
Saturday 22 February 2020

Saturday this and that . . .

While you're waiting for tomorrow,
Get the best out of today.
While you're waiting for the sunshine
Don't complain of skies of grey.
While you wait for future pleasures
Don't forget the ones you've had.
Call to mind the things enjoyed,
The happy times, not the sad.

While you're waiting for the granting
Of the wish you hold most dear,
Don't lose sight of all the joys
That life offers now and here.
Times of waiting can be fruitful
And to you, much good can bring.
Make the winter yield a blessing
While you're waiting for the spring.
~Patience Strong

I was thinking this morning about all the wonderful things that I have in my life, despite the aches and pains that I suffer with from time to time . . . it is far better to dwell on the good in life rather than the bad . . .

We have had nothing but rain, rain and more rain in this country, with huge swathes of it being now under water, and there is more rain to come.  The grassed area in our back yard is squelching.  Positively squelching.  But we are luckier than most. We are up high and we are not flooded. My heart goes out to those who are.  It must be devastating.  And apparently insurance will not cover it for the most part.  There but for the Grace of God go we.  

Things like little texts occasionally from my middle son . . . which simply say, "I love you mom." No other words are needed. It is enough to know that right there . . . in the middle of a busy day . . . he took the time to let me know that he was thinking about me in this very special way . . . 

Or unexpected facetimes with him in the middle of the week because he has a day off and the boys are in school and he just wanted to talk to me and see me.   

Being able to text  my oldest son and say "help!"  And he stops whatever it is he is doing and helps.   Yesterday all of a sudden I had this pop up happening on the food blog and I didn't know how it got there, but I didn't think it was good.  I texted him and he spent a good hour with me going through everything on the blog, but he did find the source and fixed it. Some html to do with Pinterest believe it or not!  I would never have been able to figure that out on my own, but he did. He's so smart. I can't wait to see him in just a little over a month now! 

Getting messages from my oldest daughter just to say I love you and that my package got there.  I had bought her some ear planes.  They are little plugs you put in your ears when you land or take off that help prevdent pressure in the ear.  It took them an awful long time to get there.  I had thought that they were lost. in the post.  She had thought that they were lost. Thankfully they were not. Whew! I can't wait to see her in just a little over a month now as well! 

Someone seems to have forgotten that it is winter still.  Our Camelia by the front door has been blooming for a couple of weeks now and each day brings even more colour. And our forsythia is also starting to bloom.  It seems very early  . . .  I said to Todd we must have had a much milder winter this year, even though it seems cold.  Overall, its probably warmer  . . . 

 Sitting on the sofa, together with my Todd and our Mitzie curled up between us. She is in her little piece of heaven on earth, sheltered between our two warm bodies . . . and we are in our own little piece of heaven, the three of us a family. We know we are where we are supposed to be, and there is so much joy felt in our hearts in this easy companionship and circle of love. This is what life is all about. 

Love . . . it is the oil that keeps our engines running smoothly . . . the great motivator that helps to keep us putting one foot in front of the other . . . the thing that everyone longs to hold . . . the greatest treasure to be found in this life of ours, more precious than any gold or silver . . . the gift which brings immeasurable joy . . . and the gift which inspires you to give . . . the desire to pass it along . . .  

 Nobody knows what tomorrow brings . . . or where this life will take us. One thing we can count on though . . . is that joy is there in our every day, free for the taking . . . and that those who are truly happiest are those who have looked for and found a way to serve.

It's in the small and simple things . . . and it is the embodiment of love.  

Speaking of love and wildly off topic.  I NEVER watch reality tv.  I've never watched the Batchelor, or the Kardashians, etc. but this Love is Blind series on Netflix has me hooked.  They dropped three episodes on us on Thursday and I actually binge watched them.  I couldn't stop.  I just had to know what was going to happen next. Now we have to wait until next Thursday for the finale to see if any of them actually go through with the weddings or not.  The premise has been, can people fall in love with each sight unseen and based solely on an emotional bond, not physical.  The couples never got to see each other until after they had actually gotten engaged.  Interesting experiment. 

I have my favourites, and the ones that look most likely to have stayed together in my mind, but am I wrong?  Next Thursday will tell . . . 

Interestingly enough there are a few couples on the show that have refrained from being intimate. I think that is smart on their part.  Intimacy can very easily cloud your vision and human nature can confuse those feelings of lust and trick us into thinking its love. We'll see  . . . 

Time will tell. 

So what are your thoughts about this topic?  Do you think it is possible for people to fall in forever love based on conversations over a period of time and without having seen or spending actual time with the person? We are not talking weeks or months here. We are literally talking days. What do you think?

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

Love wasn't put 
in your heart there to stay.
Love isn't love
til you give it away•。★★ 。* 。 

In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Midnight Feast Worthy Cherry Cake.  Yummilicious!

I hope your day is blessed and filled with little pockets of joy and love . . . don't forget to pass it along!  And above all don't forget! 

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And I do too! 



  1. Love that wedding dress. Isn't it beautiful? It looks like it's from the 50s. Your little birds look so pretty in the window. They need some sunshine to really sparkle. Yes, I think it's possible to fall in love with someone you have only spoken to. If there's a bond, there's a bond that can last forever (or not). I guess I'm saying anything can happen. I was saddened to see that two Royal marriages have ended in divorce recently. Earl Snowdon (son of Princess Margaret) and his wife Serena of 27 years and the Queen's grandson, Peter Philip (Princess Anne's son) and his Canadian wife Autumn. They have two little girls Savanah and Isla so I suspect she will stay in England. Queen Elizabeth must feel very sad. Well, on a brighter note, we have Princess Beatrice's wedding on May 29 to look forward to. Hugs, Elaine

    1. I believe it is from the 50's Elaine. I wish I had been a young bride in the 50's. I was born twenty years too late I guess! I always think back to how wonderful that era seems and so full of promise. Mind you I would probably be dead now if I had been. I agree with your opinion about the falling in love sight unseen. Todd and I did, although we did have photograph of each other a month or so after we started communicating. I guess we had been communicating for six months when we finally met in person! I, like you, am saddened by the Royal divorces. Autumn is staying in the UK from what I have read! I am sure that it does sadden the Queen, but at the same time I think she wants her family to be happy, and she has made sacrifices to ensure their happiness, including allowing Harry to step away. She is the best Queen we have ever had in my opinion! I am looking forward to the wedding on the 29th of May of Princess Beatrice. I wonder if it will be televised? Love and hugs. xoxo

  2. Love ia the glue the holds us all together!

  3. Not sure lol..certainly for some❣️Cannot get over the bullying of that 9 yr old Australian boy😭😭So glad you have your kids!

  4. I think to some degree, marriage should be based a lot on relationship as to the connection mentally...rather than physical. Real love that lasts is built on a good friendship in my opinion. I knew my husband a few years before we dated...we were just friends. Then he had to go off to the Navy...and so most of the courtship time he was gone..THAT I do not recommend. It was so hard. But we did write a lot...and that was a good thing!!
    Looking forward for you, to your kids coming!! I am so happy FOR YOU!! AND THEM!!
    Elizabeth, xoxo


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