
Wednesday 12 August 2020

The Dog Days of Summer

The phrase Dog Days or "the dog days of summer" conjures up the hottest, most sultry days of summer. They are a phenomenon of the Northern Hemisphere, where they usually fall between July and early September. The actual dates can and do vary greatly from region to region, depending on latitude and climate. I’m not sure what the equivalent is over here in England, or even if they have one, but we have been experiencing a taste of that weather these past few days. (Not that I am complaining! We get so little of this weather.)

I know that as a child they were the hottest, most boring days of our summer holidays. I can remember the weather being very hot, sticky and humid, and feeling so very lazy during hot August days as a child. All the excitement of early summer days was gone, and the novelty of our summer vacation from school was largely wearing off. We’d lay around the garden, sprawled out and trying to leach some of the coolness from the grass in the shade, listening to the humming of the electrical wires and cicadas in the trees, the heat and humidity sapping all our energy and impetus. It was generally too hot by then to be bothered overly much by mosquitoes or black flies. They would have mostly have died off, and we’d enjoy the respite, knowing all too well that they would be back, if only briefly, come September.

If we were really lucky (It didn't happen very often), my mom and dad would take us off to the beach on a weekend afternoon, where we’d run through the sand, it’s warmth squishing up between our toes, and paddle along the water’s edge. In actuality I can only remember this happening once. My mother never enjoyed being outdoors and she never went in the water. She just wasn't an outdoors kind of person.

We always got sunburnt. I cannot ever recall using sunscreen in "them-there
-days," although I do know they had it because I can remember clearly seeing the Coppertone advertisements with the little girl on them. She was wearing a pair of pretty bottoms and a dog was pulling them down and you could clearly see that her bottie was white and un-tanned, in comparison to the rest of her. Those were the days before skin cancer worries. We used to be as brown as nuts by the end of the summer.

The highlight of our day at the beach was the ice cream cone that we were treated to at the end of the day, before we left to go home. I can remember standing there in my little plaid skort (that was a combinationshort/skirt thing) and waiting patiently (or as patient as I could do) while my mother handed them out to us, one at a time. I loved rainbow ice cream. It tasted oddly fruity, but not like any fruit you could readily discern, and it was a combination of every colour of the rainbow. The race would then be on to try to lick and eat the ice cream before it melted and ran down your arms.  Sticky arms were no fun.

August was always the month of my birth as well. I can remember having a few birthday parties, but most kids were away on holidays then, and so there was never a whole lot of children in attendance. My mother had some old black and white photos of us all at different times, standing in the back garden around our swing set, and others of us all around the dining table. It seemed we were all legs and gangly arms. There were usually hot dogs or dainty tea sandwiches to eat, as well as soda pop, cake and ice cream. I remember one year she made clowns out of the ice cream, the cone being the clown hats , their faces fashioned out of liquorice whips and round hard candies. I thought they were really special and magical, and actually they were! In all honesty I don't remember her having Birthday Parties for my sister and brother although I am sure she must have done.

Speaking of Birthdays, its my birthday tomorrow.  

This arrived at the door yesterday from my friend Carolyn. I have been waiting to open any cards, etc., but this was impossible not to see! A rose bush I can plant and some goodies! 

And then there was a knock on the door  . . .  and this happened.  


There was Tina with a beautiful orchid and some special treats for me. It was a real surprise. I had only just seen her the day before! 

Yes, I do have the best friends and am so grateful.  I have also gotten some cards that I haven't opened yet and a present from my next door neighbor that I also have not opened. I am blessed.

For the second morning in a row I have woken up to a horrible mess on the kitchen floor from the dog and her "ahem" . . . digestive system.  I need to get some diarrea medicine for Dogs today if I can. Its no fun to wake up to and I am pretty sure its no fun for her either.  I didn't feed her all day yesterday and when she had not had another episode I gave her some chopped chicken for supper, nothing else, but then . . .  this. So horrible for both of us. Our house smells like bleach now.  I will have my fingers crossed for the remainder of the day/week. Poor baby.  

On a positive note my Susan Branch Calendars arrived. This is a little gift I give to myself every year. I love her calendars because they are always different. The ME desk calendar I usually get has become very repetitive. I won't be getting it again I don't think.  Susan's calendars however, always refreshingly new!

And with that I better leave you with a thought for the day . . .  

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Gratitude wakes us up to the goodness
and beauty in life, but we have to choose it. 
~Tamara Levitt •。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Honey, Mustard & Garlice Salmon, for two and on the table in 13 minutes tops.  Perfectly, deliciously cooked.

Have a great Wednesday.  Don't forget!

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And I do too!  



  1. How lovely and thoughtful:)The Diet Coke made me smile;)
    I used to be and addict 20 yrs ago..Sparkling water has replaced it..

    It's just like that here right now humid sticky and unbearably hot.
    Have a great pre bday day!

    1. Thanks Monique! We ended yesterday with horrendous thunderstorms. Things are a bit fresher today, but high temps expected again and more storms. xoxo

  2. Sounds like you'll be celebrating your birthday more than just one day. Lovely flowers as gifts. They just keep on giving. I think August 11th was the end of dog days here. Hopefully the heat and humid will leave us. It's nice here today anyway. Hope you have a wonderful birthday!

    1. I am glad you are enjoying some cooler temperatures Pam. Heat and humidity is not my friend. Thanks for your birthday wishes! xoxo

  3. Happy Birthday! What a lovely rose - that color is just beautiful.
    And the salmon looks so good. I will try that recipe. Like you, I like the boneless,skinless salmon. Thanks for the recipe and lovely post.

    1. Thanks Mary. We are going to plant the rose in the garden when the temperatures get cooler! xoxo

  4. Hi Marie, exciting that your birthday is tomorrow. And you've already started celebrating. Good for you. That beautiful rose bush is a lovely colour. My gift to you didn't get mailed when I thought it would mostly because of my sciatica. It seems to be getting better, then it flares up worse than ever. It's been very hot hereoo but it is August! Have a lovely day tomorrow. I know Todd will help you celebrate. Your kids will be in touch, no doubt. Happy birthday. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Oh Elaine, don't worry about it. I just wish your sciatica was better! I am praying you see improvement soon! We are going to plant the rose in the garden as soon as the temperatures cool a bit. I don't think it would survive in the heat we are having at the moment! Love you my dear friend, xoxo

  5. Yes, I can relate to the Dog Days of summer; I have seen many of them. I of course, loved reading your descriptions of your own summers as a child; so fun!

    The birthday gifts that you received were lovely and fun.
    I think the Susan Branch Calendars' are adorable.
    I must try the Salmon recipe; it looks so good.
    Blessinga and hugs!


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