
Monday 22 June 2020

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.   

 Knowing this to be true. When you live your life with gatitude, your whole world opens up and becomes a sweeter, more amazing place and life just gets better. 


Its early, the sun is shining, no rain in sight, not a cloud in the sky.  Looks like its going to be a fine day.  A bit chilly, but things are bound to warm up as the day progresses. 

As a part of our Home Based Sacrament Meeting yesterday morning we listened to the talk, Broken Things to Mend, by Jeffrey R Holland.  This is such a beautiful talk. There is so much comfort there and reassurance.  I love Elder Holland's talks.  The other talk we listened to was Jesus Christ the Master Healer by President Nelson.  Between these talks and the music, we were well fed spiritually.  

I love the Come Follow Me program of study as prescribed by our church.  Each year we study a different canon of Scripture in depth on a daily and weekly basis.  This program is designed to help us draw closer to the Savior and to follow Him. This year it is the Book of Mormon, and I am loving the new insights I am gaining. When you take the time to study, really study this book, you begin to see the beauty of it and you realise how very inspired it is. It truly is a book written anciently for our time, translated by the Prophet Joseph Smith.  Its principles and doctrines are so deep and meaningful and it fits directly in line with the Bible and in fact enhances one's understanding of the Bible.  I can remember being taught in my previous church that it was an evil book. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is a book that testifies of the Saviour from beginning to end. Satan would never inspire such a book.  I love it. 

Life becomes better when you recognise the value of, and are grateful for what you already have.  We have enough and that is all we need.  To have enough  . . . is to have everything.


Not a great photo. It was taken with my iPad for my daughter.  She likes to say hi to Mitzie every time we talk and I usually share a photo with her of what Mitzie is doing. In this case she was checking out Todd's chair for crumbs. lol.  She has been well trimmed  now and will be a lot cooler.  She was looking like a bit of a yeti before the dog groomer worked on her.   She turned ten on the 6th of June.  Its hard to believe ten years have passed so quickly. 

Its Cameron's Birthday today.  He is turning seven. That's hard to believe also.  He is growing up.  He is a beautiful little boy.  I wonder how old he will be before I finally get to meet him in person, or if I ever will meet him in person. We never know what the future holds. 


June roses. Our garden smells so beautiful at the moment. Our roses are going crazy.  We have roses of just about every colour, but I love the blush coloured peach ones out front  most of all.  
I miss this little one. She is growing up so fast. I will be glad when quarantine is over and we can meet together again.  Gate visits are not good enough! It is hard to believe she will be 2 soon.  Where does the time go!  Ariana and Jose have been very good to us.  Last week she called me from Costco and said, "Hey, we are in Costco, do you need or want anything?"  I was very grateful for that because I was running low on my favourite peanut butter and while I can get it on Amazon, they are charging twice as much for the same thing. 

It has been really hard finding things like Icing Sugar or any sugar really.  I haven't been able to get it in a grocery order for several weeks.  So last week I ordered some Icing Sugar online from Amazon.  Can you believe I had to pay almost £13 for it.  When it arrived the outer package had been ripped open and inside the package of icing sugar was also ripped open and had been taped shut.  I complained and wrote a bad review and thankfully was able to have a full refund, but I am now without icing sugar again.  There was no way I was going to use a ripped open bag. I am very grateful for the refund. I was thinking I would be just out of pocket for it.  

I've been watching vintage episodes of Coronation Street on BritBox in bed at night. Just one every now and then.  I really enjoy these older shows. It was a much simpler time and these are episodes I remember watching when I was just a teenager.  These women seemed to be so old, but I am probably older now than they were then!  How did that happen??  
Growing old, a blessing that is denied to many. 


We have  been really enjoying this Oatmeal Batter Bread, so much so that I think I am going to make it again very soon!   Its an excellent bread.   

I am ever grateful for my faith which strengthens and sustains me.  I know not where I would be without it. I was reading  a talk yesterday by Elder Holland, entititled Remember Lot's Wife. It reminded me again that if we live our lives in the shadows of our yesterdays, dwelling on things that we cannot change, constantly looking back, we rob can our today's and tomorrow's of the joy that ours to hold. 
I need to do better in this area.

And with that I will leave you with a though for today  . . .

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Faith is for the future.Faith builds on the past, 
but never longs to stay there.
~Elder Jeffrey R Holland•。★★ 。*  

In The English Kitchen today, Roasted Sweet Potato Salad with Lime & Honey.  Delicious!

I hope you have a beautiful week filled to overflowing with small and wonderful things.  Don't forget along the way  . . . 

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And I do too! 



  1. I remember when you got Mitzi! Time flies..I follow Handmade By Amalia..on her blog and IG ..just watched 2 movies she liked.and I did too..

    The Bookshop

    This Beautiful Fantastic

    A lovely change!

    Amazon is usually very good.

    It's a love hate thing for me..
    In this time of Covid.. for birthdays and is ideal..
    But all these stores and shops closing..what does the future hold for us?

    Have a good week..!

    1. It is a concern for sure Monique. Several shops in Chester City have said they will be unable to open again, including Cath Kidston. She is closing quite a few shops across the UK. Tina wants me to go to Costco with her tomorrow morning, but I am very uncertain. I just don't know if I want to take the risk. I will look for those films on you recommendation! Have you seen Dancing at Lughnasa? It has Meryl Streep in it. Another good one is Bertie and Elizabeth, about King George and the Queen Mother. Staying in is the new going out! xoxo

  2. I agree about our faith carrying us through these trying days. And think there is no living in the past but to be grateful for each day Life is such a precious gift. and I'm thankful to wake up to a new day. Time does fly and Ucannot imagine your Mitzie is 10 already.

    1. Time flies when you are having fun Pam! Obviously we are both having a ball! xoxo

  3. I love the thought of living your life in gratitude. I always love how you enjoy the morning and look forward to what your day will bring. You do have such a positive outlook that I admire.
    I love the two talks that you listened too. I need to listen again to them; I remember how good they were.
    The Come Follow Me program is such a good one. I really feel the questions have prompted so many thoughts and I am learning so much this year.
    Mitzie looks adorable. I do love our Sammy after he has been groomed.
    Your little Cameron is so cute. I do hope you get to see him and give him huge hugs at some point. It is hard to not have your grandchildren close and now even if they are close you can't really see them like you would like.
    I do love roses. We don't have any planted but want to have some. They are a favorite flower for sure.
    Oh, that little one is so cute. I love how that sweet couple watches over you two and has a great relationship with you all.
    I would be so mad to receive a package opened up like that. I am so happy you got a refund.
    Old shows are the best. I even like old time humor better than the modern version.
    I think now is the time for us all to exercise a lot of faith in the plan God has for us. It's certainly a test.
    Sending loving thoughts, prayers and hugs your way!

    1. I sometimes think I was born 50 year too late LeAnn! My faith sustains me continuously! Love and hugs for you and Roger. xoxo

  4. Sending hugs...understanding the potential we have to not ever see our loved ones again...we are in that situation too. Not likely we will see the majority of our kids and grandkids on the east coast...and I do not want them to fly as that is an even greater misery than ever. Chances are we will not be able to fly again either. Oh know we focus on the next life and all that will have for us!!
    HUGS, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Yes, what a joy that will be, to be reunited with our loved ones without any of the horrors we have to put up with here! Love and hugs, xoxo


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