
Tuesday 11 February 2020

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .

FOR TODAY, February 11th, 2020 

Outside my window...
It is freezing cold and dark and brrr  . . . .  

I am thinking ...
I was in my craft room yesterday and going through my mom's letters. I couldn't bring myself to read any of them just yet, but I was organising them. We live in such a different world, and I am as guilty as the rest.  We just don't mail each other anymore like we should.  My goal is to snail mail more this year. Sitting in my craft room with this wonderful legacy yesterday it really struck home to me how very valuable a handwritten letter is.  Its not an e-mail or a message that will disappear.  It is a tangible living thing and it can/will be around for a very long time. Write more letters.

I am thankful for ...
A mother who loved to write us letters.  She didn't have a computer and wouldn't have one. Too stuck in her ways for that, but she loved to write letters and did, faithfully for many, many years. 

In the kitchen ...
Nothing today. Yesterday got away from me.  God willing there will be something to enjoy tomorrow. For dinner yesterday we had frozen fish and chips and some frozen peas.  I did cook them, lol.

On my "To Cook" list ... 

Onion Rings and Things.  Baked Honey Lemon Chicken. 

Good to know ... 

Dieting Well.  Best anti-inflammatory foods to eat.  

I am creating ... 

Misses Kwitties on Flikr.  What a cute Valentine!  

I couldn't find a source for these, but I love LOVE their primative look. 


Angharad McClaren.  Decorative darning.   

Cubby House Kids on Etsy.  Angel crochet pattern.

Margaret Miller.  What a labour of love.  Fabric Junk Journal.  

I am reading ... 

The American Way of Poverty, how the other half still lives, by Sasha Abramsky  

Fifty years after Michael Harrington published his groundbreaking book The Other America, in which he chronicled the lives of people excluded from the Age of Affluence, poverty in America is back with a vengeance. It is made up of both the long-term chronically poor and new working poor—the tens of millions of victims of a broken economy and an ever more dysfunctional political system. In many ways, for the majority of Americans, financial insecurity has become the new norm.

The American Way of Poverty shines a light on this travesty. Sasha Abramsky brings the effects of economic inequality out of the shadows and, ultimately, suggests ways for moving toward a fairer and more equitable social contract. Exploring everything from housing policy to wage protections and affordable higher education, Abramsky lays out a panoramic blueprint for a reinvigorated political process that, in turn, will pave the way for a renewed War on Poverty.

It is, Harrington believed, a moral outrage that in a country as wealthy as America, so many people could be so poor. Written in the wake of the 2008 financial collapse, in an era of grotesque economic extremes, The American Way of Poverty brings that same powerful indignation to the topic.

Very eye-opening.

Dreaming About ... 

A pretty place to lay your head  . . . 


Vintage Bunnies  . . . . 

Woven Welsh Wool blankets  . . . 


French tea towels  . . . 

Measuring cups  . . . 

Something to watch ... 


The next season of Outlander.  It starts Sunday next on Starz and Monday next on Prime. Can't wait!! 

A thought to carry with you  ... 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

Knowledge is knowing
a tomato is a fruit.
Wisdom is not putting 
it in a fruit salad. 
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。 

Corners of my kingdom ... 

Flooded streets.  Appleby-in-Westmoreland  in Cumbria after the wrath of last weekends storm. There but for the Grace of God go we.  There was a flood warning in place for downtown Chester by the River Dee yesterday and my friend Tina got about a foot of snow dumped on their mountain.

And that's my daybook for this week!

  ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆

  ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆ 

✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.• ╬♥═╬╬═♥=╬╬═♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥═╬♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥
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Have a beautiful day!  Don't forget!   

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And I do too!    


  1. Your favourite things are also my favourite things ! :) Hope you are o.k safe and warm in all this wild weather , we had more wind than rain but no real damage....feeling so sorry for those who got flooded . In my prayers xxx

    1. Thanks Debs! More to come this weekend as well with the storms. Thankfully we are up high, but those who aren't are really suffering! Have you seen the grasshoppers in Africa! Ewww! xoxo

  2. Hi Marie, love those gorgeous tea towels. And the heart with the buttons and bluebird - so sweet and so retro. I left a comment yesterday but I don't see it posted yet. I wanted to tell you that I got your lovely letter and wee Valentine owl in the mail yesterday. I'll write you back but wanted to thank you and let you know it had safely arrived. It's such fun to get letters in the mail. Saw all the terrible flooding on the news. Glad you and Todd are high and dry. Hugs and love, Elaine

    1. Aww Elaine, I have been way behind on my commenting this week. Will e-mail you! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. Europe is struggling! We have though..Pretty pretty things:) What treasures your letters!

