
Sunday 6 October 2019

Sunday This and That . . .

Todd had just finished watching a really good film called "Rain" on Friday afternoon when all of a sudden . . .  UH OH  . . .  no internet!  We tried everything to get it back up and running again, but no dice .  Our landline phone wasn't working either.  Todd really hates calling customer services.  Who doesn't!!! 

You spend ages listening to canned music, and then you get shifted from one department to another, sometimes you get disconnected, etc.  No fun on a mobile phone either . . .  watching your monthly allowance of voice call time getting swallowed up and wasted on just sitting there!  It ended up that they were going to send an Engineer out "sometime over the next two working days."  We thought . . .  Saturday . . .  Monday (Sunday isn't a working day.) so it would be maybe Monday/Tuesday before we got back online.

I was really bummed, mostly because this is our church's Bi-annual General Conference weekend as well as the yearly Women's General Conference!  I had been so looking forward to both and was really disappointed because we weren't going to be able to watch it.  I  know we can have access to the talks at any other time, but I have always felt that there is a special spirit present when you are watching the talks live.

Well, first thing yesterday morning an engineer showed up and we were back online within minutes. Some wire outside the house in a box had come undone. Apparently, he said, someone had been working on the box switching some such and hadn't bothered to reconnect our wire.  While he was here, he also noticed that our broadband was slow and it should be a lot quicker, so he made a few changes to speed it up. So yay!  We got to watch conference after all!  Colour me happy!

"Disconnect from the World, 
and Connect with Heaven!"

We did manage to get a lot done in the time we had no wifi however, which was a lesson to us in just how much time we have been wasting online!  I believe our time without the wifi was preparing us for the talk given by Brother Stephen W. Owen, entitled "Be Faithful not Faithless."

"In a complex and contentious world where there will the bombardment of relentless messages from social media and news, individuals must deliberately take time each day to “disconnect from the world and connect with heaven.” Just as hay does not provide adequate nourishment for deer, the trending news does not offer true spiritual nourishment." 

When I was listening to Brother Owen's talk it came to me that I always find the time to check my e-mails, etc. but I often don't find the time to sit down and check my "Heaven Mail."  Must do better in that area! 

Yesterday morning while Todd was still sleeping and during the time I normally would have been on here, I did a couple of little paintings in my craft room. This is one of them. I painted everything but the details about my mom.  Those are supposed to be "Forget-Me-Nots."  I also worked on a Christmas Card.  We'll see what happens with that!  

I also had the opportunity to babysit Grace for a time yesterday while her mom was at work and her dad was at the gymn.  He's training for some charity sports thing he will be participating in support of the Cancer charity.  Look at those sweet curls!  She has such a beautifully engaging personality and I had a wonderful time with her.  We played and played and played.  Todd remarked on how good I was with little children.  I thought it was very sweet of him to do that.  

I have never been able to spend time like this with my own grandchildren, so being able to spend special time with Grace like this means even more to me.  She is utterly charming. Those big brown eyes of hers just melt your heart.  And her smile lights up the room!

Sitting in the chemist waiting for a prescription I was looking at all of the pony tail holder/ties. Things have progressed since the last time I looked. I was sorely tempted to pick up a pack. They were each only £1. But I didn't.  I may have to go back another time  because now I am wishing that I had picked up a couple!


I am loving getting to watch the sunrise and set each day and the opportunity we are having to use our candles for some lovely candlelight warm and cosy  . . .  

So if you missed me yesterday, that was why I wasn't on. Just one of those things I guess.  Life is filled with little surprises. Some are good, some not so good, but the way that we deal with them is what counts most of all. 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

You always have 
the choice to be happy.
Learn to understand
the bumps in the road,
grow from them,
and stay POSITIVE!•。★★ 。* 。
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。 


Nothing new in the kitchen today, but I can share what I had set up to be posted yesterday, and which posted in my absence.  A delicious Raisin Sour Cream Meringue Pie!  

Have a great Sunday. We will be spending time watching more of our church conference.  Don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. Glad to hear you are ok!! Yea, technology is good in ways and a huge torment in others!! Glad you are enjoying listening online again...we sure enjoy our programs too, now being older and less able to get out as much!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. We are the same Elizabeth. We really don't like going out nights. we are real home bodies! We enjoy sitting and watching the television in the evenings but we are also really picky about what we watch, so we tend to watch Netflix and Prime more than we do the regular channels, and no advertisements either! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. This week I've been in a quandry re internet.I keep very busy but when I think of all the time I sepnd here..on the is appaling.I am doing less and less blogs because of the ads..if a blog doesnt load well I have to move on.We are in the country and broadband is not what it is supposed to I am mkaing an effort to stay off a bit more.I am bad at night I bring my mini to bed..I go to bed an hr before J..and IG and Google..doesnt make for restful sleep.Imagine school..They have many distractions..we had books period.
    Not sure the ramificationsw/ all the internet offerings and schoolwork:( Glad you're all fixed up!

