
Saturday 16 November 2019

Saturday this and that . . .

Way back in 1990 my then Sister in Law bought a Scottish Terrier for her father as a gift.  They thought it would be great company for him and give him something to focus on.  They called him Ferguson (after Sarah Ferguson) and he got called Fergie forever after.  Sadly my FIL passed away a few months later and never really got to enjoy Fergie as he should have done.  He became my MIL's much beloved companion for the remainder of Fergie's life. 
I still remember the first time we met Fergie.We had gone to my SIL's in Toronto to visit as my mother and father in law were there and Fergie came out to greet us on the front lawn.  He was only a puppy and so so cute.  Instantly charming. He terrified our youngest son who had only just started to walk and knocked him over in his puppiesh enthusiasm.  I wasn't sure that Bruce would ever like dogs after that, but he went on to have two pups of his own as an adult and is a great puppy dad as far as I know! 
Puppies just have a way of burrowing into your heart and carving a spot there that can never be filled with anything else.  Puppy Love  . . .  its a real thing!  Our Mitzie was only 8 weeks old when we brought her home to live with us and she has been wrapping us around her little paw ever since!  

When I think about it, she was incredibly brave. Having been taken away from her mother and siblings and on her own with us for the first time.  She snuggled into my lap in the car on the way home, already tying me up in her heart strings. She marched into our house had a good old sniff and explored the garden, while we carefully stood by watched of course.  We had fully expected to be kept away by puppy cries during the night, but it just didn't happen.  She had her little teddy bear that had come home with her.  It had lived with her and her siblings in the kennel all the days of her life up to that point and smelled just like them and was tucked in with her in her crate at night. 
I can't imagine our life without her in it now  . . .  she is embedded deep within our hearts and days. My constant companion in all that I do she is by my side all the time.  She watches me cooking, ever hopeful that I will drop something and in most of my food photos she has been carefully cropped out of the corners. 
She's just always there.  Watching. Waiting. Hoping for a taste. 
This week she had her first hour long walk with Ben.  He is a lad from our church, about 16 years old I guess, who is working on his Duke of Edinburg award. He has pledged to do one hours service for us each week for 3 months.  We thought giving Mitzie a nice long walk once a week would be a great thing.  I was on tender-hooks the whole time.  Mithering and worrying just like a mother would.  I suppose its only natural. She has only ever been with us two, other than Tina and Tony when we went on holidays.  She really is our baby.  I was relieved when she was back and in the house safe and sound.  Ben did a great job walking her. She was happily exhausted. It was the longest walk she has had in a long time. This will be her routine every Tuesday for the next 3 months. 
Todd has had a few dogs in his lifetime and he says she is the best dog he's ever had.  Loyal, loving, affectionate, gentle . . . I do believe if anyone ever tried to break into the house she would welcome them in, sit them down and make them a cup of tea.  She hasn't got a mean or vicious bone in her body.  She is everyone's friend. 
She's gotten quite vocal in her old age.  She likes to talk to us and tell us what is going on.  If she thinks there is something in the garden that needs seeing to, she comes and tells us.  Everyone who enters the house gets a very vocal greeting when they come in and amazingly enough she gives the same vociferous goodby when they leave.  Oh how I do love her  . . . she is just a very loveable dog.  Even Tina loves her and Tina would be the first one to tell you that dogs are not her favourite thing.  (She's from South Africa.)  Oh, and it is a mutual admiration society when it comes to Tina because Mitzie simply adores Tina right back.  She fusses over Tina when she comes to visit like she fusses over nobody else on the planet.   She will sit next to Tina for the whole time Tina is here, quite happily.  
No  . . .  I can't imagine a life without Mitzie in it. It will be a sad, sad day for us when that time comes.  I hope we have quite a few more years left to enjoy each other before that happens.  
Question - Did you or have you ever had a favourite dog in your life?  What was their name?  Why were they your favourite? What was their most endearing quality?
Speaking of Tina.  She's not feeling too well at the moment, which is understandable.  She's in a lot of pain. I haven't been able to go and see her.  The hospital is about an hour away and in a city that Todd is not familiar with.  I keep hoping someone who is going up for a visit will offer to take me with them.  I did some cooking yesterday for Tony. We are going to drop it off today at their house.  If he is not at home (and I don't expect he will be.) there is a safe place for me to leave it.  Your prayers are so very much appreciated.  Please keep them coming.  Thank you so very much!  
I heard from my publisher yesterday.  He is in talks with a print company in America and one in the UK and contracts will soon be exchanged so the book will be back in print and it looks like my second book will also go ahead.  Fingers crossed!
Well, I had best get off now as I still have a few things I want to do to take to Tony so I will leave you with a thought for the day  . . .  
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Good friends help you find
the important things you've lost,
your smile, your hope and
your courage. •。★★ 。* 。 
Impossible Pumpkin Pie 
In the English Kitchen today  . . . . Impossible Pumpkin Pie.  Delicious!
Have a great Saturday! Don't forget!
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And I do too! 



