
Thursday 25 June 2020

My Favourite Things . . . 
These are a few of my favourite things.  Maybe some of them are yours also!  A few of the things which catch my eye, inspire me, pluck at my heart strings, make me smile, intrigue me or that I just plain enjoy. I hope that they will do the same for you.   

Orange Cats. When I first moved over here, Todd got me an orange kitten.  I called him Dandy. He was a little rascal! Mom loved orange cats also as does my cousin Sheri! 

Pitcher and Basin sets.  I made one for my mother many years ago when I was doing ceramics. It was white with wild roses on it. She loved it. I also crocheted her a pink doily for underneath it. That was back when I could crochet with small needles and threads. My eyes and arthitis won't let me do it now.  

Dutch Doors.  I have always loved Dutch Doors.  I am liking the wall paper here, wainscotting and tile floor also! 


Dove Cotes.  There is a fabulous one at Errdig.  I love listening to Doves and Pigeons, with their coo cooing. 

Anything trimmed with ricrac.  I adore ricrac. 


Teacups with flowers on their handles.  I have one. Its GreenGate. Todd is not allowed to use it. Ever.  He is too clumsy and breaks things.  Yes, I am that petty with things I don't want broken.


Crochet bed covers.  This one is especially pretty I think. 


Homemade Pillow Cases. If you use only solid colour sheets, you can get away with pillow cases of any pattern or colour. These are especially pretty. 

Chairs dressed in ruffles  . . . . 


Hydrangea.  Especially blue ones  . . . I don't like them in the house however.  They shed too much. When I worked at the Manor, she always had them in the conservatory and every day I had to wipe up the pollen, etc. that they shed. Sometimes twice a day.

Old fashioned looking bathrooms.  Love this one.  


Gingham and roses together  . . .  This is Green Gate.

Stripes  . . . .  pillow ticking . . .  

Baby Chicks  . . .  baby anything really  . . . 

Bunnies with bellies and big blue eyes  . . .  

Cutwork and decoupaged goose eggs . . .  so pretty . . . 

Anything embroidered . . . 


Red Squirrels  . . .  this is the kind of squirrel that Beatrix Potter often painted.  

Toque wearing lambs . . . do they still call them toques?


Sigh . . .  I just melted . . .  oh my goodness. So sweet. 

Windmill Cookies.  I seriously cannot have them in the house  . . . 


Red, white and blue . . .  Americana  . . . 

Red and white toadstools . . .  


Hot Water Bottle Covers  . . . 

Sunflowers  . . . 

And those are my favourite things for this week. I think I just like pretty things and colour and texture and life! 

A thought to carry with you ... 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
 *Sing when days are dark,
Sing when rain is falling,
Clouds will soon be gone.
Birds will soon be calling.
~unknown •。★★ 。* 

Nothing new in the kitchen today, but you just might fall in love with these Doughnut Muffins I made a while back!  Seriously delicious!  

I went to put something in the outside freezer yesterday and realised that the door has somehow been left open.  The whole bottom drawer was thawed and spoiling, and the top two drawers were frozen shut.  What a chore to get it all sorted!  But it is sorted now, thank goodness!  Last night Todd and I enjoyed Strawberry smoothies made with the last of last years strawberries. Now I can start freezing this years!  I hope you have a wonderful day! Don't forget! 

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And I do too!    


Images for today sourced from Forever Tumblr.


  1. Hi, Marie! LOVED, loved, loved every bit of this! From those white kitty socks, dutch doors, pretty details, dreamy bathrooms, and sweet animals (those squirrels, those sheep in hats!!)... *sigh*... just everything! Same good taste, we have... long lost twin sisters we are, I'm always sure if it! ;) Oh, wow... what mess you must have had with the freezer! Glad you were able to save something! We're eating our strawberries so fast I've not had a chance to freeze any yet... haha! LOVE YOU!! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

    1. Oh, I am sure of it also Tracy! I froze two quarts of berries this morning! It is raining here so its a good day to get things done that don't require us being outside. Love and hugs to you TJ and Luna! xoxo

  2. The crochet spread..ruffles on chairs..ruffles on anything..oh a drag the freezer..:(
    Muffins look beautiful..must be the pan lol') No..all your things look grand.
    Do windmill cookies still taste wow? Young I could not stop at all..
    No kitties or cats for me..

    Seriously allergic..even looking at pics almost;)

    1. I can't imagine Monique, but I do know some people that are horribly allergic to cats. It must be a real nuisance when people allow their cats to roam freely! ((((hugs)))) The windmill cookies we have bought over recent years are good, but they are always made in Germany! I love to make my own, but of course they don't have the charm of a windmill shape! xoxo

  3. So many pretties today it's hard to choose a favorite. Maybe the embroidery pieces. Reminds me I still have a few pillow cases to finish up.

    1. I bet you make beautiful pillow cases Pam! You should share some of them on your blog! xoxo

  4. Loved, loved that sweet little orange tabby hiding behind the curtains. I'm pretty sure he's thinking, if I can't see you, you can't see me! So cute. Sorry to hear about your mishap with the freezer. Always something, eh? Those Windmill cookies were my favourite growing up. My mom used to serve them with cheddar cheese. Yum! Hope you had a quieter day today. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. It is and I am sure you are right Elaine, he is probably thinking he is perfectly hidden! Oh one of those cookies with some good cheddar sounds like bliss! Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. Oh my, I enjoyed everyone of the photos on this one. I couldn't even pick out my favorite, they were all so fun. I just don't know how you find all of these fun items. I think our tastes are a lot alike; so I loved it all.
    Blessings, love and hugs!

    1. Thanks LeAnn. I am not surprised we are a lot alike! xoxo


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