
Sunday 15 December 2019

My cup runneth over . . .

I'm just going to put this here and leave it.  Our Doug's boys enjoying pre-Christmas visits with Santa and decorating Christmas Cookies.  I am so grateful for a DIL and a Son who keep us updated with the boys goings on!  These photos made my heart sing.  Happy Christmas!  Jon in the orange, Josh in the blue and the effervescent Jake in the bottom right.  I am surprised that Jon visited Santa, he is 13 now and I am sure getting past these kinds of things.  Good on him for going.  Love these sweet boys so much.


  1. Lovely, lovely, lovely!! So happy for you...sweet kids!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  2. How wonderful they share these special moments with you. I know it makes a huge difference.

  3. I am happy you have these loves in your life too:) Growing so ours!!:) ♥♥

  4. Hi Marie, you never outgrow Santa Clause. But good of Jon to help prolong the magic for his younger brothers. Lovely for you to have the photos. Hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine! I thought so too! Love you! xoxo

  5. What joy these photos brought to your heart. I am grateful for Facebook because I do get to see photos of my grandchildren often. I know you don't get to see them in person. I do but some of them not very often. I love technology for that very reason. You do have some adorable grandchildren.
    Blessings and hugs for all!


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