
Monday 24 February 2020

A few things about me . . .

I thought it would be fun today to explore a little bit about who I am and why I am.  Its just about what I was thinking about when I went to bed last night.  Humour me . . . maybe we will find out we are more alike than we think. 


I am a creature of habit. I find great comfort in routine. I like to get up at the same time every day and go to bed at the same time every day.  I watch the same things on television every night before I go to bed. I start my bed time prayers off the say way as I have started ever day of my praying life. I like to shop in the same shops and buy the same products as always.  I don't like change, and I find change difficult. 

I am a very loyal person.  Even if I don't agree with something you might have done, said, etc. I will support you and your right to choose.  I don't change my mind or opinion very often.  If I say I'll support you no matter what,  I mean I'll support you no matter what.  If I say I've got your back, you can trust that I've got your back. 


I very much wear my heart on my sleeve and am open with my emotions, displaying them openly. I have a very difficult time hiding how I feel about things.  

I can't abide cruelty of any kind, even if it is natural.  That's why I have a hard time watching nature shows sometimes. I can't stand to watch people or animals hunt, hurt or be hurt.  I know that it can be necessary to survive, but I don't need to see it or want to see it. 


I am naturally inquisitive.  I love learning what makes things tick, work, etc. I love solving puzzles and findind out why things are the way that they are.  Why people behave the way they do.  What makes a rainbow?  What causes snow, etc.  

I love everything to do with food.  I enjoy cooking and I enjoy eating. I love learning about its origins and history.  I am adventurous to a degree and not to a degree.  For instance there are certain things I am incredibly squeamish about and you can't change my mind.  I am convinced I will never like things like squid or snails, brains, snouts, feet, ears, etc. and I can't be budged. Although I do like trying new things, they have to be within the realm of that part of me.  I have a very strong gag reflex and it can be kicked off by texture, sight, smell, etc.  


I love anything to do with the written word.  Books.  Writing.  Quotes. Words are magic to me. They have the power to build and they have the power to destroy, to heal and to hurt. To love and to hate. To evoke the deepest of feelings and to create pictures in the mind. I wish of course that they were always positive and uplifting, but that is not the way of the world it seems  . . . 


I''m a procrastinator and can be more than a bit lazy at times, especially if I don't think I am going to like doing something or don't want to do it.  Having said that, I do my best work under pressure, but often wait until the last minute.

I love laughing and making people happy.  Laughter is music to my ears. Laughter is a balm to the soul. 


I hate confrontation and will go a mile out of my way to avoid it.   

I am a very forgiving person with everyone except for myself.  I am working on that.  

I'm a believer  . . .  in God, in miracles, in answers to prayer (even if I don't always like the answers I get), that good will always ultimately overcome bad, in the light at the end of tunnels . . . 


I believe, deep in my soul, that love can conquer all . . .  it is the answer.  

And those are a few things about me. 

Its Maryn's Birthday today.  I hope that she has a lovely day. She is 9 now.  It is hard to believe. My last day ever in Canada was spent playing with her in her playroom.  I treasure that day in my heart.  I am sure she won't and doesn't remember it as she was so young, but I do, and I think of it often. Happy Birthday Maryn. 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

The happiness of your life
depends on the 
quality of your thoughts.•。★★ 。* 。
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Ma's Pancake Men.  For Pancake day tomorrow.

Have a great week.  I hope its filled with lots of joy, blessings and love.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 



  1. Somewhere in her heart..she knows:)
    So many similarities;)

    So loyal..
    but once twice..I'll stay on..thrice and I am spirit.
    And not a's NOW or
    ask Jacques..that's me.

    Have a great day..this was a lovely read!

    1. I am sure. LOL about procrastination. I have always been a procrastinator, even when I was at school. I like to mull things over for a while before I do them! (That's my excuse, anyways! ;-) Hope your Monday is equally blessed! xoxo

  2. We are so alike in many ways, yet we are each unique individuals too. Happy birthday to you granddaughter what a precious child she is.

    1. Thanks so much Pam! I sure wish I lived closer to them on these special occasions. xoxo

  3. Hi Marie!

    What a sweet comment on my blog...thank you Marie, it always makes me smile to see that you have visited.

    We are soooooo twins!! I wasn't sure that there was another person who couldn't stand to watch nature shows. I only like that ones that they make for children, because I can't stand to watch the violence in nature! I love that we can all be so similar and yet so different in some ways. I cannot abide injustice and hatred, it's something that I have always felt strongly about, loved your quote by Martin Luther King, Jr., such a good thing to remember.

    Happy birthday to Maryn! She is a beautiful little one! I know that you left your hand print on her heart, even if she can't remember that are so loved XOXO

    Bob loves pancakes, I will have to make them for him tomorrow!

    Have an amazing Monday dear friend!! Love you XOXO

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Thanks Barb! I like to think of us as Twins of the Heart! I hope you are having a wonderful week! Love and hugs, xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!