
Monday 11 May 2020

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.   

Day after day of incredibly blue skies.  For quite a few weeks now.  We did have a somewhat overcast day yesterday with lots of wind, and a tiny bit of rain, but for the most part we have had sunny blue skies.  Its always a bit easier to cope with things when the skies are blue I think.   


Tina popped by late yesterday afternoon to pick up the BOM printouts I do for her each week and she left me a bouquet of flowers.  It was nice to see her, if only from a distance and her thoughtfulness was very much appreciated.   


My next door neighbour was able to procure not one, but two bags of flour for me.   My cup runneth over.  Throughout these past 10 weeks of sheltering at home we have had enough. Of everything.  We have not suffered any lack whatsoever.  It may not be an abundance at any given time, and we may not ever know when we will have the opportunity to get something again, but we have managed to have enough.  Again, of everything.  


We have always loved having the missionaries in our home as you know.  I have loved feeding them for years, and interestingly enough, they have always loved being in our home.  Elder Thomas served here when we were also on our Mission. We went teaching with him and his companion Elder Atkinson on numerous occasions.  I got a message from him on Saturday including this photograph. He said that and his wife had enjoyed my recipe for Tex Mex Smashed Potatoes, with cheese and ground beef on top.  I love that I am still feeding the missionaries, even now . . .  albeit in a different way  . . .  and that this young man was thoughtful enough to share with me!  It really made my day.  

Even though we are no longer able to meet together as a group at church, we can still have church at home. The Missionary Sisters have been very good at lining out suggestions for talks, hymns etc. based on topics that we can draw from to watch and listen to.  

Yesterday we decided to follow their suggestions for a Sacrament Meeting based on the Atonement of Christ.  We sang/listened to three beautiful hymns, and listened to/watched three beautiful talks.  My favourite was this one, The Atonement of Jesus Christ, by Tad R Callister.  It was really good and I got so much from it. 

Because he holds the Priesthood, Todd was able to bless and pass the sacrament in our home. 

I was even able to attend a Relief Society Lesson taught by our RS President via You Tube. 

And then last evening we were able to watch a Stake Fireside, put on by the Chester Stake of the church via a live feed on Facebook. with wonderfully uplifting music and talks by various members or our stake. 

We are so grateful for the magic of modern technology which allows us to feel connected during this worldwide pandamic, and for a church that amazingly enough, already had everything in place so that we would not really miss anything throughout this experience.  We are truly being spiritually fed.  Its been wonderful.  

I am not sure how much longer this will go on.  Yesterday our Prime Minister had a broadcast to the nation at 7 PM and has relaxed a few things as of yesterday, but in reality not a lot.  We are still pretty much being asked to shelter at home.

1. If you can go to work now, you are  allowed to go, but only so long as you do not take public transport and you are able to practice safe social distancing in the work place.  

2. Walking and cycling to work is encouraged.  

3. You are allowed to go out to enjoy unlimited exercise, and to actually travel a bit to do it, but again only if the practice of  safe social distancing is in place.  

4. You can also go to a park and sunbathe if you wish, again so long as you practice safe social distancing. 

5. There will be increased fines for rule breakers.  

I am grateful for a Government which rules with the voice of common sense and a care for its people and health care workers.  We are still experiencing far too many deaths on a daily basis and new infections and it is far too soon for many rules to be relaxed.  In all reality I can see Todd and I sheltering at home indefinitely.  Until our Prophet says it is okay to go out and they have a viable vaccine in place, home is where we are safe and where we are staying.  

Despite everything my grandson was able to enjoy what looks like a very Happy Birthday.  Doug facetimed me on Saturday because he wasn't sure if he had to work on Sunday or not and I got to see/speak to each of the boys.  It was great!  

My basil is growing roots. Plenty of them, but you can't see them in this photo.  I should be able to plant them out in about 2 weeks give or take.  I am excited about this!  The seeds I planted have done  nothing.  I am so grateful to Monique for sharing this idea of rooting store basil!

