
Wednesday 13 November 2019

A huge prayer request . . .

You've all heard me speak of my good friend Tina on here.  She is my best and closest friend here in the UK, next to Todd.  We share so much in common.  We're both Ex-Pats, she from Zimbabwe, myself Canada.  We both love the Gospel and family and cooking and eating.  She is a sweet sweet, sweet person whose first thought is always about what she can do to help others. If there is a crisis she is the first one there with a casserole, a shoulder and a willing heart.  She is a prayer warrior. You could not ask for a sweeter, more giving and caring person.  I love her dearly.

Yesterday she and my other friend Mal were on their way to the Temple to stay overnight.  I would have gone as well, but for my back.  (If you recall we went to the Temple together and stayed overnight in July.) Yesterday as they were driving there on the motor way the car in front of them must have hit some water or ice  and it spun around hitting their directly and causing an accident.  Tina bore the brunt of the impact and is in hospital with broken ribs, sternum, back damage and bruises.  Mal was shaken but released from hospital, thankfully.  Could you please keep Tina and her family in your prayers. It would be so very appreciated.  I don' t know about the driver in the other car.  Just about Tina and Mal.  If you attend Temple and could put her name on the Temple Prayer roll, that would be much appreciated also.  Her last name is Wilcox.  Thank you all so very much!

I got the news yesterday just as I was getting ready to turn the lights out and go to sleep. Our friend Carolyn messaged me to ask me if I had heard about the accident.  Carolyn, Tina and I have done so many events together over the past ten years.  Cooking, serving, cleaning.  Carolyn and Tina took me out for my birthday in August.  Understandably we are both pretty shaken up about this.  Relieved that Mal is okay.  I imagine she is more than pretty shook up also.   Please keep Mal in your prayers as well.  Thank you so much!

I don't really know what else to write about this  morning, so I will leave it at this.

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And so do I!


  1. Oh my, Marie. Such terrible news about your friend Tina. I'm so sorry. I will certainly pray for her and Mal. Is the hospital near you? Hope you will be able to visit her soon. Hugs and prayers, Elaine

    1. Its about an hour away. I will probably go with my friend Carolyn when she goes. I don't want Todd driving on the motorway and he gets really nervous going to places he has never been. So do I when he's driving! haha! Thanks so much for your prayers Elaine! They mean the world! xoxo

  2. Oh no! Take care Tina..and you Marie!

    1. She has broken her sternum, cracked ribs and cracked vertebrae. Tony says that they are talking about putting her in a halo. There was an 8 mile tailback on the motorway yesterday while they dealt with the accident. I had no idea it was them. Thanks so much Monique! xoxo

  3. I will keep your friends in my prayer, especially Tina. May the dear Lord bring healing and comfort her way. We never know what's going to happen each day and surprises will come our way, bw can only trust in the Lord to bring us through it.

    1. You are right Pam, we never know what each day will bring. Thank you so much for your prayers. xoxo

  4. So sorry to hear about your friend's injuries!! Glad she has survived, tho no doubt in huge pain!! Will pray for her fast recovery!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks very much Elizabeth! I think they are keeping her pretty drugged up. xoxo

  5. How dreadful, poor Tina! Poor Mal! I am sending prayers for healing and for peace for them both as well as for their family and their friends. I know how much you care for her and she for you. Sending love your way. xoxo

    1. Thanks so much Noelle! Your prayers are very much appreciated! Love and hugs xoxo


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