
Wednesday 5 February 2020

I ponder as I ponder . . .

We have a feeder in our back garden, just beyond the gate and in the grassed area, next to all of the rose bushes.   Actually it is several feeders in one.   There is the suet basket which holds great blocks of suet and seed . . . the nut cage which we fill with peanuts . . .  a long feeder tube which gets filled with Niger seed . . . another tube which we fill with mixed seed . . . and a tiny tray which we put our scraps of toast and bread crust in.  Occasionally when we are feeling a bit flush we will treat them to a dish of meal worms.  We are always rewarded for our generosity.

In early mornings the feeders a hive of activity as the birds flit back and forth between it and the hedgerow that runs the length of the garden on three sides.   I don't think there is a finer vision to behold in early morning than the sight of all those little heads popping up out of the greenery of the hedge to greet the morning sun.  It cheers my heart to the very core . . .

I often wonder at their stamina.  The Winter months are the coldest months of the year for the most part, and the stormiest and wettest, most miserable . . . sometimes quite bitter months.  How they can withstand this extreme weather is a great mystery to me . . . they are such delicate creatures.  There are times when I have had occasion to hold an injured bird in my hand and I have wondered at the delicacy of it . . .

"Oh, so light a foot, can ne'er wear out the everylasting flint." ~Shakespeare 

To hold one of these dainty creatures in your hand is like holding a puff of air . . . their delicate little feet seem far too small to support much of anything . . . their bodies so tiny beneath the softness of their feathers.  Their strength and endurance are a miracle to me . . . when I think of the conditions they live under, how can they continue to fly . . . and sing.  Why do those little feet not freeze on the branch?  And yet . . . they don't.

When I see those small feet hopping over ice and through snow, I am amazed at the miracle of their survival.  I moan if the thermometer dips below ten degrees, and I shiver and I shake and turn up the thermostat, and yet . . . these dainty little beings have no such options.  They merely fluffy up their feathers and endure it . . .  and still they sing.

Somewhere in that there is a great lesson for us I think . . .   

I do not believe that any of us are here by accident.  We have, each of us, been created for a glorious purpose and as a part of a wonderful plan.   I oftimes think of the great pioneers and all that they went through and endured.  I am not sure I could do the same.  I am not sure I have that same strength of being that they had to be able to cross oceans into the unknown and walk across valleys and plains in all conditions, making great sacrifices . . . to reach their promised land.   And it still happens today . . . each day I hear and read stories of people all over the world who take great chances and overcome great obstacles to find their promised lands, many dying in their attempt.

I am one of the blessed ones.  Having been born in a time and in such circumstances that I have never known what it is to be truly poor . . . to be hungry or without a roof over my head, with no shoes on my feet or clothes on my back to help keep me warm, and dry.  I have been loved beyond measure and yes, treasured.  I have always been able to see, hear, touch, feel, taste, walk and dance . . .  along with about a bazillion other things I take for granted most days.

Why are there people so wealthy and blessed that they live in homes and lives filled with more opulance, extravagance and abundance than they need or could possibly ever use up . . . and yet others struggle to find and enjoy even the very basic necessities of life???  Why should some have so very much, and others so very little.  It doesn't seem fair somehow . . . and when I think of these things I wonder  I have been so blessed in life and yet others have not?

The only answer I can come up with is this.  Perhaps I have been given a crust of bread so that I might break it in half and share it with one who has not bread to break . . . change begins with one.

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

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His light can pierce the darkness
And reach those places 

where all hope is lost.  • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Spiced Butternut Squash Soup with Honey & Cheddar Croutons.  Quite simply delicious! 

I hope you have a beautiful day.  Its very cold here this morning.  I best turn the heat on so that Todd isn't freezing when he gets up.  No matter what you get up to today, stay safe and don't forget! 

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And I do too!    


  1. Good morning, Marie. Loved hearing about you and Todd feeding the birds. We feed birds, too, in our back yard. We saw five beautiful cardinals and a bluejay yesterday. Do you know the name of that beautiful blue and yellow bird? The squirrels get their fair share, too. I wonder, too, at times how life can be so unfair. And I think you're right, we must share. We're going to a farmer's market this afternoon for some homemade chicken pot pies made with a puff pastry crust. I do make my own (the pies not the puff pastry) but sometimes it's nice to buy these as a treat. It's supposed to be a snowy day tomorrow so best we go out today. I'm popping a little Valentine treat in the mail for you. Hope it gets there in time. I'm a little late getting it in the mail. I'll be thinking of you on Friday. It's hard to say goodbye to a good friend especially since she was your first friend when you moved to England. Hugs, Elaine

    1. Great minds and all that Elaine. I posted something to you today also! That beautiful little blue and yellow bird is called a Blue Tit. (I know, it has taken me 20 years to be able to say that comfortably!) They are very similar to our North American Chickadees. In size and even birdsong. The way they fly, everything.Oh your homemade chicken pot pies sound lovely. I really need to make us some chicken pot pie soon. I am craving it now. Thanks so much for your thoughts and love. Love and hugs to you and stay safe in the snow! xoxo

    2. What can I say, Marie? We're kindred spirits. I sometimes use a rotisserie chicken to make a pot pie or leftovers from one I roast. All good. Since we mailed our packages the same day, they will cross in the mail. It will be interesting to see if they arrive on the same day. Hugs, Elaine

    3. What a lovely thought about them crossing in the mail. It will be interesting to see for sure! Rotisserie chicken is such a versatile ingredient and so tasty, even just in sandwiches! xoxo

  2. Like the birds we are always in God's care. He loves us that much.

    1. You are so right about that Pam. We are just like the Sparrows and in His tender care. He does love us very much! xoxo

  3. Lovely the Esther poster!! You are so right about sharing, even when you have little. My dad had his own car repair business and he noticed that almost never was it a rich person who gave him a tip, but rather those who could ill afford to do so!! Something to be said for that...the widow who gave her last farthing I suppose.
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I can't imagine being a selfish person Elizabeth. A pleasure shared is a pleasure doubled and a sorrow shared is a sorrow halved. xoxo

  4. Hi Marie~

    You are so lucky to have those cute little birds right outside your window, so darling! I like to feed the birds, especially in the winter when food is scarce.

    I have a picture of, Jesus sitting on the ground with little birds flitting around Him, and one sitting on His hand. It's one of my favorites because He is smiling and you can tell He loves the birds, just as much as He love His children.

    Some of the poorest people I know are the most wealthy, some of the richest people I know are the poorest - they are kind, generous with what they have, faithful, always willing to serve, and hard working. I can't say that about some the wealthy people I know...sad. I think those who struggle just to put bread on the table will find their reward in Heaven. We have never been wealthy, but we have what we need, and that's enough. Life is good just the way it is. There were times in my life when I felt like it would have been nice to have a little more...but, we survived and are better for it, life is good, God is good! We will all understand one day why things are what they are.

    Have a wonderful evening, Marie! Much love to you and Todd!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. That must be a beautiful photo Barb. I love pictures of the Saviour. I know we don't know what he really looked like, but in my mind's eye he always looks kind. Like you I believe that one day we will know all the answers, and in the meantime I just trust. God is good. Love you! xoxo

  5. Somehow I missed this your thoughts about having and sharing♥And yes how do those tiny birds survive my QC winters? They are here..and happy and outdoors..cms of snow in form of snow headed here..

  6. Gorgeous bird pics Marie!!!


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