
Saturday 14 March 2020

A whole lot of nothing . . .

There is so much that is scary going on at the moment, I am going to bombard you with nice for today.  Nice things to make you smile, forget your troubles, sing hallelujah, starting off with this sweet little posy girl.  Day three of our self-imposed lock-down.  

View from the dining room window.  I say dining room, but we don't actually have a dining room per se. We have a dining area of the lounge/living area. You can see the forsythia singing away towards the end of the garden, my turkey award from all those many moons ago, my pretty pig cookie jar and look at those lovely red primrose bloom, bloom, blooming on the windowsil. 😊  

The window washer came pretty much first thing yesterday morning.  He said he had been into town on the bus earlier to get a haircut and tons of people were on the bus hacking and coughing away.  😬 Cue in mega handwashing, social distancing.   But our windows are sparkling. 

Todd unpacked his shed. Its just a small one to hold his lawnmower and garden tools.  Our old one was falling apart, half of it has been blown away in the wind storms. Bazillions of parts. He took one look, stacked all the larger plastic outside bits behind the bins, put the smaller bits on a large baking traym popped the larger metallic bits beneath the dinig table, and declared that was enough for one day.  It did start to rain right afterwards so I felt he was justified in putting it off.  👍 For now.  

Don't these little girl's dresses take you back to your childhood?  They do me.  I had gloves to wear to church on Sunday and a little hat too. I loved getting dressed up for Birthday parties and church, special occasions.  We had to dress special for holidays also, like Christmas.  Picture taking days.  People are so very relaxed nowadays with their dress.  I can remember when you were not allowed to board an airplane in casual dress.  I had one dress that I really loved.  The grandmother of the family which lived on the other side of our two-bedroom duplex bungalow in Gimli, Manitoba had bought it for me.  She took a liking to me I guess.  Grammy Ducamon was her name. The dress was blue cotton with a full skirt and puffed sleeves.  All around the hemline was a crocheted lace panel that had an elephant pattern crocheted into it.  I loved that dress. 

Don't you just love this?  I wish I had the courage to wear a messy bun, or even the hair that would suit a messy bun. I love the way this hair shines, all of the highlights etc.  I have a messy bun, but for different reasons. You know how, when you get older, your hair texure changes????  Somehow it becomes wire-ier?  Nobody warns you about this, or about chin hairs . . . . I have curly hair anyways, but now I have all these wirey little bits as well.   


Have you ever wanted to replace your bottom cupboard doors with pretty curtains?  I have, but I also have enough common sense to recognise that in the long run they would probably end up being a huge pain in the butt.  Especially with a dog in the house.  Very pretty to look at though. 


Just when you think you have seen it all.  Marmite flavoured Cream Cheese.  I don't know about this one.  Todd is forbidden to kiss me when he has been eating his favourite snack, marmite spread on buttered bread.  The smell is just 😝.  Marmite truly is a love it or loathe it thing. 


We got ourselves a Digital Thermometer about a week ago so that we could check our tempertures.  Actually we have two now.  We bought one a few months back but I put it somewhere safe. 😜  So we got another one.  It is supposed to start beeping when it is ready to read.  The only problem is we can't hear it, lol.  We both must be getting deaf now.   Todd can't even hear it with his hearing aids.   You can't find a normal thermometer anymore. Not sure what we do when the battery runs out. 


Did you date when you were a teenager?   I don't think I have ever been on a "date."  We just hung out, en-masse at the local rec centre.  I did have a fella call me up for a date once.  He wanted to take me out for coffee.  He was from the UK and had been hired as the Golf Pro for the base that summer.  I had just turned 16 and just been given permission to "date."  I didn't even drink coffee.  Anyways, he had walked me home from a dance and wanted to take me out.  He called and wanted me to meet him at a local restaurant for coffee.  My dad was listening on the other line and broke in and told him if he wanted to take me out he would have to pick me up at the door.  I remember thinking that my life was over. He never did show up.  In retrospect I was probably lucky that he didn't.  He was in his 20's. I was far too young.  Who knows what might have happened.  Thank you dad. 

Hair bows were big way back when.  Boys wore tunics and short pants.  You didn't smile for photographs.  They were solemn occasions.   

A smile makes all the difference in the world! 


Bunny pancakes  . . .  no source.  Wish I had some children to make them for  . . . . very cute. 

Playing with your food on a whole new level.  A Mom for 2 on Instagram.    Some people have a lot of time on their hands and brilliant imaginations. 

Delish.  Edible Disney Characters.  As they say  . . .  way too cool to eat. 

 And with that I best leave you with a look at my brothers dinner from the other night.  

Here's looking at you kid!

He posted it on facebook.  😲  

A thought to carry with you  . . .

