
Wednesday 9 October 2019

Wednesday this and that . . .

I know you can probably barely see them. They were moving so fast that by the time I got my camera  and back to the door they were almost out of range and I didn't have time to zoom in.  I heard that distinct sound of geese flying South for the Winter again a few days back. This time there were four lots, again in the early morning. 

Somehow it seems early to me  . . .  but I have really been dragging my butt this year so, maybe not.

To me it is one of the great wonders of the world that these birds do this every year using pure instinct alone.  The lead bird is the strongest bird and as it tires it will move back and another bird will take over.  The perfect example in working together to bring forth the purposes of the whole group. Its too bad in general people were not more like that, instead of every man being for himself.  What a different world it would be.

Good news on the blood pressure front.  Had it checked yesterday and the new tablets are doing their job. My blood pressure was well within acceptable range. Yay! I had been worrid that it wouldn't be because of pain issues.  Pain can drive your blood pressure up.  The bottom figure was 78, and it had been in the 90's, so that is a great improvement. 

I really like the Practice Nurse that I see.  She has a lovely personality and doesn't rush you in and out. We have a lot of the same interests, including Pinterest.  Last time I was there, she had noticed the buttons on my blue coat.  I had lost a few of them, so had replaced them all with other matching buttons.  Blue ones with painted daisies on them.  She had related that she was going to be taking a sewing course on zippers, so yesterday I was able to ask her how the course had gone.  She had enjoyed it actually.  Its nice to be remembered and to remember, instead of just being a number.  


As you know we have been having a clear out of late. I just could not bring myself to give away my Flower Fairies Books. In fact I have vowed to use them for my original intention (other than browsing through them and being charmed) and that is to paint each flower in the books. Not the fairies, but the flowers.  I make these plans and seldom follow through on them.  In my later years I have determined to follow through on all of my wants/desires within reason and to that end I ordered myself a Hahnemuhle Water Colour Notebook. 

Hahnemuhle water colour paper is some of the best I think.  I could be wrong. There are thirty sheets in it, so that will give me roughly 60 surfaces to paint on.  It will be good to get on with it. I like painting flowers.  And when I have filled it, there will be something nice to leave to one of my kids.  Perhaps I will just keep doing this until I have one for each of them.  Perhaps I will challenge myself to do one painting a day. We'll see!  In any case I will be getting back into my artistic mode.


I was recently sent a Himilayan Salt Block to use and write about.  The thing weighs a ton.  I have been reading up about it and studying it so that I can put it to the best use.  You can use it for serving and for cooking.  I am scared I will break it so I am really finding about as much as I can about them before I actually start to use it.  Apparently you can even make ice cream on them! You can also cure things on them, like fish.  Anyways, we will see how I get on.  They are supposed to impart a unique flavour to the food no matter what it is you do on them.  We will see!

When I sleep I have really vivid dreams that I can recall in great detail.  The one I had last night was quite silly actually, and a bit crazy.  I was visiting my friend LeAnn (you know she comments on here and is married to Roger) and discovered that she was married to the President of our church, Russell M Nelson.  They had about a bazillion children as well.  I have never seen so many children.  There must have been at least 30 of them.  I spent most of my dream talking to President Nelson.  He was imparting lots of wisdom to me and we went to see a Temple near where they were supposedly living. It was beautiful. Poor LeAnn with all those children however.  It was quite overwhelming.   

I had one of my own children with me, my youngest son, Bruce.  He was quite little in my dream, only a toddler.  I thought it quite interesting that he should be with me as he doesn't really communicate with me in real life.  Interesting also that he was a toddler.  We were so very close when he was younger.  Of course his father was away a lot so Bruce used to sleep in my bed a lot of the time. He liked me to read him books and make up stories for him.  We used to watch the film  "Our Vines Have Tender Grapes" together. He loved that movie and Margaret O'Brien.  He was quite sickly when he was really small.  He had bad asthma.  I remember many a night being up with him all night, sitting in a chair holding him upright while he slept so that he could breathe.  I would have to mask him frequently. I even spent nights overnight with him in hospital, sleeping on a cot next to his bed.  When he had the chicken pox I spent hours patting his pox to take the itch away so that he wouldn't scratch them . . .   oh well.  

