
Monday 4 November 2019

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  

A few of the small and wonderful things from the past week which brought untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best. 
Dreams about my mom. I love it when I dream about my mom.  They are not scary dreams or disturbing dreams.  In my dreams she is always happy and she is her old self again.  Last night I dreamt about her and we were going to play a trick on someone and she was really excited about that. Mom had a wonderful sense of humour. She loved to laugh and share jokes, etc.  In my dream I saw her quickly scampering towards the stairs.  She had the remote control for the television and she was going to drive the people watching tv crazy turning it on and off.   So we sat at the top of the stairs turning the tv on and off while the kids watching it tried to figure out what was wrong with the tv, and we were giggling and I remember her letting me smell her hair. It was pretty wonderful. I didn't want to wake up but I soon realised I was dreaming and sadly I did wake up. 

My new  best friend.  Steve the Chiropracter.  The difference between Thursday morning and this morning is phenomenal.  I still have pain but it is much more bearable.  I am feeling much more mobile.  I am looking forward to my next appointment which is this afternoon.  It will be a much shorter one.  I am looking forward to feeling even better.  I never believed that such a thing would be any good, but I am converted to it now! 
Being able to go to church yesterday.  I had missed a number of weeks because of my back. It felt so good to be back there on a Sunday morning, being able to partake of the sacrament, listening to the testimonies, seeing everyone, feeling of the spirit. There was no place I would rather be on a Sunday morning.  Really. 

Messenger. Its how I talk to my daughter and my sister.  I am so grateful for modern technology.  I talk to my sons and dad via facetime on my iPad.  So grateful for all of it.  What a miracle and wonder when this kind of technology is used the right way to uplift people rather than bully or distress them.   It is a blessing in my life for sure.  

Mitzie's clean bill of health.  She is getting up in years now at 9 1/2 years old and I was just so happy that she is still healthy with no serious problems.  She is happy and healthy and such a sweet blessing in our lives.  She brings us so much joy.  The vet didn't even say she was overweight this time, so we must be doing something right.  That's a first! 
Our car passing its MOT yet again without any problems.  One more year of driving it.  Whew!  We feel so blessed!  The Windows of Heaven opened up yet again and blessed us with transport for another year.  While Todd can still drive, having a car is a great blessing in our lives.  And with it we get to bless others as well.  It means that we can continue take the people that we drive to church each week with us.  Getting them there and back without a car would be a real trial otherwise.  The car blesses us with transport and we, in turn, are able to bless them with the same thing. So grateful for that! 
All of your love, prayers and happy thoughts over these past few weeks.  I have felt them and been so very grateful for them.  Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. 
Knowing, absolutely knowing that this is truth. It is a truth I have carried in my heart for all of my life.  I am never alone.  I am truly blessed.
And with that I will leave you with a special thought for today  . . . 

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I am the Lord your God
who holds your right hand,
and I tell you, don't be afraid.
I will help you.
~Isaiah 41:13 •。★★ 。* 。 

Pistachio & Lemon Dusted Tilapia 
In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Pistachio & Lemon Dusted Tilapia.  Seriously tasty. Low carb, high protein, gluten free, healthy and delicious! 

I hope your week ahead will be filled with lots of small and wonderful things! Don't forget! 
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And I do too! 


  1. Going to church on Sunday is such a habit for me. I feel like my whole week is out of sorts when I miss it on Sunday morning. So I can imagine it did feel good to get there. How grand you are still doing so well. He'd be my forever friend too.

    1. I had a bad day yesterday Pam. Its two steps forward one step back, but I am hopeful I will get there in the long run! xoxo

  2. SO glad you are being helped by the chiropractor!! I don't know what would have happened to me some years ago after a bad wreck, without the great guy we had!! I am sad he is a continent away from here...but thankfully have been doing ok without going now!! So there is hope that at some point you will need Steve less if at all!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I am hopeful Elizabeth, although yesterday I could hardly make it back to the bus stop. It was my hips. I don't think this is going to be an easy fix. xoxo

  3. Hi Marie, I'm so glad your back is better and glad also that Mitzie is okay. Well, I seemed to have survived my hair cut. It was more a trim, although I lost about 5 inches, and a shaping. It feels lighter and I can still pull it back in a pony tail. My husband liked it. I think he is just happy it isn't real short. When do you get your hair cut? Hugs, Elaine

    1. I got my hair trimmed, etc. last week Elaine. It is long but layered a bit. They cut off about 6 or 7 inches! Like you, I can still pull it back into a pony tail. I don't think I ever want really short hair ever again. Love and hugs, xoxo

  4. Oh I just read your latest post..fingers crossed the back gets better during today!!


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