
Wednesday 8 April 2020

Rainbows of hope . . .

All over the UK, children and people have been painting rainbows and displaying them for all to see, as a symbol of hope and support for the NHS which is our healthcare System here in the UK.  they are a national innitiave which started in the Evelina London Children's hospital in an effort to make a positive difference, and oh how we need a spark of positivity in these perilous days of ours that we are living at the moment. 

Rainbows have long been symbols of hope and trust for mankind.  One of the most beautiful things about a rainstorm is the innevitable sight of a rainbow in the sky . . .  either during or afterwards.  I have seen some pretty amazing rainbows in my lifetime, sometimes even double rainbows.  They always bring a special warmth to my heart and mind.   

When I was a child I learnt in Sunday School about Noah and the flood and the promise to Noah of God's rainbow at the end of the flood.  Where God set a sign in the sky that He would never again flood the entire earth.  A special symbol of hope and promise.  It seems only fitting that once again, during one of our earth's darkest periods and a time of great fear, that once again rainbows would become symbols of hope and of promise . . .  and of something so very positive.  

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power
and of love, and of a sound mind."
~2 Timothy 1:7  

It would be very easy at this time to let fear crowd our minds, fill our hearts and cloud our judgement.  But we have all been told the things that we need to do to be safe, and to support our NHS and countries, our fellow beings.  And that is to stay home.  To help to prevent the spreading of this dreadful virus by social-distancing and just staying home.  It is not a hard or difficult thing to do really.   We are so blessed to live in an age of modern technology where entertainment and companionship is right at our fingertips.  

With a few clicks on our keyboards, or phone pads, we can be in touch with a world full of people who are experiencing the same thing that we are.  Communication between loved ones, even if miles apart is so much easier.  We don't have to wait months and months for letters that might never come.  Amazingly we can even see our loved ones while we are talking to them.  

A friend of mine on IG baked wih her granddaughter via a video-link the other day and it was a wonderfully special moment for them both.  I was able to speak to a friend who just lives around the corner from me via a facetime, and it didn't matter that we were both in our pajamas, and our hair was messy, no make-up on  . . .  we were just so happy to be talking to each other and seeing each other at the same time.  It lifted both of our moods exponentially.  

This period of time will not last forever.  If we will all just stay home that will give our Health Care Systems the time to deal with the virus in the best way possible.  This virus can be cut short and things can get back to normal sooner.  The more that people flout the stay at home order, the more it spreads, people are put in more danger, our health care systems become over-burdened and unable to care for the people who need it properly, and for what.  Nobody is immune.  

N O B O D Y  

Take this opportunity to read the books you have always wanted to read, or re-read books you have always wanted to reread.  Take advantage of all the tutorials available online and learn a new skill for free. Write that book you've always wanted to write but never had the time for.  Touch those around you in new and amazing ways, like video calls and messages. Watch all of your favourite shows.  You have a great excuse to binge.  Become creative in a way that only you can.  There is no time like the present, but please (If you have the luxury of doing so)  . . .  just stay home.  

A few things I am doing: 

1. A rainbow journal of days
2. A crochet rainbow blanket, using up yarns that are taking up space in my closet.
3. Inventing new ways to use the food in my storecupboard and inspire others cooking.
4. Digging into the scriptures in new and meaningful ways.
5. Video calling those I think might be in need of a pick me up and a smiling face.  

 And that is just the tip of the rainbow . . .   

We all know that at the end of the rainbow there is always a pot of gold.  That after the rain, always the sunshine  . . . lets all just do what we can, in the best way that we can, to get through this safely and to lessen the burden on our health care systems, Governments, families, etc.  It won't be forever. 

Our church is doing another special day of fasting and prayer on Good Friday, the 10th of April.  During World War ll, countries were asked as a whole to pray for their countries,  to participate in National days of Prayer . . . and I believe that through prayer and fasting, the tide of the War was turned.   

Is this not another type of War we are fighting, except instead of country against country we are a world against an illness that is sweeping across the earth in an unprecedented way.  If the power of National prayer had the ability to turn the tide of the second World War, how much more powerful could the prayers of the whole planet to turn the tide of this virus be? 

In response to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, President Russell M. Nelson asked members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and others to plead with the Lord for “physical and spiritual healing.”

“For all whose health may permit, let us fast, pray, and unite our faith once again,” said President Nelson during general conference on April 4. “Let us prayerfully plead for relief from this global pandemic. “I invite all, including those not of our faith, to fast and pray on Good Friday, April 10, that the present pandemic may be controlled, caregivers protected, the economy strengthened and life normalized.”

The New Testament’s Paul admonished in Corinth to “give yourselves to fasting and prayer” (1 Corinthians 7:5). And the Savior Himself taught that certain things go “not out but by prayer and fasting” (Matthew 17:21). 

I firmly believe that Prayer Changes Everything.  I truly do.   So, even if you are not normally a praying person, please would you consider saying a few prayers on Friday for the world? Afterall, what could it hurt? 

Build a rainbow of prayer and of hope

Lets do it together!

A thought to carry with you . . .

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Oh thou who has given us so much,
mercifully grant us one thing more,
a grateful heart.  ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~George Herbert  •。★★ 。* 。


Baking in The English Kitchen today . . .  wholesome Seeded Cranberry Muffins. These are moist and delicious! 

Have a wonderful Wednesday.  Did you have an opportunity to see the Pink Moon last night?  It was a bit too cloudy here.  Today is quite cloudy as well, but it may burn off and we may have a nice day weatherwise.  Yesterday was beautiful.  No matter, if the sun shines or not, don't forget! 

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And I do too!     


  1. Hi Marie, what a hopeful sign the rainbow is. We saw a double rainbow shortly after my mom died. I took it as a sign she and my dad had been reunited in heaven. The same prayer from all of us would be very powerful, indeed. Thanks for your good advice during this pandemic pandemonium. Take gentle care. Look after each other. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine. I loved hearing about the double rainbow you saw after your mom passed away. What a beautiful sign! Love, hugs and blessings to you always. xoxo

  2. Looking forward to your blanket and the muffins look sublime..Rainbows are everywhere♥Take care!

    1. Thanks Monique! Rainbows are such a wonderful symbol of hope! You take care also! xoxo

  3. I'll be joining you in prayer on Good Friday. It is a day of fast and abstinence from meat for us anyway. They say you can't have the rainbow without the rain. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

    1. Thanks Pam, as you cay every little helps. We can make a difference! xoxo

  4. Love rainbows, just painted a rainbow rock to add to my spring display. Hoping it brings a smile to those that walk by.
    Rainbows give hope

    1. I am sure that it will Linda! It made me smile just thinking about it! xoxo

  5. Thanks for your very uplifting post. I loved reading it. You are finding some really sweet things to do. It made me think of a few more things, I would like to do.
    I do love rainbows and I loved reading your thoughts on them.
    I thought the fasting and prayer was such a wonderful invitation and I felt such peace while doing it. I do believe we will see miracles from it. Wishing for you to be safe and happy and I do love that we have many blessings while we are stuck in our homes.
    Sending loving thoughts, prayers and hugs!


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