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The secret to living longer is
eat half, walk double,
laugh triple and love without measure.
~Tibetan Proverb  •。★★ 。* 。 

Roast Potatoes 

In the kitchen today  . . .  Roast potatoes  . . . 

Brownies with Maldon Sea Salt  Milk Jam 

Chocolate Brownies with Salted Caramel Milk Jam.  Plus a free download of a bunch of other recipes from Maldon Sea Salt. 

Have a great Saturday.   Stay safe!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!   



  1. Lots of bright and cheery which we all need:)Take care..and bon weekend!The shed will be great for Mr T..and you can enjoy it it:)

    1. Thanks Monique, you and J stay safe and healthy! xoxo PS - yes we should name the shed! It is still in bits!

  2. Yes, I love little girls dresses and was thrilled when I had a daughter to dress up. Thankfully most of granddaughters enjoy wearing dresses too. One of them recently told me she dresses up specially for my birthday last week. So precious tht she wanted to do that !

    1. Little girls are such fun to dress Pam! I used to sew matching outfits for mine when thy were small! What a precious gift from your granddaughter. You are very much beloved! xoxo

  3. I made an Easter hat to wear this spring to my garden club tea....hopefully I'll get to wear it. If not, the little posie that attaches to it comes off easily & I planned to wear it as a sunhat over the summer anyway. If you'd like to see it I posted about on Instagram @jennylovescharlie

    I've been thinking about growing my salt & pepper/turning white hair out long so I can wear a bun like my grandmother did. I'm not that old (53) but I am a grandmother! And I hate styling my hair.

    I have a friend who hung curtains on tension rods in front of her cabinet doors....she got the same look & kept her doors for when she was tired of the look & could easily go back. I loved it.

    I need to buy a new thermometer.

    I did not date in high school. But once when I was around 14 my dad pulled into a little full service gas station in our town. A teen boy came out to fill up for us & my dad got out to pay. He got back in the car laughing. He told me the boy asked if I were his daughter (it was a common question for us because my dad was 60 when I was born). Then he asked if my dad thought I would go out with him? My dad just laughed & said you have to ask her yourself! I was super disappointed that he never did.

    Big bows are still common on little girls where I live in the southern US.

    1. Jenny I have started following you in IG. Your Easter bonnet is beautiful! I hope you have a chance to wear it! Love the idea about the tension rods! Thanks for that! Stay safe and stay healthy! xoxo

    2. Our tea has been postponed to the summer..not cancelled so hopefully I will still be able to wear it!

  4. Hi Marie~

    I remember wearing dresses like that! I had a blue dress with a drop waist. I wore it with gloves to church, and blue Patton leather shoes, and white anklets...remember those? Oh boy, those were the days! I remember my grandmother made me a coat. It was grey/blue and had a baby seal collar. I loved to wear it, I felt so grown up! Now days, you can't hunt baby seal (thank goodness), but it was quite posh then.

    Your dining area is so pretty, I love how it looks out over your garden, very relaxing!

    The rain is washing my windows today...a window washer would do a much better job though ;0)

    There was one boy that I used to go on dates with. He was from California, he was the nephew of a friend of my fathers and he used to stay with them for a few weeks every summer. His name was Dirk. My mom would drop us off at the movies, and then pick us up when the movie was over. Not much of a date, but it was fun, and Dirk was a nice boy. He went on to become a tennis pro!

    I love to see all creative ways people make things with food! My grands would love those pancakes!

    What on earth was your brother eating?! I'm glad it wasn't on my plate...eeeekkkkk!

    We are also self isolating. Although we did go for a ride yesterday. We were in the boonies, so we didn't see anyone, and we stayed in the truck. I love the direction we get from the First Presidency...this too shall pass!

    Take care, love you tons!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. I am not sure if I have ever seen a baby seal collar, although my father did bring back an owl made with seal pelts from Inuvik once when he was there on Military Exercise. Dirk sounds lovely! My brother eats a lot of Japanese, Chinese and foreign food. Hes quite adventurous for a boy who wouldn't eat rice because he thought it was maggots! It never hurts to be safe Barb! Its only for a short and this too shall pass. In the meantime we have General Conference to look forward to. Not long now! I can't wait to watch it, God willing! Love and hugs to you and Bob. xoxo

  5. Loved the photo of the girls with their bows. I have a picture of my mom with two of her sisters in similar white dresses and big hair bows. I treasure it. Well, it looks like the scams have started concerning cures for the coronavirus. Yikes!
    Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Elaine

    1. What a treasure that photograph must be Elaine! I have told my sister to warn my father about the scams. He is very gullible! Love and hugs and happy weekend wishes dear friend. I hope my gift gets to you on time! xoxo


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