
Wednesday 25 March 2020

A bit of nonesense . . .

Captain's Log, stardate 25/03/2020. Day fourteen from the Captain's Deck of the Starship Rayner. Our Mission is to stay positive and remain indoors, to explore new world's from the confines of the starship, and to do so without wanting to crown Number One, no matter how many cheesy movies eminate from his data base.  We are in this for the long haul and keeping up our spirits must be maintained. 

Yesterday I  changed our beds and rendezvoused with the clothesline in the back garden. The sun was shining and it seemed like the perfect fit.  Make hay while the sun shines.  The sheets and bedding came back into the starship later in the day smelling of sunshine and outdoors. Number one took advantage of the sunshine by mowing another third of the back garden.  It is so long and large that the mowing must be done in steps. The two chipmunks (dogs) next door kept up a chorus to accompany him all the way through the chore. You can't make this stuff up.

Any time entry has become meaningless. The days are beginning to run together. Our warp seems to be repeating itself. I noted to Number One yesterday that we need to develop a schedule for each day that can be loosely followed so that we know when it is Monday, or Tuesday, or Wednesday  . . . we have no idea as of yet how this will work, but it is important that those aboard the ship avoid random thoughts lest they change the reality of what we are trying to do here.  A suggestion was made . . . perhaps we should keep to the Queen's schedule. 

On Monday she does all her washing,
On Tuesday she's ironing all day,
Wednesdays she's mopping,
Thursdays she's shopping,
On Friday she goes for her pay. 

Thats all I can remember of that song and Number one is still in bed. It ends with her getting something in for our tea. In any case a schedule is warranted so that we can stay grounded in reality.  

Why are big bottoms only cute on hippos?

The air around our starship has become strangely quiet, with no cars chugging about, or motorbikes, or the sound of children playing. No jet streams punctuate the sky. Plenty of gulls screeching, and birds singing. Yesterday a dog across the back barked most of the day. We tried a few telephone numbers we were given to see if we could get in some fresh supplies, but to no avail. We wanted some fresh vegetables and fruits as our Head Cheese has told us to eat plenty of fresh veg and fruit to stay healthy.  Methinks this sounds right on paper, but somehow doesn't translate to reality. Nevermind we have plenty of baked beans. Note to self:  When we finally are able to leave this galaxy, must bring in more variety when it comes to frozen or tinned fruits and vegetables.  There are some things you just can't find on Amazon.  

None of what is happening was even mentioned in the Almanac, and I have checked it twice. It mentions the start of the meteorlogical Spring, Saint Patricks Day, the Lenten Moon and quite a few other odds and sodds but nothing about a Pandemic.  There was supposed to be a super moon on the ninth and darned if I didn't miss it.  I will be fired from my job if this keeps up.  Demoted to Number One and a new Captain will take over.

This has been a great opportunity to reflect on the things in life that are truly important. Faith, family, health, exercise, fresh air, enough to eat, a roof over your head and a good pair of shoes. There is no place like home. Home is where truly where you hang your heart. Its the simple things in life which bring us the most joy. This too shall pass. You have to take your blessings where you find them.   We are most grateful for the sunshine, and the fact that we are still here, and that we have each other. 

A thought to carry with you  . . .

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And spring arose on the garden fair,
Like the spirit of love felt everywhere.
And each flower and herb on Earths dark breast,
rose from the dreams of its Wintery rest.
~Percy Bysshe Shelley  •。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Herb and Garlic Cod and Chips.  When you can't get out to the chippy. 

Have a great Wednesday.  Stay safe, stay happy and stay home.   Don't forget.

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And I do too!    


  1. We are going for walks..not new for Jacques..but for me I cannot garden yet that's for sure..still so much snow.No lawn to mow..diversions are indoors.Truth be told we are fine with this..confinement..Have not been out since March 11th..
    Yesterday Jacques turned 79..
    Mylène and Noah parked on the street..and stayed at least 30 feet away w/ banners of Happy Birthday..short and sweet visit..Words only really..later our family across the street did the same...
    So different..
    but both J and I are past all the fanfare..just not past the worry and concern for the world.

    1. Todd has been taking one walk about with the dog, early in the day and he crosses the street if he sees anyone approaching. We have been told it is good to get out once a day for exercise. MY arthritis has been too bad for walking. It must have seemed a strange birthday for Jacques, but nice that the girls were able to wish him a Happy Birthday from a distance. I am sure it meant lot to you both. I am very worried and concerned for the world also. Have you heard Prince Charles has tested positive for the virus. Keeping everyone in my prayers, including you and J and your sweet family. xoxo

    2. I did hear..I heard his symptoms are very mild..They also mentioned he has many places to quarantine in..and I know he has the best doctors....

  2. What a fun way to describe your days. Recording what's going on is as important as keeping a ship's log. And I think your right it's important to set a schedule. My days have been all mixed up since I've not been able to go to church on Sundays. You are blessed there to have someone to spend the days with. Me, by myself can sometimes be confusing.

    1. I was just trying to keep my mind busy. Without a calendar I would no longer know what day it was. Sundays have always been my defining day of the week. Usually it was the only time I went out of the house other than our garden. How things have changed. I am blessed to have company. ((((((hugs)))))) xoxo

  3. Oh, my sweet friend, I loved every single word of this one. It was so cute and I smiled all the way while reading it. Thanks for bringing some sunshine it our lives.
    We are expecting snow tomorrow, how about that one??
    Stay in, stay safe and I'm sending prayers and hugs!

    1. Thanks LeAnn! I am praying for you Roger and the family. Hopefully all will be well for each of us! xoxo

  4. Oh I like your post, rather upbeat for the subject matter. And now I would like to have the hippo table, awfully attractive. I live by myself and the days do blend one into another. I subscribe to a daily paper so that does tell me the day. Though I wonder if I should disinfect the paper, hard to do. Thanks goodness for online live streaming church services.

    1. I am in love with that Hippo table myself Terra! It is hard to disinfect paper for sure. Read it with disposable gloves and then throw the gloves and the paper away. Yes, thank goodness for online streaming church services! xoxo


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