
Saturday 6 June 2020

Saturday This and That . . .

Mother Theresa attended a gathering with kings, and presidends and statemen from all over the world. They were there in their crowns and jewels and silks and Mother Theresa wore her sari held together by a safety pin.

One of the noblemen spoke to her of her work with the poorest of the poor in Calcutta. He asked her if she didn't become discouraged because she saw so few successes in her ministry. Mother Theresa answered, "No, I do not become discouraged. You see, God has not called me to a ministry of success.  He has called me to a ministry of mercy." 

It truly is all a matter of perspective. 

This is what it looks like outside my dining room window this morning.  Much the same as yesterday, but what a difference from a few days ago when the sun was shining and kids were playing in the bouncy castle next door and swimming in the pool beneath a hot sun!  It is windy and oh-so-cold! Brrrr . . .  I may have to put the heat on for a few minutes to warm things up. 

I had always thought that June was supposed to be one of the loveliest months of the year, which is why so many Brides choose it for the month to be wed in, however  . . . 


According to the diaries of this book of mine, it can also be a somewhat changeable month when it comes to weather.  I love this book. It is a reproduction of an Edwardian Country Diary of Sir Edward Grey, and the illustrations and writings in it are a fascinating glimpse into life over a century ago.  Well the life of a country squire/gentleman at any rate.  I doubt it was so lovely for many others, especially those saddled to a life of drudgery beneath the stairs . . .  

"My holiday is at an end, and we are going back to London. 
It is very cold. 
Yesterday (Sunday) the thermometer never
got above 45, and fell to 35 at night." 

This sounds very much like it has been here these past few days . . .  comfortable for sleeping, which I never mind. I don't mind it if it hot as hades during the day, but please at night let it be a lot cooler.  On the second of June he was back in London and it had been raining hard, but he says much warmer than it had been in a fortnight. Don't you just love that word  . . .  fortnight . . .   It makes me think of Enid Blyton novels and Downton Abbey. 

"The last day of our holiday; It has been bright and hot, 
up to 77, and nearly still. 
We went a walk to Ovington and above it
by the river path in the still warm evening and fell in with a
strange, but friendly, cat on the furthest bridge
above Ovington."  

Ovington is a small village and civil parish in the county of Durham and situated 8 miles east of Barnard Castle. It sounds a quaint little place to visit.   From my readings in this book, it sounds to me like Sir Edward took a holiday every year towards the end of May, beginning of June.

"Today I picked the first moss rose, a gem, 
and the first gloire de dijon,
we had the first basket of strawberries."
June 7th, 1895 

Written during a Whitsuntide holiday, I suspect in Dijon, France. I do not know alot about Dijon but I do like their mustard. Dijon is in the middle of France, about 203 miles south-east of Paris when looking at a map. It is no an area I am very familiar with actually. According to what I have read it has one of the best-preserved medieval centres in France, some of France's finest cuisine and wines, as well as many cultural museums and festivals. Enough to keep one busy. In fact, in June it hosts a classical music festival, the L'Été Musical (Musical Summer). I am wondering now if Sir Edward Grey attended it. If he did, it was not mentioned, but perhaps again I get ahead of myself as I don't even know if he was actually in Dijon . . .  the mention of the name is not exactly the same as being there I suppose.   

Its a delightful book and I don't read through it near often enough.  I think the illustrations are beautiful.  It is a classic country diary complied by Sir Edward and his wife Dorothy at the turn of the last century, and quite delightful. 

"It is one o'clock and I have just got here and I feel as if
my heart was too full and might burst; the place is so sacred."
Edward to Dorothy, the cottage, 14 August, 1901   

If you are a lover of quaint, cosy, nature drawings, and diaries, then you would enjoy this book.

 Mary, Mary  . . .  must have been the month of June, because the Lily of the Valley are in bloom. I have always loved Lily of the Valley, but apparently they are quite toxic to animals and people. Pretty to look at however.  Those little white bells will be a tinkling today with this cold Northerly wind which is blowing.   Yes, June I believe must be a quite changeable month. 

Everyone is being advised to wear face masks now . . .  DUH  . . .  but also warned that we still  need to be vigilant, washing hands, keeping social distancing in place and the Leaders of my church have announced that the October General Conference will again not be held in our big beautiful Conference Centre in Salt Lake City and not open to the public, but held in much the same manner as the April one.  

2020 is set to be a real year for the history books in many ways, and none of them good. Our Government is relaxing all of the rules far too quickly in my honest opinion. I know economically we need to get our economies back on track, but at what cost  . . .  I fear this is a mistake and not very well thought out. I, for one, am going nowhere I don't absolutely have to go. I am staying put.

It bothers Todd much more than it bothers me, but then, he used to go out every morning.  I only really ever went out to shop for groceries and such, perhaps the odd meal out. I do miss eating out a bit  . . . and of course seeing friends, and going to church. 

Thank goodness for modern technology!! 

With this I am able to order my groceries online and have them delivered.  I can talk to my family, yesterday a face to face with my sister and my father, which was lovely, and I got to meet my BIL Dan for the first time face to face.  Plus we were able to read a chapter in the Book of Mormon with Betty (a friend from church) and the Sister Missionaries, and then a bit later in the day the Missionary Elders facetimed us and shared a message of hope with us.  I also chatted with my daughter Eileen. 

