
Sunday 8 September 2019

Sunday this and that . . .

Oh but I had a rough night last night and so am up an hour and a half later this moring. I knew I would because I have to teach today and for some reason I never sleep well the night before I have to do anything or go anywhere.  I did finally fall asleep somewhere after 2 a.m. I think.  I wish I wasn't like that.  The last time I flew to Canada, I did not sleep the whole night before I left.  Its agony knowing you have to do something the next morning and then not being able to sleep.

Once I did fall asleep I proceeded to dream crazy dreams.  I was a waitress in my dream, starting a new job and Simon Cowell was my boss. (Yikes!) My first husband and his family were there and I was having to wait on them, but the other staff did not like me for some reason and were making it really hard for me.  My ex's son wanted a grilled cheese sandwich, simple enough . . .  but the cook would not cook it. I waited and waited and waited, until finally my ex and his family left.  I was so frustrated in my dream because it made me look like a bad waitress, but it wasn't my fault!  I couldn't find even a scrap of paper to write my orders down on. I was supposed to bring lunch down to Simon Cowell and couldn't find the garnish I needed for the plate, etc.  On the plus side I was young and pretty and slim!

That will teach me to watch Vanderpump Rules on top of AGT!  


In the English Kitchen today, Todd's favourite Gingernuts!

Have a great Sunday! Don't forget! 
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And I do too! 


  1. Lol I am sleepless in Seatlle(not really) whenever ANYTHING is going on the next day;) Sounds like Iwas in your dream I burnt Oli's grilled cheese to a crisp and had to start over;)

    1. Oh dear. We all have days like that Monique. The bonus was getting to spend time with Oli! I can never sleep when I have anything important to do the next day! I will be in bed early tonight! xoxo

  2. What an unsettling dream! On occasion I still have nightmares about being back at my last workplace and failing at all I try to do. What's THAT all about?! I hope, after today's lessons, you'll treat yourself to a nap. :)

    1. I suppose we all carry these things in our subconsciousness Mevely! They can't help but come out once in a while! Happy week! xoxo

  3. I too am plagued with being unable to sleep if we have to do anything the next morning!! Hubby is a misery!! And yes, have had weird dreams myself...I suppose it somehow at times illustrates the difficulties we have had with unreasonable people in our lives too...
    Sending hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Love and hugs to you and your husband Elizabeth. I think we are all alot more alike than we think! xoxo

  4. We all seem to have the problem of not being able to sleep before a special happening. I still have dreams about my workplace and it's been 21 years since I left. And I'm always trying to "prove" myself. Yikes! Hope your teaching went well. How did your family fair in Nova Scotia? Hope they are all okay. Hugs, Elaine

    1. I am thinking no news is good news Elaine! I haven't heard anything so am hoping all is well there! Lesson went well. I don't know why I stress over it, but then again, if I was too lacadasial about it, I would be a lousy teacher! Love and hugs, xoxo


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