
Saturday 30 May 2020

Hmmm . . . .

Have you ever done that? Sat down with a blank page staring you in the face and you have no idea of what to write . . . This happened to me this morning. It’s not that I have nothing to say, it’s that I have too much to say. All the thoughts are clambering around in my head like jangling cymbals and I can’t seem to grasp onto just one of them and give it wings to fly.

My brain is busy and my thoughts are many, and all is swirling around in this head of mine and causing a chaotic whirl storm, much like the wind that is carousing through my back garden right now, swirling up fallen rose petals and causing the branches of the bush by the kitchen window to scratch upon the glass. I know if I were to put my coat on and go out into it, it would push against my back and urge me forward, almost taking my steps for me.

Some days are like that. You wrap yourself up and then wish for something or someone to move you forward and guide your steps. The effort sometimes seems too much to accomplish on your own, but you do it anyways. Lifting first one foot and then the other, moving each slowly forward and before you know it you have moved forward by a yard, and then two yards and next thing you know you have arrived! That’s the way I tackle the challenges in my life.

Oh yes, there is a part of me that just wants to accept defeat and lie down in the face of them, like the lazy slug that I sometimes feel . . . but then there is a greater part of me that is more stubborn and determined than any problem or challenge that might come my way.

I start off with baby steps, maybe even minute steps, but the beautiful thing is, that each step I take carries me a little bit further away from the problem or challenge and a bit closer to the solution. Oft-times there is just no getting around something. The only way to go, is to plough right through, and then keep going. We’ll get there in the end. 

I wish . . .

It was 20+ here yesterday. I am not sure what that is in farenheit temperatures, but it was plenty warm. Thankfully no humidity. I don't mind heat without humidity.  I worked really hard this past month on that other site.  Sixteen recipes, as well as trying to keep up my own site.  I think my son and I are going to try to self-publish my second book, which is the book I really wanted to write the first time around. We will see how that goes.  

This has been a really crazy week with everything that is going on in the world. My heart breaks.  There is so much that I cannot comprehend.  Yesterday they found an elderly man who had been stoned to death on the grounds of a castle down in Kent. Then there is what happened in Minneapolis, which boggles the mind, and everything that is attached to that horror.  Just when you hope that humanity might be going to finally get it right, stuff like this happens and you despair that things will ever truly get better on our planet.  I know we have to take the bad with the good, but why is there so much bad   . . .  sigh  . . . have we learnt nothing from out past? 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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You cannot save people,
you can only love them.
~Anais Nin   •。★★ 。* 。  


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Small Batch Magic Cookie Bars.  Dangerous.  

Have a great Saturday.  The sun is shining and at 7 am, it is already 10*C in the back garden shaded area.  Who knows how much in the sunshine.  Don't forget! 

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 And I do too! 


  1. Good advice, Marie. We must go through something to get past something. Exciting news that you and your son (Anthony?) are going to try and self-publish your cookbook. You can count on me to buy a copy. Good luck with your endeavours. I'm sure it will be challenging. Enjoy your beautiful weather this weekend. We've had rain the last two days but it promises to be nice tomorrow. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. I am sure they will be crying Drought here soon Elaine as we have had very little or no rain for about a month or so now! Although I don't mind the sunshine, I know part of why this country is so lush and green is the rain! I hope you have a sunny Saturday! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. Many have self-published successfully..I bet you can are a trooper..!!what drive you have:)..I see Julie Jones UK is selling her book from home right now with 20% off to UKers:)
    The Pastry Bible I think.

    many new cookbooks coming out..gosh some make so much $$ I saw Gaby's new she struck it rich w/ her books and Williams-Sonoma I guess.

    We have had 3 days of 100F and high humidex..and parched gardens:(

    Takes guts to carry on..big ones.

    And what's happening with all this racism is disgusting.
    The poor victims..I thought we had come a way.I think not.
    We are all human beings...
    sad days..all around.
    Take care marie!

    1. Ohh, such high temperatures and humidity Monique! I am so not a fan, although it never seems to bother Todd! I hate racism, but I also hate violent protest and lawlessness, with the looting and destruction of property. They do themselves no favours in my opinion. It just makes me sad! Hope your weekend is going well! xoxo

  3. I've been way to lazy, not having much luck getting anything done but reading a lot. It is sunny here today but it's really cooled off and will need a jacket if I go out. I really could turn the heat on this morning, but don't want to so I'm layering up to keep warm. Maybe I'll find a sunny spot to sit in and read later on. Good luck with a new cookbook. cooking is what you do best so it's sure to be a hit!

    1. Thanks Pam! I wish I had more time to read and to paint, etc. I hope you were able to find a sunny spot to sit in and read! xoxo

  4. The cookie bars do look yummy! I think that is exciting that you are going to do a self publish book with your son. You are so gifted and I love all that you do.
    I have many times sat down and not known what to write. It's kind of why, I haven't been blogging as much. I don't know my brain is must not coming up with ideas or the ideas are too big to actually accomplish in the time I have for it.
    I do have days where I just have to take one step at a time and hope to have a good day by the end of it.
    I was really taken back when there was rioting in Salt Lake. Things are so out of control and I have a feeling they won't get better. In some ways, I just remind my self these are the last days and we are going to have difficulties as we prepare to meet the Savior at his 2nd coming. I think the signs are there that it isn't too far away. However, I do know there is much good that needs to happen before then too.
    Well, my prayers are for you to just keep writing away because I love reading your blog thoughts.
    Blessings and hugs for you!

    1. Like you LeAnn, I cannot fathom where the riots help? Surely they just make things worse. How does destroying property and looting and violence make anything any better? If anything they are justfiying the behaviour and attitudes of those in power. Peaceful protest is the way, but like you, I know we are in the latter days and this is all a part of what we are going to have to go through. Love and hugs, xoxo


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