

I can still hear my father's voice in my head . . .  all high pitched and queaky. . .  filled with excitement as he regalled me with this tale.This is a treasure I carry with me always and no matter where I go . . .


A room without books 
is like a body without a soul.

The love affair continued on and when I was old enough I would take my bicycle and pedal to the local library every day in the summer months and at the weekends during the other months. As children, we were only allowed to take one book out at a time. I was there every day as, not only was I a voracious reader, I was a very quick reader and I was hungry for books.

I read my way through all the Nancy Drew series, Trixie Beldon, the Adventurous Five, The Bobbsey Twins, Little Women, etc. not once but several times. I loved anything by Enid Blyton and still do to this day.  Oh my  . . . the adventures Enid Blyton took me on were simply nothing less than magical.

Books don't just go with you,
they take you where you've never been. 

I also read the entire Book of Knowledge encyclopedia that my parents had bought us children. That is no lie, I read the entire thing. I was amazed at all the things between it's pages and was as pleased as punch when my mother gifted me with it several years back. I know it was old, and alot of the information in it was out of date, but it was special to me, and I treasured it. My heart was broken when my ex burnt it in one of his legendary bon-fires. It was a done deed before I even knew what he was doing  . . .  all those childhood memories of mine, gone up in smoke.

I hope that I instilled my same love of books in my children. Every night after bathtime we would gather on the big double bed my two daughters shared. Their faces would be all dewey, pink and clean from their baths, their eyes shining in anticipation.  I would read to them, putting on the voices for each of the characters, just as my father had done before, invoking as much enthusiasm and expression into each telling as I could.

I do so hate finishing books.
I would like to go on with them for years.
~Beatrix Potter

Sometimes I would make up my own stories for them and tell them those, which they enjoyed as well.

They each had their own favorite books.

"Oliver and the Sticky Buns"   Alison Uttley's "Little Grey Hare"   "Goodnight Moon"   "Just Me and My Dad"   ohh, and mustn't forget "The Cat in the Hat" and "The Pants With Nobody In Them."

When one was finished, they would beg me . . . "just one more mom!"  How could I resist . . . one more it would be!


I have lived a thousand lives,
and I have loved a thousand loves.
I've walked on distant worlds
and seen the end of time.
Because I read.
~George R. R. Martin 

I continue my love affair to this day. My side of the bed is stacked with books I am reading, as not only am I voracious, but  . . .  I am greedy.  I can never read just one book at a time. I generally have several on the go. I am always finding books that I just have to read, and I have one small bookcase full of favourites. These are books  that I can read again, and again . . .  and again.Each time I open one of those up, it is like I am visiting with a long lost friend I have not seen in a while. Oh how wonderful it is to become re-acquainted after a time has passed.


Books give a soul to the universe,
wings to the mind, flight to the imagination,
and life to everything.

Now where was I?  Oh yes . . . to smell a book.  Next time you get the chance, take a book, put it up to your nose, close your eyes, and breathe it in.  You will smell paper, leather perhaps . . .  adventure, the past, the future, hope, despair, sadness and joy, history, love . . .  Ruffle it's pages and smell it again, and then . . . don't stop there.  Dig in and read, experience one of life's greatest pleasures . . . a book.  Expand your vision and your mind, and, if you are really lucky . . . your heart.

A thought to carry with you  . . .

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Reading is dreaming
with your eyes open.
~unknown•。★★ 。* 。 

How to Cook Bacon in the Oven 

I'm sharing a tutorial in the English Kitchen today on How To Cook Bacon In The Oven.  Plus I have added a few of my favourite recipes which use bacon. 

What a wash out yesterday was.  It rained most of the day.  Its really cool this morning as well, but I do see some blue bits of sky. There's plenty of cloud about however, so who knows what will happen with this day.  In any case, don't forget! 

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And I do too!   



  1. Speaking of books, have been reading to Hubby again as he goes to seems to help him sleep easier and not in as much pain. The one we just started is by Raynor Winn: The Salt is a great book, though not so funny. A hilarious one we just finished and loved is called: Wingfield's World by Dan Needles. We laughed so hard in places we had to stop to catch our breath...but then we have lived on a farm here and it is that natural humor of dealing with animals etc.
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I love that you do this for your husband Elizabeth! What a wonderful wife you are. I will have to look up those books! I think Todd would especially like the one about farms as he used to be a cowman on a dairy farm. Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. Oh Elizabeth you read to your husband♥

    Lovely post marie..Blogger is different:(

    1. At times we used to take turns reading to each other, but now it is easier for him if I do the reading. He has always been dyslexic and his eyes do not work on the same level but he was an electric engineer, got top grades in college...which shows determination goes a long ways, eh? He says my voice soothes him...haha. Thanks for your kind remark, Nana.
      Elizabeth xoxo

    2. Like you I hate Change Monique. I did revert mine to the old blogger. You can do that in your settings. xoxo

  3. I do love reading and that's about all I have been doing ever since this virus hit. Staying with a good book gives us a good place to go. You are right about that.

    1. Thanks Pam! Because I was never a person who went out a lot anyways, being at home has not been too much of a hardship for me! xoxo

  4. "Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are." Love that quote and loved your entire post. I've sent you an email with a picture of my Madeleines made with your recipe. Sure wish you could come to the tea party, too. Well, must grab my tiara and dancing slippers and be off. Take gentle care. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. Thanks so much Elaine, got your e-mail with the lovely pics. Will respond later today. I wish I could go as well. I hope you have a lovely time. I am sure you did and your goodies went down a real treat! Love and hugs, xoxo

    2. Hi Marie, it was a perfect summer afternoon. They loved your lemon/ginger Madeleines, especially with the lemon glaze. The recipe made 24 but I did run out of glaze. We sat outside from about 3:00 till 6:00. We had wine and nibbles - crackers, cheese, hummus and salsa dip then we enjoyed the sweet treats with a cup of tea. I hadn't seen these friends since Boxing Day - 223 days so it was lovely to have a visit. I'm going to get your little birthday package ready for rhe mail and we'll post it later today. Take gentle care. Love and hugs, Elaine

    3. It sounds like you had a wonderful day Elaine! We were invited to a friends for lunch next week, but I can't make myself go. Not yet anyways. xoxo

  5. You are a girl after my own heart because you love books just like I do. I always two or three going. However, lately I haven't been able to read as much as I used too. I need to get back reading again, because it brings me such great joy. I loved all your words. I especially love the smell of an old book.
    We actually have a large library of books. The majority are books about the gospel and histories of our prophets and apostles and etc. There are several I have purchased and haven't yet read. My husband is fearful when I go to Deseret or Seagull book because I will bring one home.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!


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