
Sunday 16 August 2020

This and that . . .

I am a prolific note-taker/note-maker. I cannot tell you the number of notebooks I have in my house, each one filled if only in part with things I thought worthy of making note of.  I also have scraps of paper . . .  oodles . . .  filled with things I thought to write down for some purpose. I really need to correlate them into one book and keep them all together.  That totally makes sense . . . so why don't I do it.

I am great at starting journals, not so great at finishing them.  These notebooks are all journals I began and never quite finished.  I have good intentions, but you know what they say about good intentions  . . .

The funny thing about my notebooks is that when I look through them at some later date, I have a bit of a problem focusing on why I took the note in the first place or what was its purpose in noting. I know at the time I had one, but . . . a lot of them are notes that I have taken whilst listening to church conferences, or meetings or lessons on one kind or another.  

I have notebooks filled with quotes that I chose to write down so I could remember them.  Those make sense to me.  I have notebooks filled with little scraps of poetry I have written. Those make sense too.  I have prayer notebooks, planning notebooks, etc.  

I just hope that whoever they end up with one day is able to make some sense of it all . . . one can but hope.  I guess I have just always had this need to write. Something. Anything. I would hate to think that its all been for naught. 

My next door neighbour has had some work going on at her place in the back garden. She is always changing things around. She did tell me it was going to be noisy for a few days. I am not sure exactly what she is doing. I think that she is paving the whole lot, or putting down paving stones to cover half of it anyways.  She said she was tired of maintaining it. 

I did twitch the curtains a bit to see what was happening. There were four workmen there, mostly younger and a bit fit, in various stages of undress, flexing their muscles and drinking copious cups of tea.At any given time I saw one working, and three watching . . . not always the same ones though to be fair.  And there was a bit of colourful language flying about here and there, not that I was listening. Not on purpose anyways.  I am curious now to see what it ends up like.  I see what looks like a fairy bridge, lifesize . . .  and they have built a picket fence about halfway down the garden and there has been stacks of building supplies dropped off. Garden tiles, etc. I am sure it will all be beautiful when it is done. 

Todd planted the lilies I was given and the yellow rose bush in the front garden yesterday. We also had a bit of rain last night so I am hoping they do well.  You should have seen the bulbs he dug up when he went to loosen the earth up to plant them.  They have been divided and put in here and there. I think they were hyacinth. We will see what happens next Spring should we still be here. 

We also trimmed the Bay Tree and I have about 6 branches hanging from the curtain rod in the spare room drying. I shall have bay leaves to use for years once they are dried. I already have a salt pig in the kitchen full of them. Mom always had bay leaves scattered through her house, supposedly to keep bugs away.  Earwigs in the main  . . . they were a bit of a problem.  I hate earwigs. Just the thought of them gives me the willies.  One house we lived in on Annapolis Road when my kids were young was full of them. You had to be really careful at night opening doors, etc. They would fall onto you, or be lounging on the doorknobs.  Shiver me timbers . . . .yuck, yuck, yuck  . . . I really do not like the things.  

I know I have always been good at recommending books to read and films/programs to watch.  Today I want to recommend a film you might not want to watch. The Lighthouse, starring Robert Pattinson and  William Dafoe. It came recommended and had won all sorts of awards.  It was just really, really wierd.  Very atmospheric, completely done in black and white.  The actors were brilliant in their depiction of the characters, really . . .  but it was just a really dark, dark film content wise. I had watched the trailer and it looked quite good.  I can't say that it wasn't good. It was just wierd, but not in a good way . . . it was disturbing. Totally disturbing. 

We had to watch back to back episodes of "Leave it to Beaver" afterwards to put a nicer kind of black and white into our minds. 

Most unusual . . . 

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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Now in a cottage
built of lilacs and laughter,
I know the meaning of the
words, "Ever-After."
~Polka Dots & Moon Beams
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。 

Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Sugar Crusted Almond Bars.  Such a simple thing, five ingredients.  Quite delicious. 

Have a wonderful Sabbath day.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!  



  1. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday, It's time to relax and renew!

  2. It sounds like a dream a fairy bridge:)I'm too old to start new projects.
    There is only 1 journal I really kept..10 yrs..but nothing good in it..I was documenting things..
    I keep bay leaves in my pantry etc..your mom was right.
    I hate earwigs..they are only outside here thank goodness..
    Those bars look perfect.
    Oh well still a few blank pages left but it is full to the brim.Watercolor little travel journals yes.. but small and insipid.Only meaningful to me.

    1. I need to correlate them all into one journal I think! I am going to have plenty of bayleaves! We have no earwigs inside here either, thank goodness! But in Nova Scotia in the Valley! Wowsa. Probably because it is very sandy! xoxo


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