Todd and I actually got to meet and spend some time with President Nelson and his wife Wendy when we were on our Mission. Of course he was not our church President at the time. He was a very nice man, and not as tall as I thought he would be.  We also met President Dallin H Oaks at the same time. He also seemed to be much shorter than I had imagined.  Both were very much on the ball.  

This back pain is really getting me down. Its become somewhat debilitating.  My friend's Daughter Emily suffers from a lot of pain issues and she had been telling me about Hemp Oil, so I ordered some.  It was not cheap, but I just started taking it to see how I get on and if it helps any with my pain.  Apparently it is also good for all sorts of things like memory and your heart, etc  We will see how I get on.  I took it for the first time this morning. It could be mind over matter.  Who knows!  It is not the same as marijuana. That is illegal over here.  

I was talking to our Eileen yesterday.  She is still planning on coming over, however when and for how long is a bit up in the air.  Apparently the talk now is for 10 days versus 3 weeks.  That's a lot of money to spend (we are talking a couple thousand dollars) for just 10 days. Of the 10 days 2 will be travel time, so it is down to 8 really that you will have to do anything and one of those will be coping with jet lag.  She would like to come for at least two weeks.  We will see.  I am a bit disappointed.  I haven't seen any of my children for six years and was really looking forward to getting to spend some quality time with them, not rushed  . . . some people get to see their children and parents for that matter whenever they want.  This was supposed to be a gift for both of us, and it still will be, even if it is only for a shorter time but  . . .  you know  . . . I am a bit disappointed. I can't help it.

I wish I had the money to be able to go and visit whenever I wanted to, but then again you know what they say "If horses were wishes, beggars would ride." 

We started to watch Catherine the Great with Helen Mirren the other night.  We have watched one episode and its very well done.  I just hate the blatant sex scenes however, but they seem to be in everything nowadays.  They make me a bit uncomfortable.  In the old days they used music and crashing waves on the short to replace them. You knew what was going on, but you didn't have to see it. And the use of the "F" bomb (and the "C" word is being used more and more on television as well).  Why? I hate that. I have even seen children using the "F" word on television.  


Downton Abbey is great and they don't have swearing and blatant sexuality in it! 
It can be done.  I don't believe that people really talk like
that in real life.  At least I have never heard it.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

I do think a woman's place
is eventually in the home, but
I see no harm in her having
some fun before she gets there.
~The Dowager Countess•。★★ 。* 。 

Gammon Steak, Egg & Chips 

In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Gammon Steak, Egg & Chips.  Pub fare for the midweek! 

Have a wonderful Wednesday!  Mitzie is off to the Dog Groomers this morning.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!    



  1. Hope she comes!! Hope it all works out!
    Good news re the BP! Your dish on IG looked scrumptious!
    Have a beautiful day!

    1. Thanks Monique. You have a beautiful day also! xoxo

  2. Goos news on the blood pressure. That should make a difference. I have a bad back that holds me back and slows me down, but I've learned to be very gentle with it and that helps. Hope yours is doing much better. I don't do half as much as what I used to. But still I can do what is needed and that is a blessing for sure. Your dreams are so vivid, I never remember mine. They are gone when I wake up. Take care and have a wonderful Wednesday!

    1. Back pain is so difficult to cope with Pam. It is almost debilitating. Happy Thursday now! xoxo

  3. Hi Marie~

    You are so right about the geese, if we all worked together, we could get so much more done in the world!

    I hope LeAnn reads this post, she would get such a kick out of it!! She does have a large family!

    Our sweet granddaughter, one of them that we share, opened her mission call last night and she has been called to the, Wellington, New Zealand mission!!! I am beyond excited for her, she will be a wonderful missionary!!

