
Monday 23 March 2020

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.  

Yesterday was Mother's Day in the UK.  I never get overly excited about either Mother's Day, the North American one or the British/European one.  Since I moved here to the UK, it never happens that I get cards, although I do often get online messages from at least three of my kiddos.  Mother's Day for me has always been the day I get to celebrate my own mother, and my mother was a treasure.  I went upstairs to my craftroom yesterday afternoon so I could call my father and my daughter and as I was sitting there, I spied something sticking out of a basket.  Mother's Day Cards. To me. From 20 years ago.  Our Heavenly Father truly is mindful of us and in tune with the small details of our lives.  Some would say co-incidence, but I say no such thing as co-incidence, only God-incidence. 


Free home delivery of prescriptions.   We signed up for it two weeks ago and tried it out for the first time last week.  It worked very well.  I got my prescriptions no problem. I was really pleased and relieved.  One of the things that was bothering me about being quarantined for 3 months was not being able to get our  prescriptions or having to take a chance to go out and get them.  This has taken that worry away. 

The kindness of others.  From that dear kind woman who helped Todd after his fall, to a next door neighbor who is willing to pick up whatever we are in need of, to phone calls checking up on us, Ariana coming over to see how Todd was after his fall, etc. we have been blessed.  Yes, there truly are Angels and they do walk among us.  

Now I want a cactus and one of these planters.   I know, small things amuse small minds.  

No need for boredom. I have a room full of craft supplies and books and things to keep me busy.  Lots of paints. Lots of watercolour paper, yarn, etc.  I can craft and draw and paint until the cows come home. 

Between our DVD collection and streaming networks, we have plenty to entertain us if we get bored.  Actually I am not likely to get bored myself. Its Todd who will get bored.  He's been used to going out pretty much every day.  These last few weeks have been a bit hard on him. But we both want to be responsable, and yes, as an added bonus, stay alive.  

So annoyed with our Landlord though. He just doesn't get it.  He's stopped by the house twice this weekend, and both times Todd opened the door to him. (which annoys me also).  I forget what the first time was for, and the last time it was to give us his sister's mailing address so we can mail her cheques for rent.  I did tell him to just push it through the letter box on his previous visit, but obviously he doesn't understand English.  And neither does Todd.  When I say, don't open the door, I mean don't open the door.  

Secret Chocolate Stash.  I don't have to eat it, but its nice to know its there.  If I want it.  I will share. 


I found this.  I had some food in my food storage that was a bit out of date.  I took a chance and we used tomatoes this weekend and canned carrots/peas.  We didn't die or get food poisoning.  The tomatoes did have a bit of a metallic taste, but that could just be me imagining what isn't there.  I am so grateful for food storage at the moment. You can't find anything in the shops.  The shelves are stripped, not that we are going to the shops, but you can't get home delivery or anything.  Everything is all booked up for weeks and weeks.  Pretty scary stuff, but we don't need to be really afraid because we are prepared.  The only things I think I will run out of is laundry soap, dog food, butter, fresh milk.  Hopefully things like home delivery will be up and running soon.  I did manage to order bin bags from Amazon, and Todd's denture tablets.  But we have no newspaper to put our food waste in, if we have any. 

The Internet which allows us the opportunity and ability to stay in touch and up to date. 

Having the Priesthood in my home, which means we can still partake of the sacrament even if church isn't being held in our chapels, and we can still enjoy other blessings of the priesthood.    We have some really good and conscientious members in our Ward.  Shirley has been doing Sunday School Lessons on line. Others have done talks, etc. online.  We have church music and talks from our leaders to listen to.  A Ward page to stay in touch, etc.  We have everything we need in place to help us to stay on the Covenant Path and to not feel alone, even if we are physically alone.  

We have had a message of Hope from the Prophet of our church.    

We, as a church, have had regular communications from our church on how to stay safe, etc.  I trust them implicitly.

Faith, Hope and Charity (Love)  three legs on a three legged stool.  The stool cannot remain upright without all three legs and all are dependant on the other. If we practice those three principles in our lives and homes, we need not be afraid. 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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I saw that worrying had come to nothing, 
and gave it up. And took my old body 
and went out into the morning, and sang. 
~ Mary Oliver•。★★ 。* •。★★ 。* 


I am sharing some of my favourite store cupboard recipes in the kitchen today.  There's a little bit of something for everyone.   

 I hope your week ahead is filled with plenty of small and wonderful things.   Don't forget! 

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And I do too!   



  1. Hi, Marie! Happy Mom's Day, belated... glad you were able to talk to you family! :) And VERY glad you & Todd are keeping well there! Be keeping well and safe, my friend... LOVE YOU LOTS! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

    1. Thanks Tracy! Same to you and TJ! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. Happy you found the cards:)ake care and yes let us be grateful for everyone doing exceptional work for all of us.A study started in QC a couple of hours ago..Dr.Tardif..Colchitine..Fingers crossed.To stop complications of Covid-19.I heard other tests are being done elsewhere in the world also..with different medications..

    1. There is lots of hope to cling to Monique! I would rather that than despair! xoxo

  3. Like you I keep a lot of canned goods in storage here so It was good to see the list on how long they keeps. I've really never ran into any that were spoiled. We have to praise the person who invented canned goods. I've not ran out of anything here so far, but my family has sad they will do my shopping for me when the go out. They want me to stay home and safe. Truthfully I was a bit leery anyway. Yes it seems there are angels every where these days. Stay safe not sorry is my motto.

    1. We really do Pam! I have heard it said that if the tin is bulging then to throw it away, but otherwise the food is usually safe. Love your motto! xoxo

  4. The expiration dates on most food is a 'best if used by' date. In other words, the food will still be safe to eat for some time it just won't taste very good.

    1. Yes, I have found that unless the tins are enamel lined it can have a "tinny" taste, Jenny, but otherwise it is quite safe! xoxo

  5. Hi Marie - Cheryl here from the US (Michigan). Just found your blog and what a blessing it is. Stay healthy and safe.

    1. Hi Cheryl! Welcome. I have drive through Michigan many times. It is a beautiful state for the most part! YOu stay healthy and safe also! oxox

  6. Another fun read and you always put on great ideas. I do think that God is so aware and we receive tender mercies. I had an immediate answer to prayer the other day. I really should blog it. I'm so far behind.
    Prescriptions area a concern. We picked some up at the drive through but maybe we will use home delivery.
    The kindness of others is so important. Yes, thank heavens for technology and movies. I have my stash of chocolate too.
    I love all the positive things that the church is doing and we do have a living Prophet that we will follow. We are a little sad because one of our missionary granddaughters is being brought home from New Zealand; she's barely been there a month and a Missionary Grandson coming home early from Texas. He is one of the 21 months ones.
    I love the hopeful messages we can listen too.
    Because we are old, we are staying mostly in, but our temple is still opened for living endowments and sealings so we have worked on Sat. Mornings. I do feel safe there and feel like Heavenly Father will bless us. It is scary because my husband has severe underlying health conditions and I have a couple too.
    Sending lot of prayers love and hugs!


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