
Wednesday 20 May 2020

What kind of town are you from?

Once upon a time, here was an old and very wise man.  Most days you could find him sitting in his favourite spot, which was a rocking chair outside the gas station in a small American town.  He loved sitting there as he got to greet just about everyone who passed through his small town.  The owners of the service station didn't mind. He gave their station character, and it gave his life a sense of purpose.  Some days you would find his granddaughter sitting there with him, helping to pass the time with him.

One day as they sat there, a tall man . . .  who had to be a tourist as they surely knew everyone in the town . . .  stopped in for gas and began looking around as if he were checking out the area, looking for a place to live.  As he went in to pay for his gas, he asked them, "So what kind of town is this that we are in?"

The old man replied, "Well, what kind of town are you from?"

The tall man responded. "In the town I am from everyone is very critical of each other. The neighbours are all gossips and its a really negative place to live.  I'm sure glad to be leaving. Its not a very nice place."

The old man looked up and said, "You know . . . that's kinda like this town." 

An hour or so later a car filled with a family that was just passing through stopped to fill up.  The car rolled in and stopped right in front of where the old man and his granddaughter were sitting.  The mother jumped out with two small children and asked them where the restrooms were.  The old man pointed to a small bent up sign that was just barely hanging by a nail on the side of the door.  

The father started to put some gasoline in his car.  As he did he shared some small talk with the old man. "Is this town a pretty good place to live?" 

The old man asked, "What about the town you are from? How is it?" 

The man looked at him and smiled. "Well, in the town I am from, everone is close and always willing to lend their neighbour a helping hand. There's always a hello and a thank-you everywhere you go.  I really hated to move. I feel almost as if we are leaving family." 

The old man replied with a warm smile, "You know, that's a lot like this town."  Then the family returned to the car, the father paid for the gas, and they went on their way with  a warm farewell and a wave from the car as they drove away.  


As the old man and the little girl watched the car drive away, the little girl looked up at her grandfather and asked, "Grandpa, how come when the first man came into town you told him this was a terrible place to live and when the second man asked, you told him it was a wonderful place to live?" 

The grandfather smiled, patted his granddaughter on the head and said with love, "No matter where you move in life, you take your own attitude with you and that's what makes it a terrible or a wonderful place to live." 

Oh boy am I sore this morning. I was all day yesterday too.  Everything on the left hand side of my body feels as if it has been bashed big time and I guess in a way it was!  I had a difficult time to find a comfortable way to lay in bed last night.  That will teach me to be more careful of where I put my feet! 

I wish you could hear the birds carrying on in my garden this morning.  They are making such joyful sounds. Its really nice to listen to.  Another sunny day with brilliant blue skies.  They say it is going to be warmer here the rest of this week than in Ibiza.  We better dig out the fans! 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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Some people feel the rain,
others just get wet.
~Bob Marley•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . . Copycat In N Out Animal Fries for two.  I repurposed leftover french fries from Monday and boy were they good!   Topped with a good cheddar, caramelised onions and a special sauce these went down a real treat!

Have a wonderful Wednesday.  Don't forget!

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And I do too!     Stay safe! 




  1. Hope you feel better very soon, Marie. Take it easy today but try to keep moving. You don't want to stiffen up. Standing under a hot shower might help ease the aches and pains. I liked your story. It's very true, I think. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. I have been trying to move as much as possible Elaine! Hot showers did help! Yesterday I think I walked up and down the garden about 20 times, and played with the dog! Love and hugs to you always, xoxo

  2. It's always the next day will feel better soon.I agree with Elaine..
    I love my town♥

    1. I think you live in a little piece of heaven on earth Monique. My father has been and says it is a lovely spot! xoxo

  3. Hi Marie~

    I'm so sorry about your fall! I hope you feel better quickly, you know what they say...the third day is always the worst for pain. Stay moving and yes, hot showers are wonderful for aches and pain. Take some Motrin or Tylenol if you have it.

    I love my small town...which is growing by leaps and bounds. But, it's still my town, and most likely the place where I will live until I die. My daughter, Amber, and her family are moving here in June. They bought a house about 3 miles from us, we are so excited! They considered building a home on a little piece of property we own right next to us, but building right now is a nightmare, and it's very hard to find a good contractor.

    I wish I could be there to hear the birds singing, I would love that! Late spring is one of my favorite times of the year, all the beautiful little birds make me very happy.

    It's cloudy and windy here today. The highs will only be in the 50's, so it will be a cold one as well. I'm hoping to get the rest of my garden in next week, so fingers crossed!

    Have a wonderful evening Marie, and take care of yourself! You and Todd are always in our prayers...much love to you two!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Barb, how wonderful that your daughter will be living so close to you! Late spring is so lovely with all the birds nesting and taking care of their babies. We don't get much here other than sparrows and the odd blackbird, magpie, starling and robin. Oh and sometimes some tits visit. We got many more varieties when we were down South. That's city living for you! Thanks for your prayers. We pray for you and Bob also. Love and hugs, xoxo

  4. There is some truth to the story...most places I have lived. Now currently living in the 18th town of my lifetime...those are in 6 states, on both coasts...and one interior state. I think you could say that of all but one. One other factor to inquire about when moving to a town is the town did the town come to be...when was it started and why. I WISH we had known more about 1 town, the main one where we raised our kids. The main factor I found was that it was begun about 1948 during WW2 for people who were making part of the bomb that fell on Japan. It was a huge secret and yes, people were watched and investigated. Now those days were long gone by the time we moved there in 1984 but still a lot of the original people were there, retired the ones who came at the first. It was for one thing a very closed town. The first question they asked us was, "how long have you lived here?" and there was even a street called "Newcomer". I told Hubby, one of the first things we will look into when choosing another place to live is whether there is a street called "Newcomer" and then we will know to get our running boots on!! We felt too, all the secretness was part of the problem there. We knew others who felt the same way...we still have a couple friends from our years there. But 1 of those left long ago, and 2 stayed, one of those 2 would have left if her husband would have. So that tells a story too. I guess life is never as simplistic as we would wish. One of those towns I have lived in was a real Paradise...and I have longed my whole life to return and it was not my choice to leave it either (was still at home with my parents)...we were only there a year. There really can be places that are so wonderful you cannot describe it. Oh, and it was mostly a very poor town. So money is not the determining factor either...good people are!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. That was a wierd place to live Elizabeth! We watched a series on TV about that spot/town. I always wanted to live in Mayberry when I was a child and now as an adult Stars Hollow would have done me well! Love and hugs. Yes good people determine what is a great place to live! xoxo

  5. PS...Mercy, do rest and recover!! We have to be so much more careful as we age...that is what I have learned!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. That's for sure! I am usually so careful! xoxo


  6. The Repurposed fries look yummy! I'm sad to hear that you are having a lot of pain with the fall. I hope it heals fast; I will pray for you.
    I loved the story above; it was awesome. Many years ago, I told my husband that I would be happy no matter where we lived or what size of home we were in. We have lived in small and big homes and I kept that promise and been very happy. I actually would love in a tent with this man of mine and feel just as happy.
    Have a sweet day tomorrow. Sending prayers, love and hugs your way!

    1. It is feeling much better this morning LeAnn! I am just very grateful I didn't break anything. I would not want to go into the hospital now for anything! Love and hugs. xoxo


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