
Saturday 7 March 2020

Saturday this and that . . .

Live thy Life;  
Young and old,
Like yon oak,
Bright in spring,
Living gold. 


Then; and then
Cold again. 


All his leaves
Fall'n at length,
Look, he stands.
Trunk and bough,
Naked Strength.
~Alfred Lord Tennyson 


There was a very large oak tree in the gardens at the Manor down South where we worked.  They said it was a Domesday Oak and dated back to the Domesday Book of 1066.

This is a piece I found written about it on the BBC online:

It is exciting at this time of the 900th anniversary of the Domesday Book to work in the vicinity of a relic of those early times.We gained permission to go and see the Domesday Oak, the surviving tree of ANDERIDA, an ancient wealden forest.It is possibly 14 or 15 hundred years old.Without any warning in the summer of 1945 it broke in two, but even now with a split trunk it is still very much alive.It has a girth of about 11 metres. Today reinforcing concrete is used to support it.The tree gave us a feeling of history and is a link with the original book.  

This is a picture I had taken of it when we were down there.  It's almost impossible to depict the scale of it's size.  It was enormous, absolutely enormous.   No picture I ever took of it was able to capture it perfectly.  I always thought to myself that if it could talk it would certainly have lots to say! 

But then again, you could say that of any tree.

Its hard to believe but Gabriel, my oldest grandson, is turning 14 today!  He is the one who turned me into a Grandmother!  (And his dad turned me into a Mother!)  He has grown up into a nice young boy/youth. I know I am a bit biased, but as a grandmother, that is my prerogative.   It is odd to see him now with his voice changing and that hint of a moustache on his upper lip.  He is a fabulous reader, reading books far beyond his ken.  Much like myself at that age.  He is a wonderful son, big brother and grandson.  I love him so very much and I hope that he has a wonderful Birthday and year!

Happy Birthday Gabe!!

Apparently two airmen from CFB Greenwood, NS are on self-isolation now, having returned from exercises in Italy and being suspected of having the Corono Virus.   This is worrying to me, as that is where my family lives for one, and my son is an airman there who flys on the planes.   I have no idea of knowing if he is affected or not as he is the son who doesn't really communicate with me.  I can only pray that he is safe, which I do every day anyways.  I pray for all my children every day. Multiple times. 

Our cases here in the UK continue to rise, as they do everywhere. The key to protection is to WASH YOUR HANDS!  A simple thing really. To the tune of Happy Birthday twice, and with hot water and soap.

Its crazy because you can't get handgel anywhere now.  Toilet paper is in shortage, lol (I have mine.)   

I am having kittens trying to get my lesson organised for Relief Society tomorrow. It is based on a talk by David A Bednar, entitled Watchful Unto Prayer Continually.  I have been studing it and working on it every morning this week and am having a stupor of thought.  When I highlighted everything in the talk that was important, there was very little not highlighted.  His talks are always filled with things we need to know.  Its so hard to pick out what points to teach from as they are all important.  It better come together today as we are down to the crunch now.  I was in tears yesterday over it. Not my favourite thing. I take my responsability very seriously (as you should do).

And with that I best leave you with a thought for today as this is getting rather lengthy.  Please pray that I will be able to pull my lesson together today!  Thanks!  Also that my son is safe, not that I will ever know if he is or he isn't. But God knows. 💗 

A thought to carry with you . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

Someone will always be prettier.
Someone will always be younger.
Someone will always be smarter.
But nobody will ever be you.•。★★ 。* 。
 •。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Small Batch Cherry Swirl Cheesecake.  Seriously yummy! 

Have a great Saturday!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. Maybe your other sons can tell you about the NS one?ASk..I would be thinking about it too..not knowing is no fun at all..
    You will do!

  2. I'm one who tries to believe tht no news is good news. It seems we always hear if it's bad news. So keep praying and so will I. It's hard I know. Happy birthday to your grandson they seem to grown up before we know it. There are no little babies in my family anymore. The youngest is already 4 soon to be 5. Pray about the lesson and an answer will come. If necessary, repeat the whole thing, It might be easier in the long run. Hope you have a super Saturday!

  3. Hi Marie~

    I just love the art work in this post, and that old, Domesday Oak...gorgeous! That's amazing that it's still living!

    Gabriel is a very handsome young man and I hope his birthday is a really good one! I think it's so cute that all of your grandchildren resemble you so much, I love it!

    Your son will be in my prayers, Marie. As of today we don't have any cases in Idaho...that we know of. In Utah, the Governor has declared a State of Emergency because there have been a few cases there. This is pretty scary stuff, but like you said, hand-washing and common sense will be the best safety precaution for all of us. I have my toilet paper as well. The other day Bob and I made a run to Sam's Club to get that and some other things we might need. I'm trying not to panic about it, but it is scary.

    I have the same issue teaching a lesson!! I just get tongue tied when I think of teaching. You will do a great job! Your lesson is the same one we are having tomorrow, it's such a good one. I will say a little prayer for you.

    The cheese cake looks delicious!! I'm trying so hard to stay away from sweets, but that looks so good, I will have to try it ;0)

    You and Todd are in my prayers always...XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

  4. Hi Marie, hope you got your lesson prepared. I'm sure you did. Good luck with your presentation. You'll be relieved when it's all over. Enjoy your Sunday. Hugs, Elaine


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