
Wednesday 6 May 2020

This and that . . .

We certainly cannot complain about the weather we have been having here in the UK this Spring.  After what was an incredibly rainy winter with major flooding in many areas we have been having beautiful sunny weather with brilliant blue skies and warm temperaures.   Its certainly made having to stay sheltered a little bit easier.  Everything always seems not so bad when the sun is shining, and things are certainly not so great here when it comes to the Pandemic. 
We now have the highest death toll in Europe. Even more than Italy.  Appalling.  I was reading yesterday about a carehome in Scotland where every single resident and all of the staff have tested positive for the disease.  Should never have happened. 
I think if our Government had locked things down earlier, more lives could have been saved.  They are now talking about second and third waves of infection.  I am no scientist, but I put Todd and myself into lockdown several weeks before our Government made the decision to lockdown the country.  I am glad that I did.  

There is a National shortage of flour and yeast.  Even though we grow our own wheat, and sugar beets for that matter.  I am not sure I understand that.  Why???  You cannot buy it anywhere now.  If you have any flour, now is the time to start rationing it out and only using it when you absolutely have to.   And it is the same apparently everywhere.   I wish I had some answers for it. It doesn't actually make sense.  A lot of members of our church have wheat stored.  We used to, but mice got into it.  Chewed right through the metal bags.  We had no way of grinding it anyways. 
If anyone has an answer to why these things are short I wish they would enlighten me because I would really like to know. Not that I have much hope of getting any anyways, as grocery delivery slots are also hard to come by.  And we are not going out to do any kind of shopping, no way no how.    
I would rather make my own cakes and bakes than buy them ready made.  I have always been that way. Why pay a fortune for stuff that doesn't actually taste very good at all???  

A snow slide from my childhood in Manitoba 
I was thrilled yesterday to be in touch with several people that I knew as a child when we lived in Manitoba.  This would be from 55 to 60 years ago now. (How did I get that old!)  In 1960 we were posted (a military term) from Germany to Gimli, Manitoba, where we lived until 1965.  My mother always said that was her favourite posting.  She loved Gimli. It was a very small base and the married quarters where the families lived was also very small.  When we first moved there we lived in a two bedroom house (with three children) but eventually we did get a three bedroom one.  Thinking back on it, it was probably one of my favourite postings also.  Anyways, it was really nice to be back in touch with these people.  


Our dear Jon turns 14 today.  I think he will forever be able to remember his 14th birthday.  This is the first birthday that I have been unable to send a card to him.  I usually stick some money in the card. His dad doesn't have paypal so have been unable to send him money that way either.  I will have to make up for it when the lockdown ends.  In the meantime I wish Jon a very  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  I truly do hope that he has a beautiful day.  He is growing up so quickly.  Not a child any longer really and yet not a young man just yet.  Somewhere in between.  Love him and his brothers so very much.

I found this yesterday and I thought it was worth considering.  This has been a great time to reassess our priorities in life . . .  whats really important.  I know for many families it has been great as they spend more time together with each other, sharing meals and activities with each other.  I do see some people moaning that they are bored or that their children are driving them crazy with boredom, and I can't help but think they are doing it all wrong.  (Excuse me for judging please.)  I see ever so many more families that are making the most of this time together, and I hope that it is a habit which continues long after the lockdown is lifted.   I prefer the term "Shelter in Place" actually.  One family from our church who likes to eat out has been replicating their favourite dining out experiences at home.  

This was their evening at Nandos at home.  Looks 

People are learning to cut hair, clip their dogs etc.  Its a brilliant time to learn a new skill.  I have been thinking of getting dog clippers to clip our Mitzie as she is going to be awfully hot when the warmer temperatures arrive.  I wonder if she will let me?  


 She is looking a bit like a wooly mammoth at the moment. Spaniels need to be regularly groomed, which isn't something we considered when we got her.  We just fell in love, which is as it should be.  You fall in love and then worry about the rest afterwards  . . . her limp is a lot better with the medication the Vet prescribed.  Now we just have to figure out where we can get the £39 a month to pay for it.  Probably the food budget as that is the only one we have any control over.   