    I do hope that the hemp oil helps, there is nothing worse than back pain! Your blood pressure report is wonderful, and it's always a plus when you have a good nurse...keep up the good work!

    I do hope that Eileen can come for a bit longer! I can't imagine not seeing my kids for 6 years! I take that for granted. If my children lived that far away, we would not be able to see them often, we could never afford the airfare and all the things that come with it. I pray that she will be able to come and spend more time with you, you need that and I'm sure she does too.

    There are so many movies that would be so good if it weren't for the vulgarity!! It's such common place these days, one of Satan's's a shame! I really want to see, Downton Abby, it sounds so good, I'm glad you were able to go see it!

    Hope you had a wonderful day, Marie! Love you tons!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. New Zealand is a beautiful country Barb, congrats to your granddaughter. They do have lots of earthquakes there, but I don't think many are that serious. The beauty more than makes up for it! Its the airfare that is the killer when it comes to travelling across the pond, plus health insurance, car, etc. We just can't do it! Love you much! xoxo

  4. Hi Marie, such good news that your BP meds are indeed working. You're right about pain and stress affecting your blood pressure. Oh, I do hope Anthony and Eileen will be able to visit you for a couple of weeks. I guess it might be difficult for Anthony to be away from his family/job that long. It will all work out. It's a beautiful day here and we are headed up to see my brother in his nursing home. The leaves should be pretty so that is an extra little perk. And I have some new Christmas magaxines to take along. Sure hope your back feels better soon. I wonder if physical therapy might be an option? Take gentle care. Hugs, Elaine

    1. Things do have a way of working out Elaine. Just so long as they come, that's the main thing! I hope you enjoyed your visit with your brother!! Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. I do understand about your heart in things pertaining to your kids...tis a most imperfect world!! Hope things come to pass with the 2 coming that are better and longer and nicer however!!
    Elizabeth sending hugs xoxo

  6. Oh this was a fun one. I think birds are so interesting. In fact, I find nature fascinating. God's creations are so wonderful.
    I am so happy that your blood pressure is down and that you have a good Practice Nurse that spends time with you. Being a nurse myself, I always enjoyed the one on ones. I really like physicians that will actually be interested in you and spend a few moments.
    I do hope you go back to your art work again.I love your art. You are amazing. Your children will enjoy artwork and many of your talents at some point of time.
    Oh, I did get a kick out of your dream. I laughed hard while reading it. I do have a large posterity and I do feel overwhelmed.
    I love that you met President Nelson and President Oaks. I got shake President Oaks hand in our hallway at church a couple of weeks ago. He was just breezing through and visited some classes in another ward. If I had been teaching I would have fainted if he had walked in.
    I met President Nelson many years ago as a nurse. I was rotating through the Heart ICU and met him. Of course, never had an idea he would be a prophet someday.
    I hope the Hemp Oil will help your back pain. I have back pain at times too and it can put you down fast. I will be praying for you.
    I do hope that sweet daughter of yours gets to come for longer. I know what a special moment that will be for you both. I can't imagine how hard it is not to see them.
    I'm with you on the movies and TV; language and sexual things are getting worse. I do love a good movie without the bad stuff.
    Have a sweet weekend dear friends. Sending love and hugs your way!

  7. Thanks LeAnn. The health care systems in Canada are really struggling. My oldest son's wife and boys are without a family Doctor. My son does have one because his condition has been ongoing, but his doctor cannot take on new patients as he is already over-loaded, and where my sister lives she and her partner are without Doctors as their Doctor retired in May and was not replaced. Once again the remaining Doctors are overloaded and cannot take new patients. Its appalling! Glad you enjoyed my dream, lol. I didn't know that President Nelson was going to be the next prophet when I met him. I might have been much more nervous had I done. I was relatively oblivious! Love, hugs and happy weekend to you and Roger! xoxo


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