    1. I don't know which is worse, snow or rain. I think it is half a dozen of one or six of another! I am so pleased you enjoyed the letter. I enjoyed yours as well! xoxo

    2. And my mom's letters, yes a true treasure. I expect I will be able to read them one day. Just not yet. xoxo

  4. What a treasure to have those letters from your mother. I have some here that I've saved from my husband. They may be gone but their words will last forever and we have their letters to read. You are so right, we need to write more letters.

    1. I am sure the ones from your husband are a real blessing Pam! It is lovely to have these links to our lost loved ones and to know we will see them again one day. xoxo

  5. I so agree with you on your mom's letters...what a treasure! You know, I am writing a book of sorts, to leave my offspring...things I would tell them had I the opportunity etc. In my own writing too...even though it is not what it used to be!!
    It is a huge to how to help the poor. I was talking to my hubby the other day about some we knew who we helped, even though we never had a lot either. But you know, they are often wasteful...this one couple never ate leftovers...threw it all away, no matter how sometimes I feel more education would help some...such as how to use leftovers to make a different yet still nutritional meal, etc. How to cook simple cheap things to save money, etc. Another woman we helped to the tune even of lots of $$, turned out to do us the most harm ever in our lives (I am still reeling from it several years later)...some folks you really cannot help...I think maybe the best way to help some is to give through an agency who will decide how to help them, maybe.
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Your children are really in for a treat when they get your writings Elizabeth. I keep starting and never get it finished. I need to buckle down and finish it! Love and hugs, xoxo

  6. Hi Marie~

    Oh my goodness, I love that you have saved all of the letters your mom wrote...what a treasure. I totally understand not being able to read them though, that's a very difficult thing. Writing letters has definitely gone out of style...I need to send you a letter!

    Poverty in America is just over the top! We don't have a middle class anymore, only the very poor and the very rich. We used to be considered middle class, but now, I'm pretty sure we are low's pathetic. I won't even express my opinion of the man in the White's not a good one. The whole world is in turmoil, but we have known that's what will happen.

    I love the Valentine finds, so cute! I have been so busy the last few weeks I haven't even thought about Valentine's Day. Today at Sam's Club I bought a steak and a few shrimp for a dinner on Valentine's Day, I truly haven't even thought about it until today. We have been so busy with Taylor, getting her ready for her mission, that I haven't had time to think about anything else.

    I need to finish, Outlander before I start on the new one. So many cute finds today! I hope you know how much I enjoy you posting all these cute things!

    The flooding in, England was scary, I'm so glad you are and Todd are always in my prayers. Love you tons! XO

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Thanks Barb! I keep wanting to call you Babs, that's what we call our sister in law, whose name is also Barbara! You have had a really busy couple of weeks for sure. What fun getting your granddaughter ready for her Mission! She is going to have such a special 18 months! Love you tons also Barb! Love and hugs, xoxo

  7. It's been lovely to get caught up a bit with you and the daybook is a good one. I loved it all.
    I do feel sad that we don't write letters anymore. I have a lot of them from my husband and sons on missions. Lots from friends through the years. I text and do media but I don't like it that much.
    I liked looking up inflammatory food list. I keep thinking if I would eat a bit better, my chronic cough might go a way, along with some other stuff.
    Love the cute valentine items. Interesting journal for sure. The novel looks like a good one. America is a mess and I don't know where it is going. It's crazy for sure; scary too. It's like we read in the Book of Mormon, the politics are terrible. I hope it just means the Savior is coming sooner.
    In the Corner of the kingdom, I'm sad about the flooding. We have big snow pack in our mountains so we could have some flooding this spring.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!

    1. Thanks LeAnn! Seeing a comment from you always lights up my face! You are a special friend. Yes, the politics in America are a mess at the moment, but they are not much better here. A sign of the times. I hope and pray that the Saviour comes soon! Love and hugs to you also. xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!