  1. Such a lovely tribute to sweet Mitzie. Pets are certainly our fur babies and just like family. We have never had dogs but have had two cats. Patches lived for 19 1/2 years. We loved her so much we didn't even think of getting another cat till Daisy found us nine years later and she was perfect. She loved people and would greet everyone who came to the house with a loud purr begging for food and rolling over for a tummy rub. We don't know exactly how old she was but sadly she died of cancer 6 months ago. We are just now ready to find another cat perfect for us. It will be hard but I know there is a little soul out there who needs us as much as we need her. Perhaps she'll be home for Christmas.

    Hopefully, Tina continues to get better. She has quite the journey to recovery. Her husband and good friends like you and Todd will sustain her as well as all the prayers winging their way to heaven on her behalf. It's a very cold morning. I'm off to lunch later with two old friends, one from out of town. We are having Thai food. It's our little get-together for Christmas. Enjoy your weekend, Marie. I bet Mitzie is still recovering from her long walk. Hugs, Elaine

    1. Our furry family members sure carve huge and everlasting holes in our hearts Elaine! You will b able to find another perfect companion again I am sure! Daisy sounds like a treasure. It is so very hard to say goodbye to them when they need to go. :-( I hope that you had a lovely lunch with your friends. Toronto is such a wonderful place for delicious food! Dim Sum at the Pink Pearl. I still remember how tasty it was. Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. Hope she feels better soon:) A long road perhaps with all the injuries..but steps forward always I hope.Poor girl..In one turns on a dime:(
    Not married to an animal lover so I'll never have another..we did with the girls..I love a famiy w/ pets..I hadmy first after begging for yrs when I was father came home w/ a 10 yr old cocker spaniel named Reeko ( :( ) for Christmas..Reeko peed on the Christmas tree and he was gone back the same week,on trial he soon as I married..=doggie..that's when I new J was not a dog person.. Chou chou..then came Finnigan..the only dog J liked.. mix husky German shep..heartworm..then Bosley his name had been picked too.. until my daughters left home and they brought him:)
    And that was that.

    Some dogs are just soooo nice..So nice..

    Have a great news sounds good!!

    1. You are so right about life turning on a dime Monique. None of us knows what the future holds, all we can do is enjoy the present as much as we can. Loved reading about all your dogs! My ex was not a dog person, so we only ever had cats. He was actually not really a pet person at all. He is now Funny how things change. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday! xoxo

  3. Your sweet dog is a blessing and such a wonderful companion for you. Continued prayers for your friend. I do hope you get to go see her. Mean while you are doing what you can with feeding her man. I'm sure that will be appreciated.

    1. Thanks so much Pam! You know they are very much appreciated! I hope that I can get to see her also. I sent her a couple of books to read. She loves to read and I thought they might be a welcome distraction. xoxo


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