    1. Our Grandchildren are really up against it Monique! They are living in a world much different than the one we grew up in. There are far many more temptations out there for them, cyber bullying, grooming, etc. and yet at the same time they need the internet to do their school work, etc. Parents need to be hyper-vigilent about what their children are up to on the Net, but in such a way as they don't hamper their development or make them feel spied on! I take my iPad to bed as well and have fallen into the habit of watching an episode of Friend, and then a read on my kindle before I shut down my lights for sleep! I am trying not to spend as much time on the internet just browsing. I hate blogs with tons of popups. I am not against anyone making a buck, but why all of those intrusive ads. I am afraid I don't even bother to click through most of the time. If its that much hassle it isn't worth it to me! Hope you are enjoying a nice Sunday! xoxo

  3. So true we really don't realize how much time we spend on the internet until we don't have it. I'm dependent on it and probably do spend to much time on it but do wind some time with daily devotionals and so that helps. Glad everything was fixed in a short time and you didn't have to wait very long.

    1. Most of my socializing is done online Pam. I am a very shy person in reality and I find it much easier to stay in touch via a computer screen. Not sure what that says about me! I think they can be great company when you are on your own. Love your blogs. It is so nice to keep up with you and your family. I still haven't been able to comment. I do most of my blog reading at night and on the ipad, and it just won't let me comment for some reason! xoxo

  4. Is there anything sweeter than those curls? So glad your computer challenges were resolved in a speedy manner! Not sure if you follow "Sean of the South" (my favorite columnist), but your predicament reminded me of one of his recent posts:

    I hope you're enjoying a beautiful day!

    1. I love Sean Dietrich! I read him regularly. I did miss him this weekend however due the computer glitz and falling behind on my online to do list! Happy Monday Mevely! xoxo

  5. I was so happy to see your post this morning, Marie, as I was a little worried there was no post yesterday. Thought maybe you or Todd were ill. Glad that wasn't the case. I agree, we do spend too much time on-line. I'm going to see Downton tomorrow with three friends. Really looking forward to that. Grace is such a little sweetheart. It's lovely that you and Todd can be grandparents to her. It's a win-win situation. Hugs, Elaine

    1. I am glad we weren't ill also Elaine! My pain issues are not good these days. I am wracked with it from head to toe it seems. I am hoping we can go to see Downton this week. I really hope you enjoyed it with your friends! (or is that today) In any case I hope that you enjoy it! Saw more geese flying south for the Winter this morning. It seems early but I guess I am just lagging behind! Love and hugs, xoxo PS Grace is lovely and I am happy to be a part of her life.

  6. Hi Marie~

    I'm so sorry about your internet...but thrilled that you were able to have it in time for Conference, I'm sure it was an answered prayer! We were gone for the week-end, but got to enjoy Conference. I was surprised about how much "social media" was mentioned during Conference. It didn't shock me though, I think it is one of Satan's most useful tools. I will be cutting wayyyy back on FB. In fact, when I am done with my RS calling, I plan on deleting my account. It was not a hard decision for me, I have never really loved it, and don't really put many things on it. One of my daughters deleted her account and she said it feels like freedom. I totally understand why people like FB and Instagram, it's just a personal decision. I will still continue to blog, that is my preferred method of, social media :0)

    I think Todd is right, I'll bet you are just amazing with children! You don't need to be the biological grandmother to be a grandma, dear friend. I'm pretty sure that, Grace loves you like a grandma, just like you love her. She is adorable with those cute little curls...what a beautiful little angel!

    The card is just beautiful, you are so talented! I know your mom is inspiring you all the way, Marie.

    One of my goals is to start getting up earlier, I love the sunrise as much as I love the sunsets! Conference was a big eye-opener for me, I really need to prioritize my time much to do, so little time! I admire people who get to enjoy the sunrise! I could go on and on about the inspiration I received from Conference, I just loved it!

    Your teacup candle is lovely! Nothing better than candle light to make a room feel cozy!!

    Love you sweet friend, so glad your week-end turned out the way you wanted it!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Wasn't conference just wonderful Barb! I love your Sunset photos you post. You could probably do some pretty amazing Sunrise ones also! Autumn, candlelight and cosy go together like peas and carrots! Love and hugs Barb. xoxo


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