
Friday 18 October 2019

My Friday Finds . . .

A few of the things  I find each week that pique my interest, bring me joy, inspire me to learn, create, do, become, inspire memories . . . maybe they will do the same for you!  
Christmas Cookie Sticks. Inspiration only. Aren't they cute?  

Astrid's Artistic Efforts. Free Printables.  
 Love this  . . . 
This too  . . . 

Love this. You would have to be rich to buy one but its such a simple thing. Lu Fue Ground Low Bio Ethanol Fireplace. No need for a flu or chimney, or anything.  
Its nice to know that there is a non-alcoholic version!   

Autumn Candles.  Bath and Bodyworks  . . . 

Fabric Bracelets.  Hen's Teeth. Pretty.  
Baked By An Introvert.  Slow Cooker Bread. Now that sounds interesting.  
Savlabot. Knit or crochet scrunchies.  
Clark Family. Everything you need to know about having chickens and handling their eggs.  
Did I ever tell you I worked candling eggs for a while one year. My first husband's family had farms and had a chicken/egg house. Its not a hard job, they come through a machine and are sorted that way. All I had to do was put them in cartons according to which part of the machine they came out of. Easy peasy, but a really smelly job.  


I couldn't find a source but would be happy to add it.  these are really cute.  Wine Cork dolls. 
Pocket Mouse by Barbara Prime on Ravelry.  Cute! 
Yarnspirations. Basket of Yarn Ornament.  
Past Patterns Palooza. Chicken and rooster pot holders to crochet.  
Miss Marple Scarf.  Susanne S on Ravelry.
Crochet for You On Ravelry.  Cute idea. 
Knitting Bordado. Free pattern.  
Paper Glitter Glue.  Halloween Putz Houses.  
Blissful Domestication.  How to make a Christmas Eve Box.  

Inspiration Only . . . . 


The Bearfoot Baker.  Snowman Puppy Chow. 


She Knows. Santa Tulle Wreath Tutorial.  


Martha Stewart. Yule Log Layer Cake.   

Crochet Ella. Maui Hat.  Love these colours.   


Well, it looks like my kids won't be coming over this year after all.   *sniff *sniff   My oldest son broke a molar and it requires a root canal which involves 8 appointments during the month of November and then its too close to Christmas.  So the trip has been put off for a bit.  We are thinking maybe April.  Disappointed, but it can't be helped.

To be honest, my back is in such a state we probably wouldn't have had much fun anyways. I don't think this is going to be a quick fix situation.  We have the council coming over today to talk about our rent situation.  I am not sure they will do anything for us, but at least we will have tried.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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But blessed is the one
who trusts in the Lord.
Whose confidence 
is in Him. 
~Jeremiah 17:7•。★★ 。* 。 

Shredded Beef Tacos  

In The Kitchen today  . . .  Shredded Beef Tacos with Flame Toasted Tortillas.  Delicious! 

I hope you have a wonderful Friday!  May it be filled with the people and things that you love.  Don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. Mercy Marie...that is awful about the delayed trip...but sure hope you are feeling better by the time they come!! I am so sorry you have to face this disappointment!! Hang in there dear lady!! Surely 2020 will have to be a better year for us all...I surely hope and pray so!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. It is sad, but hopefully I will feel better by the time they come. I sure hope 2020 is a better year for us both! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. Hi Marie, so sorry to hear the trip across the pond for your children has had to be postponed. Hope Anthony is not in pain from his tooth. Always something. You all must be very disappointed. does give you some time to get your back feeling better so you can be out and about with them in the spring. I love those little mice so I must go look at the pattern. And I'm so pleased the book arrived safely. Merry Christmas! That was very fast service. Certainly faster than the nine weeks the other parcel took, lol. I've finished reading mine and today I'm going to make the fish pie on page 304. It was fun learning all about the family's Christmas traditions. I hope you enjoy it, too. Well, I'm off to make a grocery list. Hugs, Elaine

    1. His tooth is quite painful at the moment so I am hoping that he doesn't have to live with the pain for vry long. I am disappointed, but then again, we will have more time to get ready for them. Great news on the rental front as well. The man was here this morning from the council and they will be paying the full rent for us because the property had been adapted to suit my disability! We could have been having our rent topped up all of this time! It pays to shake the tree just in case some coconuts fall out! Those mice are very cute. I spent a couple hours early this morning going through the book. It is beautiful and I am loving reading about the history of Christmas at Highclere through the years etc. I have even gotten my magnifer out to read some of the old receipts. lol What a nosy parker I am. That fish pie looks good! All of it looks good! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. I am sorry for you!!On a happier note it gives your back time to heal so you can feel comfortable.
    8 appts is a lot for a root canal.
    As you know dentists are the bane of my existence..and honestly have had my share of root canals..8 appts? Not with a certified endodontist here at least.
    I didnt know you had a disability? Is it your walking? Oh my goodness..lots going on..great re the rent!

  4. Replies
    1. Oh I know about you and Dentists! I think most Dentists will do whatever they can to keep your teeth in your mouth, no matter what. A pulled tooth is lost income! Not all but certainly some. I had one Dentist insist on removing all my old fillings and replacing them with new fillings and he did such a bad job I had to have them all replaced down the road! I have Osteo Arthritis that is getting progressively worse. No fun! But that’s life., xoxo

  5. Hi~

    Lost my connection right before I was done with my comment, hope you got most of it! Love you tons, Marie, hope you have a good Saturday!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. No, it got lost forever Barb! It happens sometimes! ❤️👍 love you. Xoxo

  6. Wow … I'm flipping head-over-teakettle for the Christmas cookie sticks and the white pretzel 'snowmen.' I'm probably the LEAST crafty soul on the planet, but this seems do-able … and perfect for little gifts for coworkers and ladies in my Bible study.

    So sorry for being a delinquent commenter -- my new part-time gig was whupping my you-know-what last week. I'm praying you and your doctors discover speedy relief from the awful pain you're experiencing!

    1. Thanks Mevely! I had a Todd pick up some white pretzels also! ❤️ Xoxo


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