Jake and friends, Baya, Oreo and Mordar

Reading companions are just the best friends to have, don't you think?  And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day  . . .

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I write best when
I am either falling in love,
or falling apart.
~Rudy Francisco•。★★ 。* 。 

Psst!!! Monique!! My followers on IG reduced by 20 this past 24 hours, obviously it is not popular to "not" have a black square either.  People are such funny creatures!  


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Small Batch Bakewell Blondies.  Oh my word, gorgeous and dangerous! 

Have a good Saturday.  Be blessed.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. I hear you:)
    Who cares right?

    Such funny creatures is right..

    The blondies look amazing:)
    I dont have reading companions..and have not been able to concentrate!! Just manual labor helps me:)
    Have a good weekend..Max is 13 today:)

    1. I have had a hard time concentrating on reading for a while now. My mind seems to jump all over the place. You are right, staying busy is what helps. Happy Birthday to Max! A birthday he is sure to remember. xoxo

  2. So fortunate you are able to order food into your house. I am not able to get fresh things except via my daughter or going to the store myself...even the ordering and going to pick up in the car has been a failure here. Partially due to people who are ill trained for that task I presume. I am very grateful for the things I have been able to order via mail!! There are so many things are the strangest of the strange about all of this situation...including in our country where you are forbidden to attend church but gather super close together for a protest and all is accepted. Beyond weird!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. We are very lucky indeed Elizabeth. It took a while to get on the list but now that we have I am getting regular deliveries, and I am so grateful for them! We had protests here yesterday in London, which was the epicentre here for the virus just a few weeks back. Thousands and no social distancing. It boggles the mind and disappoints. Have we stayed in all these weeks for nothing just so irresponsable people can behave like this? It makes me angry and sad at the same time. xoxo

  3. Hi Marie~

    I love to read biographies and histories, the book you are reading sounds wonderful!! I love those old illustrations, and the romantic way they wrote just makes my heart happy! I have found that the more things change, the more they stay the same!

    The weather here is just nuts! Two days ago it was in the 90's, yesterday in the high 80's and today it will barely get past 60. We are suppose to get snow on Sunday and Monday. Nothing we can do about it, but accept it and cover the garden!

    I was sad that General Conference was going to be the same as April, but better safe than sorry. Although I did enjoy Conference in April, it was very different, but still inspiring and beautiful!

    We are staying home as well. We did go do a grocery pick-up yesterday, but we don't get out of the car. Everything is wiped down when we get home, and then the counters are all disinfected. I'm stingy when it comes to using disinfectant because it is impossible to find here. I only have what I had before the pandemic, so I have to use it sparingly. We do go on drives, and have had the kids over but even that makes me very nervous, even though I know that they are all healthy. Amber and James are going to be moving next week, and it makes me feel bad that we won't be able to help them more. Averi and their dog, Bandit, will be staying with me while they move, so at least I will be helping a little bit, and getting to see my sweet Ave. They are moving closer to us, so that is a blessing.

    I agree that here in the US, they are opening things up way to quickly. The numbers just seem to rise each day, and there are more cases here in Idaho that there has been in the last 3 months. I'm afraid that we are in for even higher numbers in the fall...and another rebound. All we can do is pray that that doesn't happen!

    Take care sweet friend, stay healthy, love you tons!! XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Who knows what the future holds Barb. I am afraid and at the same time excited. Can the Saviour's return be far off? Love and hugs, xoxo

  4. I found your description of "The Cottage Book" by Sir Edward Grey made me want to read it. My library doesn't have it and it is pretty expensive on Amazon but I have faith one will turn up in due time. "Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are." Mason Cooley. This was in the "Mutts" comic strip on Saturday. Modern technology lets us be together even when we must stay apart. Enjoy your Sunday, my friend. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Love you Elaine. I found you a copy for a not too big price. When I can I will post it over to you. I am excited! I love the quote by Mason Cooley. Oh the journies I have taken in books there is no end to them! Love and hugs and happy Sunday wishes. xoxo

    2. That is terrific, Marie. Thank you so much. How very sweet of you. I am excited, too. Oh, the wonderful anticipation! Love and hugs, Elaine

    3. I have wanted to do something like this for you for a while! Yay! Will let you know when it arrives and when it is sent! xoxo

  5. The Blondie's do look dangerous and very yummy! I'm afraid with this stay home order, I am slowly gaining weight and I'm not liking it at all. I need some good outdoor exercise or indoor even. The weather has been super cool so I haven't done much in that area.
    I loved the diary and thoughts about it. England and the 1800's are one of my favorite for history. I love to read historical novels.
    I do think technology is the best and we do have many resources for connecting which is great. I am old fashioned and really miss the telephone calls. Hardly, anyone talks on the phone much. Our of my 6 children, I have one marvelous son that has been calling me each Sunday. It has been such a treat. I love that you could face time with your sister and dad, that is awesome.
    June is a month of changeable weather. It's been cold and now it will be getting warm again.
    I do love Mother Teresa; what a marvelous woman she was. I'm positive that she will accept the gospel in the spirit world. She did so many great things in an amazing way.
    Let's pray that things get better, but I think with the Covid it will get worse for a while.
    Sending prayers, love and hugs!

    1. I nver get phone calls either LeAnn. I doubt my children even know my number, but it is rather expensive to call overseas. I have a special phone plan to make international calls, which helps. I am with you, we need to keep praying. Love and hugs, and prayers. xoxo


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