
Saturday 2 November 2019

Ahhh . . . November . . .

Welcome, welcome November morning . . . with  leaves are spread out across the ground like a gold and red tablecloth, you've come home for your yearly visit.  This is the time of year when open fields take on a cinnamon-like hue and the wild blackberry canes in the hedgerow are frosted purple.  The once bright colours in the garden and upon the trees fade slowly to sober hues and the rain falls in leaden lines with determination, warning us that winter is not too far off in the distance . . . waiting to wave her magic wand over us.   


The voice of the wind changes in November . . . for winds are seasonal too.  Summer winds blow softly . . . storm winds scream . . . the gales of winter crackle with sleet . . . but now . . . in November, the winds have a mournful sound, making the rhythm of autumn's impending end. 


Very soon now, the dark of night will be punctuated with the sound of shrieking fireworks and the air filled with the smell of a myriad of explosions . . . as "guys" get thrown onto funeral pyres . . . and children's laughter rings through the air . . . whilst hands cup around mugs of warm cider and mouths dig into November food . . . parkin and gingerbread . . . warm cups of soup and tea.


 If we are lucky . . .  Indian Summer will favor us with a visit, and warm temperatures . . .the Clywdian hills in the distance seemingly cloaked in a haze of enchantment. She is such a tease, is Indian Summer . . . in her arms she holds the faint promise that summer will come again . . . after the winter goes.  There is no specific time for her to visit.  She comes when she is good and ready, and not before . . . and her stay is quite often far too brief.   


The later she comes, the better for me . . . her visit then seems like an extra special dividend . . . but then . . . her departure is always marked with a swift drop in temperature as frost whitens the garden, making every barren branch and stubborn  leaf appear as if draped in crystaline lace . . . the prelude to winter's waltz . . . November dances on . . .  


Had quite a busy day yesterday and I am definitely feeling a bit more mobile although I was exhausted at the end of it all.  I was doing a recipe for  the online site.  A whole Thanksgiving Dinner in the Microwave.  

There was Cordon Blu Stuffed Turkey Tenderloins, with a Dijon Cream sauce, and Cheesy Potatoes, as well as a Tangy Apple Salad.  I cooked some peas to go with it and a frozen apple pie.  The name of the game was quick and easy, but still delicious and I have to say, everything turned out beautiful and it was a delcious meal.  Look for the recipes online soon! 

My back gave me a bit of gip yesterday, but not like it has been. There is a definite improvement. I was actually thinking of going for a walk today. (Unheard of in recent years.) I can't wait to see what Monday brings!

I spent a long time online with my daughter Eileen sorting out her menus for the next two weeks and a grocery list, composed of three meals a day.  She was quite happy with it, but was unsure if her MIL would go for it. Her MIL and her dad alternate months taking them shopping.  When her dad takes her, he just leaves them lets them at it, and then goes to the til to pay for it when they are done. When her MIL does it, she does it, they have no say.  And if its over what she thinks it should be, she leaves things off the list.  They always end up running out of food before the next shopping day.  I tried to create two weeks of three meals a day, healthiesh menus. Nothing too out of the ordinary and all I hope within what the MIL thinks it should be.  We will see!  I did this because when I had talked to Eileen on Thursday all they had left until Monday was a package of ground beef.  They were going to a friends to a party tonight, but still . . . its not enough. If I was over there it would never happen. I'd make sure of it.

A thought for the day . . .

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There is one friend in the life of each of us 
who seems not a separate person, 
however dear and beloved, but an expansion,
 an interpretation, of one's self, 
the very meaning of one's soul.
~Edith Wharton•。★★ 。* 。 

 I'm afraid I spent so much time working on that Thanksgiving meal/recipe yesterday there wasn't any time for anything new to post on the blog. Nevermind, there is plenty of old stuff to look at and hopefully tomorrow something new and tasty to peruse!

Have a great Saturday, whatever you get up to!  Don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. Gosh, Marie, you've made November sound almost lovable, lol. I do like November because it heralds the beginning of the festive season. In fact, I'm off to a church bazaar this morning. They have a cookie walk where all the homemade cookies are displayed on a long table and you walk along saying "I'll have one of these, two of those, etc.". They are $5.00 a dozen and I usually buy two dozen and freeze them for Christmas. I try to choose the fancier ones that I know I won't make myself. They do pretty up the Christmas cookie plate mixed in with the ones I do make. They also have fabulous fudge so I usually buy some of that as well. I'm so happy your back is feeling better. Fingers crossed that will continue. That was a labour of love helping Eileen with her menus. I hope it's her dad's turn to take them shopping. It must be hard for you that she is so far away. Well, must be off and get ready to go out. Hope you and Todd enjoy your weekend. Hugs, Elaine. PS can't wait to hear about your turkey dinner, all cooked in the microwave.

    1. Oh that sounds like a lot of fun and what a great way to get in a variety of different baked goods for the holidays Elaine! I wish they did things like that here! I would be up for buying a few dozen! It would save a lot of work and be great for the smaller household and support a worthy cause at the same time! I hope my back stays feeling better also. Hoping after a few more treatments I am feeling like a million bucks! Its not Eileen's dads turn for a while I think. Its still the MIL's. Eileen won't go with her because she finds it annoying. The turkey dinner will be up on the Chef Knives site in a week or so! Love and hugs. Hope you enjoyed the Bazaar! xoxo

  2. SO GLAD to hear your back is doing better!! Hope things work out better for your daughter...I would feel free to contact the dad if you heard that they were short on food. After all, if they are in charge of them, they need to do a better job!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. The dad and I don't have a great relationship Elizabeth. I have tried to relate a few things to him over the years and its never gone down well. I am seen as being interfering and sticking my nose in. Oh well! They do need to do a better job, I agree! xoxo

    2. Well isn't there some kinds of social agency there that would go look in on them? Not having enough food is a crime when a person has charge of taking care of that. Especially if you are too far away to go take care of that yourself!! If he is so nasty, there is no reason to be in contact with the dad alright. Also, if they are church goers...I would contact the preacher and ask that someone there help them with food. THAT is what the church is SUPPOSED to do, frankly!!
      Elizabeth xoxo

    3. They are on a waiting list to be on social care Elizabeth, I suppose since both she and her husband's parents are alive their need isn't seen as urgent. I don't think she is very good at expressing herself or asking for help personally. She likes to be independant, but at the same time, she needs to learn how to ask for help when she needs it. She's very stubborn however! xoxo

  3. It such good news that you are feeling better. You never know until you've been sick how good it feels to be able to do things again. It is definitely colder here and November came in with a blast. Cold winds changing temps in a matter of a few hours. I am making a pot of potato soup today in order to take the chill off.

    1. Potato soup sounds really nice Pam. I hope you are posting the recipe! You have made me hungry! xoxo

  4. Wow!! Good for you! And how lovely you can be of such help to Eileen!!x

    1. Its hard to do long distance, but we try Monique! xoxo


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