
Monday 25 November 2019

Small and wonderful things . . .

"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  

A few of the small and wonderful things from the past week which brought untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.   
 I am so grateful for the power of prayer.  Prayers are always answered.  Sometimes not in the way that we want them to be, and sometimes in the most unexpected ways,  and sometimes not right away, but always answered.  I am so grateful for the prayers that have been offered on the behalf of Tina these past couple of weeks and that she is home and continuing on her journey towards healing there, surrounded by her loved ones.  Grateful that my brother got through his shoulder surgery safely, again prayers helped I am sure.  My SIL's father and his recent surgery for an aneurism, for my son Douglas who got through his health scare last summer and is well on the road to recovery now.  
But it is not just these big things and prayers which are answered.  Little things also.    God does not NEED to hear our prayers, because lets face it, He knows what we want and need even before we do . . .  but He LIKES us to come to Him, to talk to Him, to trust in Him.  Sometimes the very act of prayer itself is an answer to prayer.
I am so grateful for a mother who prayed and who taught me how to pray and the value of prayers. Mom had many, many people on her prayer list, some of them for many years. She loved praying for others. 
Josh and his two favourite kitties.  He has a kitty corner with all of his favourite ones in it, sometimes even real ones.  His mom posted a photo of his kitty corner the other day and I asked what his two favourite ones were.  This was the response. Grateful for this sweet DIL of mine who is such a good wife to my son and mother to my grandchildren.  I could not have picked a better helpmate for my son.  She is just perfect for him. I love her very much.  (Love Joshie too! Love all my grand-babies!)  

Lately I've been grateful for this electric fire.  It does a great job and helps to take the edge off of what have been some very chilly days.  It is not a wood fire, which I would love more than anything, but it does what it should, and for that I am grateful. 
This is our Doug at 9 months of age.  On Saturday he WE celebrated his 38th Birthday.  So, so, SO grateful for that and that he is still with us.  When he had that heart attack earlier this year, so very unexpectedly, we were reminded of the fragility of life and how very numbered all of our days are.  I am so very grateful that his wife had the inspiration to take him back to the hospital and for the Doctors who treated him.  He's recovered well and has taken steps in the right direction towards well-being.  SO grateful for second-chances.  Not everyone gets one. 
The Tickets are booked!!  My oldest son and daughter, Anthony and Eileen, will be coming over here for three weeks beginning on the 31st March! I have not seen them in 7 years, and although we are in frequent communication via the www, nothing can make up for the real thing.  I am so looking forward to being able to give my babies "real time" hugs!  Of course a bazillion things could happen between now and then but I am remaining hopeful that this time it will really happen!  Yay!  

The opportunity I have each month to teach in Relief Society.  I don't know that I am particularly good at it, but I actually enjoy it.  It is a wonderful opportunity for me to dig deeper into the talks which we are given at each conference, and to bounce ideas, thoughts, and impressions off of the other sisters in our church congregation.   To be able to inspire debate and conversation, to just  full on inspire.  Maybe sometimes I am the only one who is inspired, I don't really know  . . .  but I do know for sure that I enjoy it very much.  Its been a real gift to me. 
So grateful for the brilliant driving skills of Caroline that took us safely to and from the hospital in Warrington on Friday.  It was a nightmare trip.  Warrington is very difficult to drive through anyways, and it was raining, and the sat-nav wouldn't kick in.  It was even worse going home when it was not only raining harder but also getting dark.  The sat-nav didn't start working until we were well on our way out of the city and onto the motorway.   I am a nervous nelly in the car anyways, but under those conditions and in light of Tina and Mal's recent accident I was even more nervous.  She did great and we got there and back in safety.

On a side note, you should see this hospital.  It is like a mini shopping mall as you go in.  There is a Costa Coffee Shop, a SubWay, an M&S, another shop selling women's clothing, another selling pillows, duvets, etc.  a green grocers set up in the corridor selling everything from grapes to cauliflowers, and so much more.  I was astonished. 

Did you know that hospitals don't provide tissues to patients?  If you want tissues you have to buy your own.  I am surprised they provide loo-roll! (That will be the next thing to disappear I bet!)

Anyways, I have had a week filled to overflowing with abundance.  My back is feeling so much better. Its still not 100%, it may never be 100% but it is quite endurable now and that is largely due to prayers (Thank YOU all so much!) and the skill of a great chiropracter.  I have one appointment this week and perhaps one more before Christmas if that.  Whew!  As Todd says, its been expensive but it has been worth it.  How very lucky we have been that we got our rent covered in time and that they paid us back rent to April.  God is good!  Without that we would have been making choices between eating or back treatments!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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Life has taught me that
I am not always in control.
Life is full of experiences, lessons,
heartbreak and pain.
But it is also shown me love,
beauty, possibility and 
new beginnings.
Embrace it all. It makes us
who we are, and after every storm
comes a clear sky. •。★★ 。* 。 
In the English Kitchen today, Sweet & Spicy Chicken Tenders.  The perfect mix of spicy, salty, smoky, sweet.  
Have a great day.  I hope you week ahead is filled with plenty of small and wonderful things!  Don't forget along the way  . . . 

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And I do too!



  1. You are one blessed lady for sure. How wonderful family will be coming to visit. I am going to visit some of mine over Christmas and I can't wait to see them all. In person is definitely much better than over the internet. I have lots of hugs to catch up on which I'm sure you do too. It's truly and honor and a privilege to pray for others and a chance I always take. Prayers do work.

    1. What a wonderful Christmas you have to look forward to Pam! Yay! I am really looking forward to seeing my family for sure! xoxo

  2. Rejoicing with you about the answered prayers...well, especially so that these folk, including you are BETTER!! As we age, we have to be happy for Better...even tho' twill not be as we were when young!! So glad the rent came through in the nick of time!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks so much Elizabeth! All prayers are answered, although sometime we can't see the answers were there until we look back! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. Exciting news that Anthony and Eileen have booked their tickets to come visit you. Let the planning begin! And your back is feeling better. And Tina is home. All good stuff. Hugs, Elaine

    1. I even had a lovely conversation with Tina yesterday on the phone. It was so nice to know she is out of hospital, but they never gave any instructions to her about what to do, just told her to take it easy. She is in a lot of pain. I will be going on Friday to bring them a meal and see what needs doing around the house. Love and hugs sweet friend. xoxo

  4. I'm so happy that your back is doing better and that you were able to handle the expense. Medical is just so hard right now even with our Medicare and supplement,the co-pays and etc or hard.
    I have a true testimony of Prayer and have had countless ones answered in miraculous ways a long with the little ones too.
    I'm glad your Mom taught you to pray. I want my children and grandchildren to learn to rely on Heavenly Father and the Savior. I have a number of them that don't understand that they truly are a child of God.
    I am so excited to hear that your children will be coming in March; that is the best news ever.
    I'm so glad that your Doug is doing well.
    It's so good that you could have a friend take you to the Hospital and back. I hate the traffic here in Salt Lake and try not to go on the freeways any more often that I have too.
    I would love to attend one of your RS lessons; I'm sure you can bring the spirit into the room like no other.
    Blessings and big hugs for you sweet friend!


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