
Wednesday 2 October 2019

All things October . . .

“I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” 
~L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

 Every season has it's own glory and every month it's own identity and personality.  To me October has to be one of the most dramatic months . . . change occurs seemingly overnight and noticeably with every day that passes.  You have days where Summer seems to be fighting with all of her might to hang on  . . .  and you have days where Winter seems to be saying "I'm coming Summer, and you know it, you might as well give up now!"  All that drama amidst  the most stunningly colourful backdrop  created by Mother Nature's paintbrush . . . 

It is the time of misty mornings and cosy nights, of crunchy leaves and  . . .  pumpkin spice. 


There is a certain urgency now in the air . . . its time to pick all of the apples and pears, the last of the blackberries before the Devil spits on them.   Frost is not unheard of at this time of year and it is a real danger, although there are some things which welcome the first frost, like parsnips . . .

Now is the time to forage in the woods for cob nuts and chest nuts . . . ripened hips and haws, wild damson.  Time to make  hedgerow jelly

The colours are at their finest, breathtakingly beautiful.  The meadows still look fairly green except for the tinge of golden seed pods along the edges.   The trees flame against a sky coloured as soft and grey as the breast of a mourning dove.   On certain days you can still feel the warmth of the sun in the crumbling stones of walls and ledges.  Golden light falls on prickles and burrs . . .  acorns, all nutty and  cinnamon brown . . .  crunch beneath our feet as we walk.  They are almost painful to tread upon . . . but walk we must, before it grows too cold to be enjoyable and becomes a chore simply to be endured . . . but not loved . . . .


Its time for black cats and fields filled with stubble  . . .  corn mazes, hot apple cider . . . long sleeves and witches . . .  hayrides and autumn breezes  . . . crackling fires and toasted marshmallows.

I adore every last warm day that we get . . . taking joy from them that I know I must before they soon will disappear for this year replaced by the cold and bleakness of the winter months.  Tis the season of gold, with smoky air, crisp leaves that skitter across the dry pavement and the sound of acorns  falling  ringing in our ears. 

There is something in the autumn,
that is native to my blood.
Touch of manner, hint of mood;
And my heart is like a rhyme,
With the yellow and the purple,
and the crimson keeping time. 

The scarlet of the maples
can  shake me
like the cry of bugles going by,
and my lonely spirit thrills
to see the frosty asters
like the smoke upon the hills.

There is something in October
sets the Gypsy blood astir;
We must rise and follow her
when from every hill of flame
she calls and calls
each vagabond by name.
~Bliss Carmen 

“Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, 
and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth 
seeking the successive autumns.” 
~George Eliot

We've had the heat on several times already this week and I am fighting the urge to put it on this morning. It seems too soon, although I know it isn't.  Don't  you think October crept up on us this year???  I do.  Wasn't it just the first of April yesterday???  

My son messaged me yesterday to say that he had received his Passport, so that means travel plans will be made very soon and it will become a reality.  I will be seeing my oldest two children.  There is a piece of me that is afraid that it might actually not happen, but another part of me glories in the hope that it will. It seems almost too good to be true that I will have two of my babies here for me to love and to spoil and to hold once more in my eyes and my arms instead of just my heart.  

There is much now for me to be getting on with, making ready. I know they won't come until after Halloween as my son wants to spend it with his boys, and who can blame him. I do hope that we have some nice weather while they are here so that we can enjoy a few days out and about and that this infernal back ache of mine goes off before then so that I can truly spoil them in every way and actually travel about with them here and there. We might have to think about getting a wheelchair.  Perish the thought.  ♥♥♥ 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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In almost everything that touches
our everyday life on earth,
God is pleased when we're pleased.
He wills that we be as free as birds
to soar and sing our maker's praise
without anxiety.
A.W. Tozer
•。★★ 。* 。 

Pork Chops & Apple Sauce 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Pork Chops and Applesauce. Delicious! 

I hope and pray that you have a lovely Wednesday!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!    



  1. Oh I hope hope hope your back gets better! You aill all be so happy to be together:) Can't get onto TEK this AM..:( But saw on IG..:)

    1. I hope my back gets better also. Its been quite debilitating so far! The sins of my youth coming back to bite me! Hope you are having a lovely day! xoxo

  2. Yes October is truly a dramatic month. but I also like to think of it as the lull between summer and winter. The heat of summer is gone, but the cold of winter has not got here yet. The in between season is to be enjoyed. to the fullest. It's pack with lots of wonderful sights and delights to savor. I do always have applesauce with my pork chops so I'll be checking out your recipe today. Looks delicious !

    1. It sure is an in between season Pam, and I love it too! xoxo

  3. Sure hope the kids come to deserve to have this time with them!! And that the weather will be nice when they come!! Hoping and praying with you!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I am counting on it! Love and hugs, xoxo

  4. Hi Marie, loved your description of autumn. Bliss Carmen's poem has always been one of my favourites. Exciting news that Anthony's passport has come through and his and Eileen's visit seems more certain. I'm sorry your back is giving you grief. I enjoyed the comment you left on Susan's new post, especiaaly the Edna Jacques poem. It's bedtime in your neck of the woods. Sleep well. Hugs, Elaine

    1. Ahh Elaine, when I read that poem by Edna I immediately thought of Susan because she is always doing sweet little things in her sweet little house to make it a home. She is the quintessential Susie Homemaker! Love you! xoxo

  5. Hi Marie~

    Oh I do love October...I love summer as well, and spring, but October really is my month! I love the cooler weather, the colors, the smells, I love it all! I have to bring refreshments to DUP on Monday and I think I will bring donuts and apple cider, that always reminds me of fall!

    I'm so excited the your kids are coming to visit you!! What a happy day that will be for you, I can tell you are just over the moon! I will pray that your back will give you some reprieve so that you can enjoy every moment. And, if a wheelchair will help you enjoy those moments, by all means us it...truly, you will be much happier! I'll bet they are just as excited to see their mom...Oh, I am so excited for you!! Take lots of pictures!! Love you sweet friend!!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. I just hate to see myself in a wheelchair, but if we are going to enjoy days out and about together, it might just be a necessity. Dangit. :-( Love you! xoxo


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