
Monday 30 December 2019

Computer Woes


I have been experiencing problems with my computer for a few days now. (Right now I am on my iPad) Well for months really. It is an old laptop which no longer fully charges. I did try to buy a new charging cord thinking that would sort the problem out, but it really hasn’t. The most charged my lap top gets is about 13%, so not ideal. 

Add to that the problem I am having with photo bucket. For years I have hosted my photos on there, and paid to do so. For the last couple of years I haven’t used it for my photos, instead choosing to directly upload them to the blogs. I should have been doing that all along, but all of my old photos, family ones etc. Are stored on photo bucket. For some reason this stopped working over a week ago. I couldn’t even log onto the site. I pay an annual fee to store my photos there, even though I no longer technically use it. I do that because I don’t want to lose the years of work I have put into both my blogs, as well as my art blog. Today I can log into it, but none of my photos are showing still. I did try to renew my plan. It took all my payment details, but still no dice. Colour me frustrated.

On the plus side I’m finished my antibiotics now, so that’s good. I hope I don’t need anymore.

I am not sure how I can go on. I can’t buy a new laptop and using my iPad to blog with is not ideal to say the least. I’ve always had problems doing that. I am totally surprised I have gotten this far this morning.  For one thing my iPad won’t allow me to comment on any blogs, including my own, so I can’t respond to comments or leave my own comments. This irks me because I have always prided myself on being diligent in responding. If people can take the time to write then I should take the time to respond. That’s what takes me so long each morning. NOT complaining. I love it. I sometimes have to respond to a couple hundred on my EK Facebook page, but I do it. I remember when Ariana was living with us she questioned why I did that and said she would never spend the time. But that’s me. I spend the time and always will.

Not sure how I can continue without my laptop though or with all those ugly blank spaces showing up where my photos used to be. Hopefully the photos will show up again, fingers crossed. I feel bad because I have been unable to comment on blogs, or respond to your lovely  comments. 

We will just have to wait and see what happens. 2019 certainly has been my annus-horribilius! Even the Queen has those!

I’ll be back when all is sorted, but in the meantime I hope you forgive my silence on here. Hopefully it won’t be for too long!

Marie xo


  1. Oh, Marie, how utterly frustrating it must be for you. Perhaps you could buy a new battery for your laptop? Only 2 more days till a new year arrives and we can let 2019 takes its place in history, cherishing the good and letting go of the bad. My wish for you and Todd is that 2020 will be filled with renewed health, prosperity and much happiness but most of all with kindness and love. Hugs, Elaine

    1. I think it is the battery for the computer. I am wondering how long it would take for them to put a new one in. I will have to check that! Happy New Year Elaine! Hoping it brings many blessings to us all! xoxo

  2. Oh just like me..except I deleted mine:(
    I hope you can contact your host!
    You know I cannot comment either from Ipads anymore..on mine or others .There is a glitch somewhere.
    I have had longstanding friends that cannot comment and new found ones too:(
    There has to be something we can do about this.
    Are you sure it's not the battery that needs replacing?
    I Blog via laptop or PC also.
    Never on Ipad.

    I have been lucky w/ this laptop fingers crossed knock on wood.
    Ipads have life expectancies I find..short lived:(
    I had developed a reaction to the antibiotics. allergy
    Saw the Dr..more stuff to try and remedy ..OY vey.

    1. It must be a glitch for sure with the iPads. Annoying though! Ouch about the allergy. So annoying. Hope it is sorted now! ((((hugs)))) Happy New Year! Hoping 2020 is good to us all! xoxo

  3. So sorry Marie...hope you can get it sorted out soon!!
    Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo (2019 not a good year here either)

    1. Here's hoping 2020 will be a good one for us all Elizabeth. Happy New Year! xoxo

  4. Hi!! Please correct anus to annus lol.


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!