So anyways, life is just chugging along.  Good, bad and everything inbetween. We can't really complain.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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In science we 
have been reading
only the notes to a poem;
In Christianity we find
the poem, itself.
~ C. S. Lewis •。★★ 。* 。 

Nothing new to show you in the kitchen today.  Hopefully I will cook something today. Our landlord stopped off on Saturday to lend Todd his hedgeclippers.  He asked did we need anything at the store. I said I wouldn't mind a beef roast or brisket to cook and gave him some money. He came back with a ready meal for Beef Bourguinon.  We had that yesterday with mashed potatoes and I cooked some frozen cauliflower and broccoli.  Let it be noted, we payed £6.50 (about $8) for two 2 inch squares of beef in an enormous puddle of gravy with 4 mushrooms and some chopped carrot.  That's why I don't buy ready meals.

Have a great day/week.  I hope it is filled with lots of small and wonderful things!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!     Stay safe! 



  1. LOL and my basil has no roots.I think it's too cold!Happy for you..glad you had Facetime..and cute 14th birthday pic:)!!

    1. I have mine in the window at the back of the house in the dining area which gets sunlight all day long, not sure if that makes a difference? Love and hugs. xoxo

  2. Like you I've had everything I needed and haven't had to go out at all. Things are starting to open back up here and in a couple of weeks I should be able to go get my hair cut. It will be my first venture out and I will wear my face mask . It's a little scary but since I keep my hair short, I'm going to do it. It's a terrible grown out mess right now. I only hope it'll be the right decision. Our church too has kept us on track with regular services being streamed on line. Our paster and several lay ministers of our church even managed to share a fire side chat with us that was delightful. Everyone is learning to use technology to keep us together even though we are apart. Meat is become hard to get here because there has been illness in the meat packing facilities and they have not been able to get it out to us. I have enough in the freezer so I've not felt the loss yet. We can only hope it will get better before I run out. I don't eat out often either. It's not in my budget but is a treat every now and then. We have to be thankful for our helpers.

    1. This is one time I have been happy that I do not follow trends. I have my own nails, hair, eyelashes, etc. I will go out of this pandemic looking as awful as I did when I went into it, lol. xoxo

  3. Such good news that you have some flour. No stopping you now, girl! And your basil plants look very healthy. Lovely birthday picture of Jon. Very handson young man. I can understand your disappointment with the Beef Bourguinon. it does not sound very appetizing. Another cold day here and another day at home. We got out our new paper shredder and got busy. It's amazing all the paper we save that we think is important. It isn't! Hugs to you and Todd and Mitzie, Elaine

    1. I have really handsome grandsons for sure. I am not a person who enjoys ready meals anyways, and only ever very rarely enjoy restaurant food. Maybe I am too picky Elaine? I don't know. It has been cold here also, but sunny along with it so we don't mind too much! I need to get a new paper shredder. My old one died! Love and hugs. xoxo

  4. I enjoyed this one alot. Of course, I love them all. I like you enjoy the sunny days the most. I love that you friend brought you some flowers, that would brighten my day for sure.
    How awesome to get some floor. We do have some but I will be happy when you see it in the stores again.
    I can just imagine how happy getting that message and photo from the missionary. That is the best ever. How loved you are.
    I loved the quote and how you are doing your Sacrament meeting. I like that you get suggestions. We have had some you tube RS lessons too. I do love watching my sweet husband bless and pass the sacrament to me.
    Our state is lightening up the restrictions too. However, we are asked to keep social distancing and wear masks. Meanwhile, I have a daughter in law that is refusing to do any of it. It's heartbreaking. I had to snooze her from Facebook, so I don't get upset.
    I love you had a Happy Birthday moment with your Grandson, Jon. Loved that one!
    We are trying to plant a garden but having a hard time finding seeds. I think we can get plant starts but my sweet husband wants to plant corn and can't find a source. I feel sad for him.
    Sending love and hugs your way!

    1. Oh my, that must be very frightening for you LeAnn! Some people are just so negligent. They are starting to ease up a bit here, but I think it is too soon. I know they are anxious to get the economy started again, but at what cost. Our garden soil is very poor for growing anything. No garden for us I fear. I wish though. Love and hugs always. xoxo


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