This came up on my memories feed yesterday on facebook.  From 2013.  That was the last time I was home, when mom had her lung cancer operation and everything went South for her.  I was there for Mother's Day that year and almost all of May, about 6 weeks altogether. Mom spent most of that time in the Hospital. It seems like just yesterday. I sure miss her.

I caught the pair of them yesterday.  The two wood pigeons that live in our garden. Do you see them there on the shed roof?  They usually position themselves there first thing in the morning.  Waiting for breakfast. 

And with that I best leave you for today. I know . . .  I haven't really said a lot about anything that you don't already know!  Some days are diamonds and some days are dust . . . 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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It takes courage to live through suffering,
and it takes honesty to observe it.
~ C. S. Lewis  •。★★ 。* 。  

There is nothing new in the kitchen this morning, but you might enjoy these Cherry Almond Cookies from way back.  They were a winner! 

Have a great Wednesday.  Don't forget!   

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And I do too!    







  1. We follow UK news also..sad state me..Mtl is in a sad state of affairs too.We had that Spring break before everyone else..:(I miss having stamps and snail mail..Josh knows you love him:)

    1. I miss getting post also Monique. Things are pretty dire here and they are talking of lifting the restrictions? Its scary. xoxo

  2. Happy Birthday to your grandson. They do grow up so fast, especially when we don't see them often. I'm sure he will appreciate your card whenever it's sent. They do make belated birthday cards just for that purpose. I like to think that instead of being stuck at home, we are safe at home. Here we are seeing shortage of meat. Meat packing companies are having a tough time getting people to process their beef poultry and pork due to the virus. There seems to be no end to what is being effected. We just have to be as conservative as we can and make do with what we have.

    1. From the photos I have seen he had a lovely day despite being safe at home. You are right about being conservative and making do Pam. xoxo

  3. Hi Marie, we have a shortage of flour and yeast, too. I think people are baking their own bread and also baking more cakes, cookies and pies in general or perhaps they are just hoarding it? All that time on their hands. It was fun to hear you talk about Gimli. Very sad and scary to hear how high the death toll from the virus is in England. That is scary. No wonder you and Todd are taking such care about going out. Glad to hear Mitzie's limp is better. Expensive medicine, though. I got good news yesterday. My brother is in long term care and a staff member tested positive for the virus. They tested all staff and all the residents and all the residents tested negative. They are still waiting for some of the staff results. I was so thankful as we've been hearing such horrible stories of how the virus has ravaged long term care facilities here in Canada and other countries as well. Jon's 14th birthday is a little bit of happiness amid all the sadness. Take good care. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. It is dire here Elaine, very dire, and our PM is talking about lifting restrictions on Monday? I cannot believe it. I am still very afraid. Keeping your brother and his care home in my deepest prayers. I hope and pray he will be okay. Love and hugs to you and Larry. xoxo

  4. Happy Birthday to your sweet Grandson! I do not have the answer to why we are having shortages; it's all crazy. We thought it was because there was a lot of panic buying, but we still don't see the baking needs on the shelves.
    We are really nervous with some areas now reopening. I think it is too soon. However, I am thrilled they are opening temples for sealings. The Jordan River Temple isn't open yet but I think it might be because we have the largest number of cases in Utah. Although the cases are low. I will just have faith in the Prophet and know it will happen when they feel it should.
    We are trying to get some projects accomplished but not as much as I would have liked.
    Do stay safe and stay in. We mostly stay in except for essentials.
    I'm most sad that there are many who are not social distancing and or wearing masks as requested by our Governor. I really think the numbers will spike again.
    Love you much sweet sister friend! Hugs~

    1. Thanks LeAnn, from looking at the photos he had a lovely day. There are many here who are ignoring the order for social distancing as well. I don't think anyone knows enough about this Virus to really say what we should be doing. We are just staying in place as that is what we feel we need to do, and have done since the beginning. ove and hugs and stay safe! xoxo


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